John MacArthur vs. N.T. Wright on Atonement

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Johnny Mac accuses NT Wright of teaching a false Gospel, and using fancy words to obfuscate the message of penal substitutionary atonement. Wright demonstrates that models of salvation shouldn't emphasize one point over another, because it risks distorting what we know about Christ Jesus and HIs divinity, as well as our nature and the corruption of sin.
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I listened to JMac as a young Christian (30+ years ago) and my wife noticed I was becoming angry and judgmental since listening to him. But he was a hero! But I listened to my wife and stopped. I have found NT Wright now in my later years (about 3 years ago) and Oh that God would have led me to someone like him when I was young! My life would have been spared much grief! I have read his Romans Commentary (as previous post mentioned). It is outstanding! JMac is an angry man.


What I love about N.T. Wright is that he is actually unpacking scripture without the bias of North American pithy sayings that distort the message of the Gospel. Praying for John, hope he can soon see the true beauty of the Gospel!




I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that the harder John MacArthur rails against a theological position, the more theologically sound that position actually must be.


NT Wright: “Isn’t God more awesome and loving beyond what we can comprehend?”

J Mac: “Let me make sure you’re a Calvinist, first. Secondly, if you do not have morbid fear of the God who says he loves you, then you’re happily going to hell.”

Enough said…..


John MacArthur has become rather repulsive in my opinion. For a man that professes God’s grace so much, he seems to have so little grace for anyone from a different faith traditions. MacArthur’s demeanour is so arrogant. Very sad.


Challenge to Ps. Mcarthur to have a sit down with Mr Wright and talk about these teachings. Throwing rocks at people from a pulpit does not make people belive in your doctrine. It is repulsive. Mr Wright does not mention people or tries to embrace their point of view. He deals strictly with the subject matter.


I read the books that Wright wrote un know what he believes how can John not know. John is just telling lies about Wright.


I am so, so sad that any of God's lambs fall under this kind of heartless bullying that we always hear from John MacArthur! People who listen to him start to talk like him: Judgmental, ungenerous, cruel, slandering and hateful towards brothers and sisters he finds threatening. A kind of violence is born in those who follow him. I've seen a brother fall prey to him and watched him become more and more hateful in his religion. MacArthur is competitive, envious, filled with wrath and selfish ambition. N.T. Wright has illuminated the New Testament in a way that is full of hope and joyous anticipation of both "the now, and the not yet". Our God is a God of hope, make no mistake. I'm truly not surprised that MacArthur has decided to take potshots at him.

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30) MacArthur wants us to learn from anyone but the Christ who said this! He conjures up some sort of "christ" who would have us sweating under great burdens, running around beating our chests and screaming in terror! Who can serve God in such a state? I pray that MacArthur will beware the leaven of the Pharisees, for it seems that he has eaten it up.

Both men offer a kind of wisdom, so which kind of wisdom is from God? St. James says it best, "Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not be boastful and false to the truth. Such wisdom does not come down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness of every kind. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace." (James 3:13-18)


The difference is a New Testament exegete scholar vs a system focused pastor.


I find it difficult to listen to MacArthur rhetoric. Emotionally charged language “happy heretic” vs a solid exegetical response.


This is exactly the problem that NT Wright is trying to pull Christianity away from. We must resist the urge to interpret the Bible through the lenses of the Reformers. We must be willing to go back to the first century Jewish understanding. What were the prophets of old trying to communicate ? What was the plan of God before man sinned ? How did Jesus' death link to the historical background of the Biblical understanding of the Jewish Messiah. If we are not willing to start there we are wasting our time and not studying the bible correctly. People like John Mc should enroll himself in one of NT Wright's classes.


Poor Mr. McArthur. In my youth (40 years +/-) he gave a sermon titled, "How to Know the Will of God." It was uplifting, simple, straightforward. As years have passed, I've watched him seemingly grow sadder, and dour, and hard, and saddest of all seemingly unloving. I doubt seriously if he's read N.T. Wright's "Paul and the Faithfulness of God" in which Wright gives full explication of where he's coming from. As with Tim's comment below, I have found N.T. Wright a breath of fresh air that needs to blow through the "traditions" of the modern evangelical church. Many things that never made sense to me in the typical evangelical understanding (where houses of cards have to be carefully maintained to have it all string together) now make sense in the full arc of the biblical narrative.


JMA is no narrow and strict in his dogma that he often misses what others are actually saying because he can’t get past the fact that they are saying something slightly different than what he believes


I have found John Macarthur to be a dense and unable to hear anything outside of his own myopic tradition. He's one of the poorest thinkers I've ever encountered. As is evidenced here. If he read NT Wright and cannot tell what he believes, it's because he's not trying to understand. It's hard to speak in nuance to simple thinkers. MacArthur would be well at home in the Sanhedrin.


I have read NT Wright's books and his writings are very clear and true to the scriptures. His books have helped me understand the Holy Scriptures and the different levels of meanings and develop a closer walk and life in Christ, our saviour. Recall the parable of the Good Smaritian- Compassion and love of the heritic Samaritian please God more than the levi's theology. NT Wright's books clearly state Christ took our sin, the sins of all the humanity onto himself and conquered evil and Satan on the cross. Does MacAcAther understand ??? Truth matters but love, life and people matter more. I just don't hear much love preaching coming from MacArthur. Very important -according to scripture -We are the true children of God when we LOVE one another. Christ is the true and ultimate Word of God.


I'd like to know why can Macarthur call NT a heretic. What is Macartur standard for orthodoxy if his views have been declared heretic by a Church Council?. I have seen him accusing others as Pelagians based on Church Council definitions. I don't get it. Does he consider himself a Pope now?


I think MacArthur's criticism of NT Wright is unfair and biased. I am sure he didn't read his outstanding commentary on Romans (the New Interpreters Bible). If he had, he would have noticed that most of the accusations he is raising against NT Wright are wrong. I am a Catholic and absolutely love NT Wright, not because his soteriology has a lot in common with mine, but because his exegesis is superb and finally Paul makes sense.


I didn't realize MacArthur was so confused about the Bible, about NT Wright, and what Wright has read. Wow. Just wow.


Fear? Why put emphasis on fear John Macarthur? Was it not said PERFECT LOVE DRIVES OUT FEAR?
