The problem of sola scriptura, abortion, and contraceptives #catholic #christian #biblealone

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Aren’t many of the Pro-Aborts in government “Catholic”? This isn’t a Protestant vs Catholic issue, it’s and issue of people claiming to be Christian when they aren’t, or just plain ignorance.


One of Commandments, thou shalt not kill


I don't know, I'm no apologist or master debater or anything, but I have been able to argue against abortion solely using scripture. It was in response to some cringe post someone posted citing Bible verses that supposedly *endorsed* abortion, though it was clear the guy didn't read a single line. As I read it, Ex. 21:22-25 talks about a woman being struck during a fight and prematurely giving birth as a result. If there is “no injury” on account of this premature birth be it to the woman or the child (and considering she was struck, you could say she’s technically already injured, so there’s more reason to believe it’s also talking about the child born prematurely), then the one responsible is only fined for the offense. However, if there is “any further injury”, the offender gets the death sentence, a penalty which is applied to murderers. Therefore, if the woman is struck, gives birth prematurely, and the child dies as a result, then the one who struck her and ultimately caused the death would be given the death penalty. It's Exodus, though, so maybe I'm misreading that.

There were also citations of 2 Kings 8:12 and 2 Kings 15:16, which singles out the killing of pregnant women as a particularly terrible crime. I would infer it is due to both their vulnerability and the collateral death of the children they carry, again meaning that the killing of children in the womb is sinful.

Finally, you have other verses referring to children in the womb as... well, children, implying their humanity and thus sanctity. So yeah, while there's nothing in the Bible specifically saying "abortion is bad" or "thou shalt not abort fetuses", you have plenty of other verses which affirm the sanctity of unborn children and which refer to the death of children in the womb as something terrible.

From what I know, that isn't the case for contraception. Some people cite Onan's sin of "spilling it on the ground" as proof, but his sin was specifically refusing to raise up an heir for his deceased brother. I did listen to one Catholic video saying that men and women are commanded to "be open to life" by citing Genesis's "be fruitful and multiply", but that still seems to be an inference drawn from the text rather than pointing to something that says "contraceptives are sinful".


Hi Trent can u do a response video to Isaiah Saldivar and Pastor Vlad live stream video tonight on discussing falsehoods in the RCC.


This is a very powerful rebuke of sola scriptura. At the end of the day mankind can shoehorn in all kinds of sin with sneaky reading comprehension/interpretive practices.


Wait, whats the evil of contraception like cutting tubed to make life not happen? What if after you have 5 kids and decide not to have anymore? God commanded be fruitful and multiply. Wouldnt this hypothetical fulfill God's command?


Yes that makes the bar very high for what the bible explicitly condemns.
But isn't that better than the alternative?
Which is inferring what is evil based on interpretation of the text?
Since texts can obviously be interpreted very differently from person to person. The bible is a huge collectiom of books.
With enough imagination you can "infer" pretty much everything and call it evil or good.


“There isn’t an explicit condemnation of it in scripture” Trent Horn

This is completely inaccurate and contrary to the clear teaching against it in scripture.

Luke 23:28-29 [28] But Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. [29] For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck.

Psalms 127:3
“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

The fact that it is a reward from God is enough of a condemnation again abortion and contraceptives which are completely unnatural and alter a women’s body in a way God never intended for! I would have to agree with you Trent on one thing though, Protestants have compromised there beliefs on contraceptives and allow it throughout the church. We are supposed to rely on God not man and his wisdom. The idea of giving women contraceptives is awful! It completely alters her body against nature. God never intend for a woman to think she is on a period when she is not! I knew someone who when they were married his wife was taking contraceptives and in a couple of weeks she got cancer and died! Awful! May God wrath come upon the wickedness in this world!

Revelation 6:17

“For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”


I like Trent but this is a very silly video… life starts at conception, and we should not kill… not sure what sola scriptura has to do with anything?


Yes, most believers have inferred things from the text. There is a difference between interpretation differences and believing in different histories


Y’all…there’s an “Abortion Information” tab at the bottom of the screen on the video.


Did you just blame abortion on Sola Scriptura? I expect better from you, Trent.


Doesn’t the church just do that in this case? We’re just moving it one step outward from the individual, and most Catholics still believe in contraception and abortion. The fact that the church itself condemns it hasn’t seemed to matter as much as even I would like as a Protestant.


Scripture is clear that abortion is wrong. Scripture is not clear about contraception. I don't need Rome's further instruction. When it comes to contraception, Rome's teaching pretty much falls on deaf ears. At least in most Western countries.


Eh im not so sure trent. Proverbs 6 says God hates the hands of those who shed innocent blood, children are innocent in scripture, so put em' together and you get the pro-life position, and its very clear.


Sola Scriptura doesn't say you have to find everything explicitly in Scripture. As J.C. Ryle stated (I'm paraphrasing) in his book Knots Untied (Ryle being an Evangelical Anglican). "If something is not found in Scripture, DEDUCABLE from Scripture, or in harmony with Scripture, we will have none of it."


Sola scriptura has never said everything must be explicit


This is outrageous; obviously the Bible Explicitly condemns abortion; it’s in the 10 commandments; Do NOT Murder.


What? The Bible very clearly says that murder is wrong. And abortion is a form of murder. This is a terrible debunking of sola scriptura.


You shall not kill!!!
You shall not fornicate!!!
