Stop Chasing Someone Who Doesn’t Want You | Kristen Brown

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Are you stuck in an unrequited love cycle? Do you feel like you’re wasting your time chasing someone who won’t give you the same level of commitment? It’s time to take a step back and recognize the signs that it’s time to move on.

It’s easy to get caught up in the expectations of a relationship, but when it’s not reciprocated, it’s time to stop chasing and start loving yourself. Don’t waste any more of your time on someone who won’t give you the same level of commitment.

It’s time to take a step back and recognize the signs that it’s time to move on. Love yourself and know that your time is worth more than chasing someone who won’t give you the same level of commitment.

If you’re ready to take the next step and move on from unreciprocated love, watch this video now. We’ll show you how to recognize the signs and take control of your life.

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#unrequitedlove #needy #insecurity #obsession #obsessions #obsessedwithyou #obsessed #unrequitedlove #movingon #loveyourself #worthyourtime
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i think about a certain person every hurts me to the core...and i know they dont care about me...i just cant get over it...but this video has helped thank you x


I messaged a girl who broke up with me sometime ago and to be frank, she replied me like I wasn't worthy as a human. Listen, you can't chase people who no longer want you. Just because someone rejects you doesn't mean you're not good enough. Walk away like you don't care and find your purpose in life. Thank you.💙


Tired of being taken for granted and disrespected 😌😌😌😌


That person is deliberately choosing to not welcome us into their life, therefore he/she simply cannot be our source of love. The previous girl just Ghosted me, and never returned. She showed a lot of interest, but the moment I started suggesting meeting up she just vanished like I was dead to her.


This video spoke to me word-for-word. I'm so scared of losing someone who wouldn't even hear my feelings out. All my life has been a chase. And I'm done of that. I owe myself better even if losing someone who meant everything and anything is gone. It hurts like hell. But I'm trying.


You're so right! We have to love ourself first. In my case, I know God was warning me right from the beginning. There were red flags all over the place. He didn't share my values.


Redirect your energy on better things, then wasting it on people who wont and dont reciprocate!
Dont waste time on people who wont waste time on you!


guys it’s true! i’m young, attractive with plenty of options yet ive been consistently chasing my ex that broke up with me 5 months ago and he doesn’t even acknowledge my existence and any attempt to get his attention is simply ignored. i know that i am smart and i know that this has been totally embarrassing on my end but i couldn’t stop because i discovered that intellectual intelligence doesn’t equal emotional intelligence. i can sit and analyze all day how bad it is to constantly chase what is rejecting you, but if the foundations within myself aren’t rock solid (i.e true self love) then i’ll find myself continually looking for it outside of myself. i’m in the stage now where ive realized i didn’t love myself like i thought i did and now putting in the work to give myself the love i deserve. some days are harder than others but i know that it must be done in order to move forward, be more secure in myself and attract even better partnerships in the future


That rejection, is my protection. ❤️🤩


I feel this…… I can’t stop thinking about somebody who made all these promises and hopes to me to just leave me for her ex else SO FAST😿😿 she left to be all happy and stuff and left me miserable and alone and empty.


The hard part was I care about him. I felt so comfortable with him. I never felt that with anyone else.


I found you today and appreciate this advice. It was just this morning when I realized once again the person that I care about did not text or call me again this week...of course he will eventually contact me as I have been a total giver ...but this morning, I realized that I had to know my worth and that I should just 'smile and walk away'. This just enforced it for me. Thank you.


I have been with this guy for four years now and he lead me on making me believe we would have something special. I’ve held him down when no one else was there for him and now that he’s getting his self back on track he is giving all of his energy to this new girl. I feel betrayed because I’ve been there for him emotionally and in all aspects. I try to move past the hurt and anger but it’s a challenge. This video was truly helpful and I realize I need to love myself more and move on


How do i start loving myself? I gave myself to someone who took me for granted, so many times. And then in one argument, its all over. I told her if i leave ill never be coming back. She said fine. 😢 I feel so unloved and lost. I did everything, everything to help her, support her through hard times. She is grateful, but not grateful enough to get me back


I re-watch this video everyday as a daily reminder that I don't deserve the scraps, I deserve to receive the same love that I give. Thank you so much for this video, it's really really helpful for me, it's like it was made for me ❤❤❤


I'm not chasing, I let them go without an argument, but I still want them...😢


I’m pissed. I was doing fine by myself. Why did this person have to come into my life? and now I have to deal with heartbreak and start all over again. 😢


Ohhhh OMG thankyou so much, I am the man you're talking about desperately wanting to be love bloody hell she made me feel special then left me. Its so hard to get over her begging with tears so she can come back in my life


I don't feel sorry for people who chase love. They're too clueless to know when someone doesn't return your love, it's Mother Nature's way of saying that person is not a match.


Omg you literally described my whole situation and how I feel. I`m strongly attached to this guy to the point where I`m obsessed.. I think about him everyday and even dream about him every night. I keep chasing him even though I know nothing will change.
Thank you for this video I really needed it 🙏❤
