How to deal with procrastination when you have ADHD- Part 1/2

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Tips on dealing with procrastination when you have ADHD (don't worry, they also work if you don't have ADHD!).
The ONLY Way To Stop Procrastinating | Mel Robbins
Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad
7 things that (quickly) cured my procrastination
How to Stop Procrastination & Increase Motivation | Dr. Andrew Huberman
Procrastination – 7 Steps to Cure
Self Worth Theory: The Key to Understanding & Overcoming Procrastination | Nic Voge | TEDxPrince...
Beating Procrastination
The reason you procrastinate (It's not what you think) | Mel Robbins
How to be productive | discipline, healthy habits, motivation, balance + That Girl!
How to Fight Your Procrastination Anxiety (and Win!)
How to Overcome Procrastination | Brian Tracy
How to Stop Procrastinating and Finish Projects
What Procrastination Looks Like from the Inside
Why You Procrastinate - and How to Stop it for Good | Elyssa Smith | TEDxBabsonCollege
How to Stop Procrastination Right Now | The 3-2-1 Rule
How to Beat Procrastination
How to finally overcome procrastination.
watch this if you always procrastinate
Brain tricks to help you stop procrastinating
Two 2-minute Rules to Beat Procrastination (in 2 minutes)
Why do you Procrastinate? 5 Steps to BEAT IT.
How to deal with Procrastination ? College Wallah
Why you procrastinate -- and how to still get things done | Tim Urban
3 Rules to beat ADHD procrastination (in 3 minutes)