How to Overcome Procrastination | Brian Tracy

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overcoming procrastination, how to stop procrastination, time management tips, dealing with procrastination, chronic procrastination,
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When you're here because you're procrastinating right now 😂


Swear, I just added this vid to "watch later" without even thinking. Then I was like "damn, I guess I need this now more than ever." 😛😛


- change your thinking: say to yourself '' do it now"
- start with the most difficult task first
- focus on most impacfull things in your life
- plan each day: goals, timing, priorities


I have always suffered from the habit of procrastination, but I was usually able to control myself at the very last moment. But now I am in my senior year and for some reason I totally lost control and I can't even concentrate for few minutes on my studies, all of a sudden I started developing different interests in so many activities and I keep procrastinating my studies. Thank you so much your tips seem to be really helpful and I will start working on them now in shaa Allah.


Thumbs up if you used procrastination bulldozer method to cure your procrastination..


I love Brian Tracy. My life has improved exponentially since I discovered his audiobooks. Thank you!


I been putting off life for about 10 years. I'll get on it eventually.


Wow! So, I spent a week watching videos on how to not procrastinate and etc. Yet, I couldn't start working on it. Yesterday, before sleeping, and tired of lying to myself, I finally wrote down the things I should do in the following day and the priority of each task. Turns out that today it only took me 3 hours to start doing what I should have started MONTHS ago! Writing down the stuff you gotta do is REALLY POWERFUL, it's simple but it gets you started! THANK YOU BRIAN!


Another great strategy is to make your working schedule and environment more pleasurable. Take a lot of breaks, drink coffee, eat many small meals, do yoga in breaks, jump around, open the window for fresh air, play your favorite music, dance.And of course have an organized desk and clear tasks for the day.


This was unexpectedly useful. I think doing a check list helps, as long as you actually do the things in the list. The only way to move forward in life is getting proactive. I have paid a high price for procrastinating in my life, so I need to break this horrible habit if I want to be successful. There is no doubt in my mind now, what has prevented me from success is Procrastinating, so I'm taking my life back now. Amen!


Me to my mind: Do it now... Do it now... Do it now
Mind: Okay okay fine I'll do it now ( starts procrastinating )


SCRIPT FOR THIS ENTIRE VIDEO: How to Overcome Procrastination - Brian Tracy - YouTube
If you do things in the right way you will get whatever results you desire.
Change your thinking. Say to yourself, "Do it now"
Here's a trick for pulling yourself away from the temptation to procrastinate.
Just say the words, Do it now. Do it now. Do it now.
These magic words will motivate you and push you to get started.
When you repeat these words "Do it Now" often enough the message will get pushed deep into your subconscious and act as a trigger for getting things done right away.
If you spend all of your time thinking about how your habit of chronic procrastination gets in the way of all of your goals, motivation and dreams then your subconscious mind will accept that as the truth and that's how your life will continue to be.
If instead you spend your time thinking about how wonderful you are at getting difficult and important tasks done right away and how incredibly organized you are with your time.
Then your subconscious mind will come to accept that as the truth and you will start doing more of those things that overcome procrastination and get more things done faster.
So that's the first critical step in not only changing your habit of procrastination but any habit in general. Change your thinking.
The next strategy is from his best selling book on time management, Eat that Frog, and it is this. If you have to eat more than one live frog. That's what I like to call a daunting project or task, a live frog. You should eat the ugliest frog first and you should do it right away without any delay. It doesn't do you any good to stare at the ugly live frog in front of you, this big task. Simply resolve to take action and get it over with. Your entire life will be uninhibited by the daunting tasks that once prevented you from moving forward.
It's important to remember that you cannot manage time.
Time exists completely out of our control. So you can't manage time. What you can do is manage your life.
Time management is really life management. It is the management of the sequence of events in your life.
It's the ability to choose what you do first, what you do second and what you do later if at all and in this ability to choose lies your entire life.
When you choose the most important thing and you choose to do that first. And you choose to do that rather than anything else.
You immediately put your life onto the fast track. In fact you can actually double your productivity, performance and output in one day simply by changing your order of choices in the way that you use your time.
Now let's talk about the best way to use our time in order to move us closer to our goals.
How to Use Your Time Effectively: The way to do this is by developing a single minded focus on the things you need to do that will have the most important and beneficial impact on your life right now.
Whenever you're faced with a task you must ask yourself,
What are the consequences of doing or not doing this?
And if the consequences of not doing something are irrelevant then don't do it. And do the things that have serious, immediate consequences.
So here's what you should do each morning to set yourself up for success and to determine which task you need to get started on right away to make a sizable difference in your life.
Plan each day in advance. Take time each morning to address your major goals and then write out a list of the things you need to do that day in order to get closer to those goals.
Set priorities on each item so you don't skip your most important tasks and then get to it.
When you jump right into the work day and start on something really important right away the level at which you work for the rest of the day will be increased.
Before you wrap up I'd like to leave you with a thought to share with your friends and followers.
If you do the right things in the right way, you will get whatever results you desire.
One final question. What is one critical task that you've been putting off?
And what will you do TODAY to start working on that task?
Remember if you want to change your future.
Take action and take action NOW.
Summary: - Change your thinking: say to yourself over and over '' do it now" - start with the most difficult task first - focus on the most important things in your life - plan each day: goals, timing, priorities - TAKE ACTION NOW! DO IT NOW!




Love the 'Do It Now" philosophy, I have been working with it for years, Thanks for your influence Brian!!


I'm procrastinating right now, I have 12 units of school shit to do in less than 2 weeks. I hate homeschooling...


I've this sudden urge to overcome my 2 week procrastination at 2 am in the morning.

And I feel attacked when I say *first thing in the morning..*


I love you Brian Tracy, you are genius!! A few years ago I somehow found your videos and speeches in youtube and they have transformed the way I see the world and think :D I could not thank you enough :D


Do it now really works... I have just came back to say that...


I have to work on getting up at 6 am in morning.
Thank you.


I have a history essay that I have putting off for over two weeks, and we were on winter break and that was perfect time to finish it and I barely even started. Now it's due in two weeks, in the midst of school and my other extra curricular's, and I really don't know what to do now. I've decided that with the few hours of the day I have left I'm going to finish my research, write down my three subtopics and actually start on the first paragraph. Hopefully this isn't too big of a goal and I can get at least 90% of it done.
