Why are there so many false doctrines?

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When there is only one way to salvation, there are many ways to miss it.


Yes! Precise insights from Dr. Godfrey. Thanks for uploading


An objection was recently raised in the context of a discussion between an Arminian and a Calvinist: "If God ordains whatsoever comes to pass, then God has indeed ordained that there be errors within the body, and for you to argue against that 'error, ' you are working against what God has ordained..." I have an idea about how to respond to that, but I would like to hear others first...


And there is so many false doctrine vs false doctrine wars


To simply the answer: we do not have Faith in Him, For it is only through the power of His Holiness we can access His wisdom. GOD WANTS US TO LONG FOR HIM AND HIM ALONE. Science is a Gift of Knowledge. Jesus is Knowledge, reason why He is also our First Teacher. HIS SPIRIT IS TRUTH! Pray! HAVE FAITH and Trust Him! For we are to be worthy, faithful and Fruitful. The Holy Spirit corrects us and guide us to The Way! In Him, I Trust and Pray To Jesus Christ My Lord. Amen


There is ONLY ONE WAY..And that is Seeking God and HIS Righteousness for Yourself. Men's commandments in the bible and listening to church men..like these here and all the others..will get you no where but mislead. I have learned this Well..the Hard way!


I always lose subscribers when I refuse to go with the group think in Christianity.


There are so many because anybody can publish anything with their own printing press.


The "Lord´s Recovery" or "Local Church" teaches that their founder, Witness Lee, was God´s unique appointed minister of the age. They claim Witness Lee interpreted the whole Bible accurately and apart from him and his ministry you cannot really understand the Bible. They even say it's dangerous to read the Word of God directly because you will misunderstand it, so you need a qualified teacher´s interpretation, who is only Witness Lee and his ministry.


You Know I am learning this so much lately Now the big thing I am running into is this strange post millennial doctrine


if they are Christians, does it matter?


Romans 3:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.


Oh, WOW.

what a hypocritical topic for them.

I had a deceived online friend recommend this ministry to me, and I can't BELIEVE how blatantly false these people are.

No, God doesn't decide who goes to Hesven.

No, John 3:16 doesn't have a hidden meaning.

Yes, salvation can be lost.

No, the Lord didn't die for some but not for others.

(To those whɛ.say, "I'm a two-/three-point Calvinist", at the base of that satanic doctrine is the idea that God decided ahead of time who would be saved and who wouldn't be, so there would've been no need for the Crucifixion to begin with... Calvin was one of the modt-demonic people to ever walk the Earth).

Matthew 7:15 KJV


A student can only be as good as her/his teacher !
Luke 6:40, John 16:13, proverbs 8:35, 1 thessalonians 5:21, acts 17:11
Doctrines of godly living or church dogma ?


Is not about religion. Is about the word of ABBA YAHUAH.
Not letter J ever existed in Hebrew. Jesus is pagan name.
The name of saviour is YAHUSHA.
Our father in heaven is YAHUAH


