Dangers of Calvinism: Doctrines of Diminishment

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Calvinism has 5 distinctives called the Doctrines of Grace but should be more accurately named the Doctrines of Diminishment because they are a dangerous and false set of man-made philosophical and unbiblical beliefs in reformed systematic theology that lead many astray. We explore how this is so in the Doctrines of Grace, also known as TULIP or the 5 points of Calvinism which is Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. I also explain the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in accordance with Scripture.

#Calvinism #Christianity #Gospel #JesusIsLord #FaithonFire
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Preach it brother! 100% truth!! Calvinism is ANOTHER GOSPEL!ANATHEMA!!!


Calvinists have been bullies and elitist for hundreds of years. Back then they kicked out theologians from a council who didn’t agree with them.

I like the approach that this content creator takes. You don’t have to be a theologian and use big words to have the truth of the gospel and to stand against false doctrine.

I like to use the example of Jesus. Jesus was obviously the smartest man ever the live because he created all things. Yet, he related to man on their level. He talked about farming and the weather and sowing and reaping and good and bad fruit, etc. He was not an elitist like the Pharisees of his day and the theologians of our day.


Luke 9:23 deny yourself everyday pick up your cross and follow Jesus not John Calvin


Calvinism is very deceptive. I continue to thank you for your willingness to speak out against this heresy.


Your right, Calvinism is diabolical. Those who promote that false teaching will have to give an answer at judgement day. It’s so sad they twist the words of God and the ultimate Sacrifice of Christ. Then again, all cults misrepresent Christ and twist Scriptures. Thanks for preaching the true Gospel Brian.


100% accurate description of Calvinism. The only thing I didn’t believe from this description when I was a Calvinist was the baby thing. But, that’s just because it was too hard to believe. I had no biblical support. Unfortunately It’s most logical in Calvinism that some babies aren’t elect and end up damned. Disgusting. That is NOT the God if the Bible.


Amen. Calvinism is a false and wicked doctrine. You’ve explained really well.

Colossians 2:8
8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.


Religious Elitism! You nailed it! That is exactly my experiences with these men. Got to say great work brother! You did an excellent job putting that corruption into words. Well done


Calvinism = Depressing...when I first learned of the doctrine of calvinism it lead me into a deep depression for a very long time...caused me to lose hope for friends and family...haven't fully recovered yet...working on it.


Thank you thank you thank you I believe this to be a doctrine of demons call crazy but it's so refreshing to see somebody tell it like it is and the false teachers which are many and those who have been taught teach this false gospel and I firmly believe it is done intentionally to deceive the church crept in unaware I'm so grateful that you're taking this stand and speaking the truth about this heresy


Calvinism made me ineffective for so many years. Once you become one you go on to try and convert others instead of being passionate about the Gospel. Even then you have a muddy accursed gospel with Perseverance.


Good job Brian, thank you for continuing to preach the truth about the false teachings of calvinism my friend . Calvinism does diminish the work of CHRIST'S death and resurrection and that's what I try to get across to calvinist when I encounter them in discussion . The result of the calvinist paradigm is that just as many people go to hell even if satan didn't exist which is to claim that GOD does the will of satan . Calvinism's claim that GOD created most of us to hate HIM and worship satan instead of HIM is blasphemy and there's no way around that to those of us who still have a grasp on reality . I've had many calvinist on occasion say to me so you think you know more than the giants of the faith and I tell them no, I just believe the information scripture explicitly provides whereas they didn't .
GOD bless you brother keep em coming .


Thank you, I have a Pastor who has calvinist doctrines and what your saying about them being eletist and at times putting too much weight on their doctines to the point of gnotism rings true


Calvinism is like a piece of mildew that keeps spreading, spreading and spreading. I remember 20 years ago I knew of 1 or 2 people who were Calvinist. Now, every new Christian I meet is one! Unbelievable. It has grown like a fungus. Almost every Gospel believing church is influenced by a writer who is a Calvinist.


Hope this term makes others to see the true nature of this evil teaching. You are so clear in your description of this false teaching. I only wish I could have heard you 35 years ago, when I got tripped up by this devilish system. It was the darkest period of my life. But God was gracious and convinced me to stop believing those lies and trust only in the truth of His word. You are helping many and will save many from the deceitful lies they spin to trap the ignorant and unlearned.


In Calvinism the gospel isn't important. What's important is, "are you elect?" If you look at what Calvinism believes it leaves me wondering why Jesus even had to die. Calvin began with the presupposition of the philosophy of determinism and then he put that lens over Scripture and then interpreted it.

I heard a Calvinist explain that God desires to show all His attributes and thus He has the reprobate so He can show His attribute of wrath. It is a horrible set of doctrines which lead one into the state of hopelessness and despair and nihilism. They can't even pray. They pray because "we're commanded to pray." They can't pray and ask God to intervene in any situation because all situations have been predestined by God. They don't have "victory over sin" because many are told after sharing their struggle, "God is using that to keep you humble." Even though we are promised that no temptation should overtake us because God is faithful and always provides a way of escape. Nope, if they sin, they sin because even though Scripture says they don't have to give in, if they do give in it is because God wanted them to sin. Then the self-righteous ones will tell some of them who are struggling with a sin that maybe they're not saved at all.


I was taught and hence believed that man is born depraved. But then i read Psalms 139 and changed my mind according to that scripture.


Anything added to the free gospel removes the offense of the gospel.


I am a lawyer who belongs to a non-Reformed denomination. Before applyiing to a Reformed seminary program in church and state studies, I e-mailed the presedent to ask if the school accepted non-Reformed applicants in this particular program. He responded that they accept only applicants who believe in "orthodox" Christianity. I have degrees from Baptist, public, and non-sectarian colleges. I have never run into this kind of elitism before.


I love this!! You're helping me to understand the Gnostic connections better and I deeply appreciate you. Thank You Lord!
