Right and Left Brain Workout

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Are you 'left brain' or 'right brain'? Do you know the difference?

You've probably heard that people are supposed to be one or the other and, in a way, there is some evidence that each of the two hemispheres of the brain tend to be activated for different kinds of tasks.

Your Right brain for things that engage your your creative side and Left brain for actions that require reasoning and logic. A 'Right-brain' person tends to be more relaxed, artistic, spontaneous and imaginative.

A 'Left brain' person is often busy, systematic, notices details and has an orderly, common-sense approach to life.

But the truth is, of course, that EVERY memory task works better if ALL areas of the brain are used.

This exercise helps you practise using both sides of the brain. Try it several times!

And while you're there, you'll find the box to get your personal, three-day brain training course, Brain Tune, completely free.

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What's your memory story? Do you have tips top share with others? Please leave us a comment below.
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I found my brain having to stop and think" hey wait a minute!" So I felt some type of effect but continued successfully.


If any of you found this exercise effortless at an age younger than 60-70, that's normal.

Be grateful and RESPECTFUL and act with calm, rational maturity.

Those are functions of the brain too.

Many of you FAILED that part of the test.

Behavior and self control are a brain function and problem too.

These are tests for people who are having problems with their functioning perhaps.
Beginning stages of dysfunction that needs to be recognized as early as possible in order to treat properly.
Memory and simple tests help determine things like dementia, Alzheimer's and combination thereof and even brain trauma issues like a stroke or concussion.

Harvard Medical School's "A Comprehensive Update Virtual Conference 2021" participant thanks you for your channel and service.


I remember this from school way back. Definitely think people should be using their left brain more.


Hi Mohammed - no, it isn't 'cheating' to not read the word - that is your brain creating a shortcut for you. Once your brain knows the information that is important to you, it creates that magic shortcut. The more you practice your brain exercises, the more efficient your brain becomes. Great point!


I watched the ad for the Brain Train. I think it's a great idea to get kids working on their maths. The ad is short enough not be boring and gives enough info to intrigue the kids minds.
Like it!


That's the best way to be, George! Your brain works much more effectively if you are engaging BOTH sides in all that you do that's why cross-over exercises are important. When you cross an arm or a leg across your body, you are activating neurons that don't expect you to be doing that. Making big 'lazy eight' circles with either hand is great practice!


i think there is some mistake at the picture at 0:33 the 3d forms is known as left brain skill while writing is right brain skill


Glad you found it that way, Emily. Older folk can sometimes find it quite hard to do so that's why we put up the exercise for practice.  did you try remembering all of the cats' names and where they live? That might be more of a challenge for you!


I guess I have been using both sides of my brain, because i'm normally right handed, but now I can use both hands to do most things. No wonder I've been becoming more creative, but I don't want to just be artistic, I also want to be smart and neat. That's why I want to be an artist, actress, singer dancer and a writer. It's just crazy


i love the website. i needed exercises for left brain for my child 5 yr. in this video shown I asked him to read the word, he did that. after 3 or 4 i asked him to just tell the color and not to read the word, he precisely told each color of word without difficulty. 


It's super duper easy :) but still thanks for creating this!It helped me :) Keep it up!


The only reason I'm here is shifting-😭


I’m here because I am trying to higher my IQ because I can’t even do basic math problems like all my peers can. I don’t even have the multiplication chart memorized. I will start doing this every day if it will make a difference in my memory and overall intelligence.


Thank you for this! Because you asked for messages etc., a humble suggestion: videos are much more usable when they're easier to find and the playlist function makes it possible to do so categorically. :)


Thanks for the video, Actually i gone through the brain Hemisphere test with 3 different programs and all of them indicated that i am a left brain user, and i could easy recognize the color of the words. 
I would like to know how can i use both side of the brain and what i am suppose to do for it? if you please guide me Regards idris 


Every practice will help Vicky. The ideal is to have all parts of the brain working together - it is so easy these days to overuse one set of capabilities. Well done for trying!


"That wasn't quite so easy was it?"Well sorry to tell you miss but it was


That's great news, Britton. It means you are already using all areas of your brain and that you can suppress irrelevant information easily. Did you find that it became a bit harder, though, towards the end of the exercise? Most people find this because your cognitive resources become 'tired' the more you ask your brain to carry out quite complex operations over a period of time. Did you try the other exercises?


My middle brain tells me this should of been longer video heheh


Also try moving your head when speaking the colors as it is a different process and may be easier. The goal is to do it.
