How rich people vs really rich people treat the cleaning staff.

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“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do nothing for him.” -Abraham Lincoln


Reminds me of a saying I once heard: don't judge a man by how he treats his peers, judge him by how he treats those he believes to be below him.


I worked at a business where the janitor was also the boss. She was kind of a germaphobe and even tho we had a cleaning crew come in nightly, she made sure the place was spotless at all times. The amount of people that shot themselves in the foot because they didnt know their interview started the second they stepped thru the door.


This is exactly how I got my first job after I graduated from college. Had no experience, had nothing to offer to the employer. When the cleaning lady came in, I stood up, greeted her and tried my best to stay out of her way so she could finish her job faster. I was called in and got the job in 5 mins.


Oh Lord. This reminds me of my old boss. They would always hire someone and put them on a 3 month probation time. At that point he/she didn't saw the boss but only HR. In those 3 months he would dress up like a normal worker and work with us in the foundry doing all the stuff we also do whilst just working with the new guys. Mind you he's a multi - millionaire at that point in his late 50s early 60s. Super chill dude! You could do jokes with him, do stupid stuff and go for a drink with him at the end of the shift. Well respected by everyone because he had no qualms with taking his suit off and going in overalls into the sweltering heat and intense dust with the boys when we needed help. It wasn't a small company either!


The sign of a humble and modest person is how they treat those considered “less than” - “never look down on people unless you’re helping them back up”


I feel saddened when he says "well he yelled at me" because you can hear the embarrassment in his tone. I know how it feels to be belittled due to social status


My dad was a third shift maintenance man, at a college. He was not treated very well, by his employer or most of the people on campus. However, a very famous pro basketball player held a summer camp at the college. After camp was over, he and his buddies would stay late and shoot hoops. Michael Jordan appreciated my dad’s work in keeping the gym clean, so he gifted my dad with several shirts from his summer camp. My dad was so thrilled and grateful, to have his work acknowledged in such a way.


This also super applies in the dating world. Watch how your date treats the servers and cashiers you run across because if they’re jerks to the staff, sooner or later you’ll get that same treatment.


Years ago when I went to college I worked at a pretty nice restaurant in a very wealthy part of Houston. A man would come into the restaurant to have interviews with prospective employees (not entry level). He would always get there first, and would instruct us to make a mistake or two in the order - to see how the person being interviewed would handled it, if he got angry, raised his voice, etc.

I doubt it was the only criteria he used to hire people, but it was very interesting to see.


Always be nice to the cleaners, they’re people too AND have the keys to every door in the building when you’re in a pinch 👍


My grandpa was a respected lawyer who treated everyone with respect. One day he noticed the FedEx driver seemed down when he dropped off packages. He invited him into his office, asked him what was wrong and helped him financially. EVERYONE came to pay their respects after he died. We never heard the story about the delivery driver until after his death. That was just the kind of man he was. He and my grandma lived by example.


Meanwhile at Amazon: "Sir we saw how you disparaged that lowly worker and we'd like to skip the interview and offer you the job on the spot"


I have absolutely done this. Watching how a candidate treats the building staff is one of the most reliable ways to find someone you would never want to hire.


Cleaning staff are the most underrated and underutilized staff. I'll be honest without them you don't have a productive environment that's inviting to staff and the public. A business, especially a very forward facing one with lots of customers will fail without a decent building that's clean and well maintained.


Joey Diaz got a part on Spiderman 2 by being friendly and chatting with the catering lady. Turn out she was one of the casters as well as the director wife


I love this one so much. I quickly fell in love with my husband after watching him interact with others. He’s always extra kind to servers, people down on their luck, veterans, etc. Gonna text him this video now! ♥️


As a lowly worker that enjoys your content.
This is the one that earned my sub.
_Always_ and I mean always respect the custodian and cooks.
This isn't just advice for the rich this is advice for all people.
The first thing I do is make friends with the hardest workers.
When I was stuck eating hospital food for my former partner's complications, it turned into free extra bacon and double fries no additional charge.
Do not, I repeat _do not_ do this for the extra fries. Act genuinely kind and it will be it sown reward. (The extra fries are a perk though)


Always be kind to everyone. The only reason the office isn't an absolute mess and the toilts are clean is because of janitors


My father used todo this all the time to new managers or executives. My dad used to work the coffee stand or be the guy delivering food to the office.

And used to see how the prospective interviewers would act. Safe to say a lot of those managers did not get the job. But the ones that did stayed with the company for a long time

Treat everyone no matter there rank or status with respect. It will get you farther in life then you think.
