Why you should focus on healthspan rather than lifespan

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This clip is from episode #311 ‒ Longevity 101: a foundational guide to Peter's frameworks for longevity, and understanding CVD, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and more

In the full episode, we discuss:

- Overview of episode topics and structure
- How Peter defines longevity
- Why healthspan is a crucial component of longevity
- The evolution of medicine from medicine 1.0 to 2.0, and the emergence of medicine 3.0
- Overview of atherosclerotic diseases: the 3 pathways of ASCVD, preventative measures, and the impact of metabolic health
- Cancer: genetic and environmental factors, treatment options, and the importance of early and aggressive screening
- Neurodegenerative diseases: causes, prevention, and the role of genetics and metabolic health
- The spectrum of metabolic diseases
- Why it’s never too late to start thinking about longevity
- The 5 components of the longevity toolkit
- Peter’s framework for exercise—The Centenarian Decathlon
- Peter’s nutritional framework: energy balance, protein intake, and more
- Sleep: the vital role of sleep in longevity, and how to improve sleep habits
- Drugs and supplements: Peter’s framework for thinking about drugs and supplements as tools for enhancing longevity
- Why emotional health is a key component of longevity
- Advice for newcomers on where to start on their longevity journey
- More.


The Peter Attia Drive is a deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity, and all that goes into that from physical to cognitive to emotional health. With over 90 million episodes downloaded, it features topics including exercise, nutritional biochemistry, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, mental health, and much more.

Peter Attia is the founder of Early Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal of lengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan.

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I see a lot of comments suggesting that living healthier is less enjoyable. As if smoking, drinking, sitting around, watching Love Island, sleeping badly and eating crap food is the best way to live. I'm not saying the odd drink and bit of junk food can't be pleasurable but I guarantee you'll have a better time if you keep it to a minimum and spend most of your time doing the right things.


Healthier life means more energy more creativity, less pain, higher quality of life. Thank you, PETER for being incredible at what you do.


I've been saying this for 20 years, mainly from the angle of, "I don't care if I live to 120, if I'm not able to think clearly and someone else has to wipe my butt. I want a functional quality of life up until my last day." And Peter Attia's 'prescriptions' describe in detail the ways to make that possible.


Peter is super intelligent w/all of the data he presents. Thanks💜


This is absolutely my main goal. I'm an independ, single woman. I'm investing in my physical and mental health. I must be healthy as possible, focused and independent. Anything other than that I do not want to be alive.


I started last year with changing my eating habits to improve my health and lost 25 lbs that I didn’t expect to loose!


Have just committed to 5:30 am workouts with a trainer for the very things you mentioned, balance, strength, endurance, coordination, memory, and much more! That you Dr Attia and thank you for your fantastic Early program and your book- both have changed the way I look at aging and working towards my best decade! 😊❤


I am a witness to this statement. I completely agree with this statement.


I read that between the ages of 40 & 60 years old, those are the most important years to stay on top of your health. You can optimize your health at any age, but it is better that you start as early as possible.


I agree 100%. When you focus on health as your number one priority and make your life revolve around your health, and focus on the things you talked about, then you’ll make incredible gains very quickly and have a longer, higher quality of life and health naturally


This MAN could get me to run through a wall !!😮❤


At this point in his career, given his professional background, Dr. Attia's well-informed intuition is likely highly reliable.


Peter Attia MD likely added a million years of life to his listener/readers.


Thanks Peter, you're doing a great job. At nearly 62, and making a habits of 5am exercise makes me feel better now than the past.


Sir, you truly are giving empirical value & value. It’s truly unfortunate, but things like this should be talked about during local & presidential campaigns. And I totally agree with what you said about heart disease. It. Is. Sad. I’m just talking about this nation or country, in particular. I’ll tell you one thing that does work is prayer. Even the Bible can guide us to good health…, healthy wholesome eating. It’s unfortunate. But I’m good. Trust me. God bless! And I appreciate you.


Dr Attia: *the reverse is the path for women* For us to solely pursue better health, we have to navigate our estrogen production, and after 45, hormone replacement and its corollary issues of bone density, brain health, vascular longevity, it will then lead to improvements in our overall health and optimizing our lifespan.


So the focus on health span and likely get both, makes sense


Thank you. It's a great weekly reminder! ❤


I am doing everything in my power to be healthy. Exercise, I eat right, I take supplements but it’s not because I want to live longer. I just want to feel better. But honestly if I don’t start feeling better after everything I’m doing then yeah, I hope I’m dead by the age of 60. Because this is no way to live. Idk what’s going on but I think a lot of people would agree with me out there that they feel like crap no matter what they do. It’s very sad. I honestly think we are being poisoned somehow because this doesn’t seem normal. Wish I could figure it out. I know I sound like a bummer but it’s true. Anyone agree?


Peter is that voice in my ear when I’m at the bar ordering my beers and wings saying “energy balance, energy balance, moderation, moderation”
