Jordan Peterson Gives the Best Relationship Advice You’ll Ever Hear

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Grab a coffee with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson in the Daily Wire's brand new show The Search, streaming exclusively on the Daily Wire.

#BenShapiro #JordanPeterson #DailyWire #Politics #News #Philosophy #Psychology #RelationshipAdvice
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Sometimes I think Jordan complicates things more than needed...then I realize, he’s actually simplifying complicated things 🤔


This needs to be a show. Peterson and Shapiro talking about deep stuff


This is the absolute best format. Like a regular conversation between friends meeting up but the conversation is so concise, in-depth, and philosophical. This is exactly what the world needs. More of this, please.


Imagine what would happen if people in power could actually have respectful conversation like this with one another. It’s so nice to see an intelligent conversation.


JP saved my life twice. First through diet. Autoimmune disorders were causing me severe mental distress, and I learned of the carnivore diet from JP which rectified that. And his book and lectures helped me find purpose in life, before then I had lived a self destructive lifestyle because I saw no future. He gifted me ambition, and that helps me better myself every day. How do you thanks someone that rescues you from misery twice, and you haven't even met them.


I love how he speaks highly of his wife, with respect, admiration, appreciation, while acknowledging her as a formidable even in a masculine sense.. he’s a true man


Jordan doesn't know how many young men he has saved and served. This man has influenced me and changed my life all the way in Nigeria .


This is mind blowing 🤯! A woman is a man's adversary but not to his detriment but for his good how beautiful, just in life we can't get what's worth it without the pain. ❤


2:03 Even as smart and knowledgeable as Peterson is, he realizes that Ben knows something he doesn't. As a result, he leans in to learn. The display of humility is amazing and worth incorporating in our lives.


"That's why you don't want to dance with someone who only has sexual gratification on their minds." Deep!
I love when Peterson and Shapiro get together for these thoughtful conversations.
I love (and miss) intellectual discussions like these with others.


The Chemistry between these two is undeniable, the way they speak, pause, and even interrupt each other is at an intellectual level. It is evident that this is not only a healthy conversation, but and educational one at that. 🙏


I want more Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson discussions! Every time I watch them together I take so much away!!! Thank you for conducting the conversations I crave…especially more now than ever when people can’t!


Jordan made me reconcile with my father who died when I was 13. He wanted to raise me as a traditional man of faith and value, after his death I was introduced to bad ideas culminating in college rejecting everything my upbringing stood for, then a nihilistic life after college that consisted of work and having “fun”. Then in my late 30s I watched JP’s interview with Cathy Newman, read his book and binge watched and listened to I think everything from him that’s public. Now, my relationship with my siblings and nieces and nephews is a million times better, married to a beautiful and good woman and are expecting our first child. Thank you Dr Peterson.


Wisdom from two giants can make even the smallest of men become mighty. Thank you Ben and Jordan.


Finally, a productive conversation between JP and anyone, where he's not having to defend himself, but enjoying dissecting new-found knowledge to him on the spot, and still managing to comment with absolute articulation and understanding, and Ben conversing with a brilliant approach. Intellect in its truest form here. Great video!


I can’t believe how good Jordan is looking. I can’t know what he’s been through recently, but he’s back, what a warrior <3


I was a fan of JP for a while. But a few years ago, I was in an abusive relationship with a woman I thought I was going to marry. That really crushed me to the core. All of my self respect, all of my joy..out the window. I had no idea how to break the spell of wallowing in my suffering. Every thought I had was of the past and of the pain. I finally decided to pick up his book 12 rules for life. Fast forward a year and a half, and life couldn’t be better. Thank you JP.


"That's the patriarchy. No it's not, it's the market."
That's an incredible point to argue


If one positive that came out of these covid crap, it was me getting to know these two gentlemen right here. They have literally changed my whole prospective of my life. Jordan has helped me a lot and Ben has taught me a lot about everything and politics. Thank you to both!


Fascinating how these two can converse and say complicated things, immediately understand and elaborate.