Devil means advisary, " The devil" is not biblical. False doctrine derives from people who have created a religion after Christ who was against religion. Man created Christianity the religion, Christ the man came to free us from those barriers by teaching of God's love and God will. Galatians explains that we are saying Christ died in vain by creating laws and rules we must follow I in order to be righteous and have salvation.. Jesus fulfilled the law which made us free, yet man continued to create a religion out of what was not meant to be a religion . We were given the teachings in order to understand Jesus, his teachings about God, . Jesus died for our sins, yet people went out creating a doctrine that has Christian beliefs that teach' hell as the consequence for our sins. What did Jesus die for? That goes back to galations and how we put ourselves back into the bondage Christ died to free us from . Christ fulfilled the law, Through the teachings of religion, rules we are all condemned to hell since no flesh can resist temptation of sin. Religion is the rebuilding of everything Christ destroyed. Christ fulfilled the law... We were to find God within, , through faith by loving one another and seeking God from our hearts, not through religion or rules to follow to be holy. The sermon on the mount Jesus taught not to pray in public like the heathens in church, on street corners, it was meant to be in private.. When we are truly pursuing a relationship with God, when we honestly believe in God there is no need to make it publicly displayed appear righteous. A true believer knows God hears them when there is nobody around to hear or see them doing it.. Why are they so many false doctrines? Because they came from man, man tried to add to what Jesus taught and corrupted it because our faith was to come from God when we seek him through the spirit, not the law, religious doctrine. God is not found there, Jesus taught us where he is found and it fell on deaf ears through the creation of multiple Christian denominations, beliefs, religions doctrines.. It's incredibly sad to see so many people unaware their religion and beliefs from their doctrine is nothing more than a disregard of what Christ died for ... Jesus died for your sins, yet Christians discriminate against others sexuality, anyone that opposes their religious rules and doctrine, they point them out claiming they are going to hell for their sin, please tell me, if that is at all true of anything Christ teachings then why did he die for our sins? What did he die for? Christians are demanding the right for school prayer, to have the right to refuse service to others who are homosexual, that it infringes on their religious freedom? ... Jesus taught nothing of the sort, Jesus fulfilled the law because man could not, because man takes the law and uses it against others to punish, shame, judge, ... Just like the circumstance I mentioned about homosexuality no man was able to live by the law and resist temptation... The law ( religion) condemned us, Jesus saved us, made us free. Why must " Christians continue to refuse that freedom and keep themselves enslaved in the chains that Jesus. ( The man their religion claims to follow) gave his life to free them from? Christianity beliefs are Anti Christianity teachings down to the very creation of Christianity .. Jesus told us to pray privately get Christians demand the right to pray in school.. Everything Christianity the religion has created has opposed what Jesus taught, it disregards the understanding of what he died for... Christianity will always be flawed false doctrine, the mere creation of Christianity opposes everything Christ taught... I suggest a reading of Galatians and the sermon on the mount just to get a brief understanding of what Jesus taught, why he died, what that meant for us ... The church has made everything Jesus taught false by promoting a religion of Jesus when Jesus opposed religion, died to save us from sin because religion could not save us, . Jesus fulfilled the law, , Christianity is rebuilding what Christ destroyed... That is why there is so much false doctrine..Yet, loves you, forgives you as he does me for being being upset about it . God died for our sins... So we could be saved, isn't it time to finally listen to what Jesus taught and let how if the religions that sepstate us, that create judgement and hypocrisy and that no man is holy enough to live by... Jesus knew that, it's time we listen, it's time we focus on being good to one another, not allowing religion to fool us into believing some are holier than others, or believing people of different faiths are lesser in the eyes of god..or worst of alk, making out one of God's children to be an abomination to God based on the rules that your religion believes... No good comes from it... We should have figured this out thousands of years ago when Jesus taught us that, gave his life so we could be free and live eternally despite our sin full nature our nature of the flesh which cannot live as pure as the spirit.... Jesus died for your sins😁 How much simpler must it be for it to be understood? To burn in he'll for your sins is to deny Christ dying on the cross for our sin.. I spent 25 years searchimg, studying the bible, learning translations and everything was always within me, God was there waiting for me to see he was there all along and reveals to us what we must know when we come to him, not a book, not a set of rules, the bible is an incredible guide and teaching of Jesus, it was not meant to be turned into a religion, it was a guide on God, where he is, what he isnt, how we serve him, most of all how much God loves us all, how much Jesus loved God so much that his love for us was an example of God within him, within all of us, Jesus died for us because the love for us was the love of God, that's what we are meant to find, to practice to show to others, enemies and friends... That does not come from rules and religion... God is everywhere..


What is responsible for so many false doctrines? The Bible Alone. I'm just kidding. It's the doctrine of the Bible Alone, Sola Scriptura. If this doctrine were true, all Protestants would be on the same page.
