What Are The Doctrines of Grace? // Why didn't John MacArthur label himself as a Calvinist sooner?

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In this video we are looking at the doctrines of grace. Are they the five point Calvinism? And hearing from John MacArthur on why he didn't use five point calvinistic labels with his church for a long time even as he was becoming reformed in his soteriology. Regardless of your view, I think there is something all of us can learn from this.

If you have questions, insights, or recommendations for future videos let me know in the comments.

LINKS mentioned in this video:

A Conversation with John Piper & John MacArthur: 2022 (Desiring God, Clips I shared are from 9m30s until 16m in this video):

Embracing the Doctrines of Grace | John MacArthur (G3 Ministries, Other Interview)

Steven Lawson (Ligonier series in John):

Steven Lawson (Ligonier Article):

Doctrines of Grace series from John MacArthur (2004, Grace To You Series):

My Theological Journey:

Section Titles:
0:00 - Welcome
0:22 - Sections of this video
0:45 - Channel purpose and what sparked this video
2:05 - Why hide the Calvinism label?
11:07 - What Are The Doctrines of Grace?
14:56 - Big God Theology & My Upbringing
16:34 - Lessons to takeaway
18:28 - What is your story?
19:36 - Closing Thoughts

#Back2theWord, helping you read, treasure, and follow the Word! This channel exists to equip and encourage you to read the Bible, good books, and have conversations that truly matter.

Disclaimer: I said this in the video multiple ways, but I will be clear here. I don't believe what MacArthur did here was wrong for him. As far as I know he changed his view through the study and preaching of the text, and then tested that theology over a period of time as he taught the Bible to his people. I am taking it in good faith that he continually sought the Lord, kept a clear conscience, did not lie when asked directly, and was in constant conversation with his friends and fellow church leaders as he preached what the Bible said to his people. I don't however, offer up in any way what MacArthur did as a strategy all pastors should deliberately use as a model to move people into their personal theological camp on soteriology. I see it as how God led one man, prayerfully I trust, to lead his church. Taking on a church pastorate for a congregation that does not share your view on soteriology, and avoiding it or potentially lying about it, just so you can convert them to your soteriology as a primary goal is dishonest at the very least in my opinion. Be bold, clear, and humble about what you believe as much as you can with the church considering calling you as their pastor, be honest about what you are still working though, and I believe that honesty will benefit the long term ministry of both you and the congregation considering you.
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13:25 Words have meaning and MacArthur's words are less severe than TULIP. As a 0-point Calvanist, I can tell you God does not will for any soul to perish but have everlasting life. Fatilism ministry is soul crushing, non-evangelical, disheartening, and most of all, unbiblical.


Beware of anyone who hides or disguises what they believe.


I have no clue what Calvinism is . I’m Just bought up to serve Jesus . My heart is Simple, to walk in the spirit of God .


Perhaps he prefers "The Doctrines of Grace" because the term "Calvinism" can be off-putting. Essentially sneaking in Calvinism in more pleasing, acceptable terms.


I agree with the word of God because it teaches the absolute sovereignty of God. That doesn't make me a calvinist. Knowing the word doesn't make me a calvinist. Labeling people is UNGODLY because God receives ALL the GLORY and HE will not share HIS GLORY with another


I believe he makes a very valid point and argument. The church I attend used to have about 200+ members. But over half left once the label Calvinism was said about the pastor’s preaching. He never used the label to the congregation and never even forced it. He tried to exegete the text and show what scripture was saying. But once the label was spoken the door opened and people that thought Calvin to be evil left. Only those who either don’t know what Calvinism is or those that hold to what Calvin exposed in scripture remain. Good on John for not destroying his flock with labels but teaching them through God’s word!


The problem with labels is that the user limits God’s ability to humble us.

We all should stick to the basics of Jesus’ teachings, completely understand and live those principles and only reading the rest of the Bible and the theologians in the light of Jesus’ basic principles.

Anything extra, that is uncertain; technical doctrinal terminology, creation, eschatology, etc should only be entertained and expressed once one is comfortable with the idea that God is bigger than all of our technical understandings.

I am happy to pull my theology from all branches of Christian thought once I have understood the precise meaning of their terminology, but prefer the heart and dedication to scripture of the Reformers; minus the labelling of specific, in house terminology.

I will listen to all teachers who faithfully expound the gospel and history of the church; without contradicting either the over arching meaning of Scripture, or selective preaching on church history.

If we truly understand the Gospel from Jesus’ perspective, we will be capable of bridging the gaps that divides the various Christian branches without compromising the Gospel that unites us all.


