Embracing the Doctrines of Grace | John MacArthur

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In this G3 Clip, John MacArthur answers the question, "At what point did you embrace the Doctrines of Grace?"

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"I was looking at the internet the other day and some wistful girl said how I became a Calvinist and left Calvinism well the the sophomoric comment like that from somebody who uh should keep her thoughts to herself because she has no idea what she's talking about"
So MacArthur is the arbiter of truth on what the Bible means? Don't bother comparing what he says against the Bible, just trust MacArthur? He has a "stronger conviction" than you do. Seriously?


By Mr Macarthurs reasoning he cannot put someone's teachings into questions that has been a teacher in the charismatic movement for say 60 years.

It's unbelieveably arrogant to think you can't be wrong on some things bc you're old...we all have blind spot. The arrogance and pride of such a statement made by JMA is disheartening and sets us back decades.


>>By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

2:00 you can clearly see his "love" for her...


Wow, I'm very happy to see that the comment section here is quite unified in calling out MacArthur's statements for what they are... arrogance and abrasiveness rather than gentleness and genuine love for this woman who simply shared her personal experience and story. The attitude of MacArthur reflects common patterns one might see in a narcissistic cult, where questioning authority is strictly prohibited and those who do are met with shame and gas lighting. MacArthur seems to forget that Jesus said...

“I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do." - Luke 10:21

And Paul said...

"But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God." - 1 Corinthians 1:27-29

In this scenario, is it the "wistful girl" or the "aged scholar" who is the "weak" and "foolish" thing? Clearly MacArthur has placed himself by his boasting of "50 years experience" on the wrong end of Jesus' and Paul's teaching about these things.


I didn’t want to be so consistent that I lived a determinist.


So he took his doctrine to the text to see if it survived?? Shouldn't he pull his doctrine from the text and see what he comes out with?? Very bias.


Wow, I thought the Bible instructs us to be gentle, loving, and humble....
MacArthur is still in the cage stage...


The problem is that for 50 years he placed his systemic theology into the text instead of being changed by the text.


The arrogance and pride of his ‘over 50 years’ versus a lady who approached scripture like a child open to learn the truth with a humble heart. Praise the Lord for that lady who has helped a lot of other humble hearts.


The sheer lack of character after all these years is appalling.


2 Timothy 3:7–
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


He has shown himself time and time again. His lack of respect towards women is often displayed. How he treated Eileen Gray was appalling. He could be a 50 year scholar, and I would never seek his understanding. Humility like Jesus is truly missing.


He “always believed in the Doctrines of Grace”? Calvinism can’t be read out of the Scriptures, it is read into them. They need to be taught.

Even the Apostle Paul who was taught by God and not men commended the Bereans for not blindly believing him. But we should all submit to MacArthur?


It’s past time John Macarthur learned to keep his thoughts to himself.


You heard it from the horses mouth... he said he "put doctrine into the text." I know what he _meant to say, _ but that seemed like a Freudian slip to me.


I like John MacArthur, but wow, I think he needs to review 1 Timothy 4:12 - Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.


"You know, I was looking on the internet the other day and, some wistful girls said 'How I became a Calvinist and left calvinism.'
Well the sophomoric comment like that, from somebody who um, should keep her thought to herself, because she has no idea what she's talking about, is to be measured against someone who for 50 years, has taken every text of the bible and *put doctrine into that text* and see if it survives. And, I can say that it has."
A fine pharisee indeed. 🥲


When John speaks of the Doctrines of Grace, he really means the doctrines of Calvinism over what Scripture actually teaches when it comes to Salvation. I became a Christian in 1983, and was introduced to John MacArthur, and he became a Hero of mine. This past year, I began to learn of the inconsistencies of Calvinism and began to learn that God did not Predetermine who would believe in Christ. To superimpose the Systematic of Calvinism so you can interpret scripture creates the "It's a Mystery" statements when Christ says "Whosoever Believes"...Those mysteries disappear when Calvinism and Arminianism are ignored. Even after 50 years of preaching, he still gets the doctrine of Salvation wrong. John 3:14 sets the order: Christ is lifted up, and whoever believes is born again. That's because mankind did not lose the ability to believe when the Gospel is presented...


A "some wistful girl?" She's a grown woman, not a girl. Would anyone refer to Mr. MacArthur as a boy? I think not.

This comment and his next comment: "sophomoric" and "should keep her comments to herself" show his contempt for women. This is nothing new for MacArthur and he leads his male followers to disrespect women.


Doctrine of grace? Over the authority of scripture? Oh dear