Him and others like him wont straight up say they're 5 Point Calvinists, because they'll lose followers and ultimately their money. Calvinism is a sneaky and deceptive theology that poisons and splits Churches.


My concern brother, is that hiding your Calvinism is a deceptive tactic to the unassuming. Right now we (non Calvinists), are facing a problem of Calvinist pastors taking over non Calvinist Churches even when being a Calvinist is listed as a Disqualifier for the pastoral position. They want to "bring the congregation along without walls going up" like JMAC said, and don't view this as deceptive. Do you condone this?
Loved your bible commentaries video by the way.


I flirted with calvinism for about 20 years, finally settling on a policy of not giving allegiance to any dogma that I cannot see in Scripture on my own, with consideration to various views. But if I don't see it in the Word, without the elaborations of calvinist apologists, I do not line up with it. The Word can speak for itself--it doesn't need to be snipped into slivers and re-assembled to make a composite that says "calvinism, "5-points, " and other brands. Nor am I a dispensationalist--for the same reason.


Calvinists and non-Calvinists have quite a different concept of God. Either God does or doesn't love all people with a saving love. Either sovereignty is causal determinism or it incorporates libertarian freedom. Either way, we need to lay 52 cards on the table and be clear and honest about what we believe and teach. Stealth Calvinism or stealth non-Calvinism is dishonest, in my opinion. If you are unsure or confused, then state that honestly and don't hide what you believe.


Thank you. An excellent and well organized video I found very informative. I enjoyed it- even though I have been disagreeing with MacArthur and his doctrine for 40 years.


Love you and appreciate your friendly honest kind demeanor. But, sorry, IMO, a "moderate Calvinist" is not being honest with himself. The WCF is clear that God unchangeably decreed "whatsoever" comes to pass. No amount of ink spilled after "whatsoever" exonerates God from being directly responsible for Jeffry Dahmer's appetite and the murders he committed. He could not have done otherwise within the mandate of TULIP and Reformed/Calvinist doctrine.
There is NO verse or passage which ever establishes anyone is "born" unable to respond positively to God or hearing the Gospel of Christ. Without the 'T' there is no need for 'ULIP' which only proceeded logically from accepting the Augustinian false premise that Cain (and everyone born after him) was 'born' unable to freely choose to do what God clearly advises him he can in Gen.4:6 Cain chose poorly, but it was his choice and it was not inevitable or God was lying, which he cannot do.

Do an exhaustive study of both Election and Predestination apart from Calvinist literature and it's presuppositions using only the Bible and be very careful to examine the important questions to maintain the context. Who, what, by whom, to what, etc. DO NOT impose Calvinist suppositions upon any passage. Let scripture speak in context for itself. You will discover that no one is 'elected to be saved' and unbelievers are NOT predestined to anything, but it is believers who are predestinated to glorification/adoption in the future.


He lost me ..when he said that he wanted to bring them along...isn't Calvinism's teaching founded the pre- election of the saved and the predetermination of their decisions? ... so what was he really saying? What was he hoping to achieve? Wouldn't it have happened regardless of his deception???


"But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ." ~~ Romans 14:10


Think!: John Calvin was born during the Middle Ages. How can he be THE one man to personally/privately interpret God's Word "correctly"??? That would imply that all believers born prior to Calvin's existence are condemned!!!


Youtuber! Why dont you ask JMack or go to Grace Church and talk to him. Then you will know whos doctrine is right. Calvinist or Armenian.


Why not be a Christian instead. Calvin cannot save you. MacArthur teaches the word of God.


Thank you for your presentation. I have been interested in understanding Calvinism. I like the TULIP acronym. You say you are a moderate. I think it is good for Calvinist to refine there thinking and answer the critics. One critic posted here that Calvinism sees God as random and arbitrary in selecting the elect for mercy. This mechanistic view needs to be challenged by Calvinist themselves without yielding to the false belief that our will to believe in the gospel gains us merit. The sovereignty of God and the free-will debate can be resolved in God`s foreknowledge. Whom he foreknew he predestined. God`s foreknowledge removes arbitrariness in God selecting us as vessels of mercy according to his good pleasure. And although our freedom is not absolute and very limited, God foreknows those who surrender and yield to his grace and no longer resist the Spirit`s drawing.


Of course they hide it. It's another gospel. Calvin had his dissenters imprisoned & some put to death. Besides the over-arching message of: Only a random pre-chosen some will irresistibly turn to Christ, consequently all others have been arbitrarily preordained to destruction by God's divine decree/Calvinism
