How rich people vs really rich people buy a Christmas tree.

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This is SO TRUE tho!!! I used to work in downtown Chicago at a business that saw all sorts of rich, wealthy, and actually wealthy people. The rich were flashy and stingy, the wealthy were a bit more conservative in style but kept trying to bargain and were oftentimes rude. But the insanely wealthy? Acted like totally normal people who just want to make you smile. One lady I ADORED almost always wore sweats, very little makeup, and shared with me her exciting purchase of a super simple watch…at Cartier. She was so elated to be at a point in her life where she still doesn’t know how much it cost her because money is no object. I was broke AF but she treated me like an old friend. Another Crazy Wealthy and Powerful family with serious marital issues still treated me and my coworkers like family, with dignity and respect (and handmade bath bombs from the wife!) and constantly taught their children to do the same. “Look her in the eyes and say please.” “Remember to hold the door open for them.” I’ll never forget those people 😊


I’ve noticed that really rich people will notice if someone is adept at their job and will treat them like that.


Pretty sure I binged all of this dude's videos. What I've learned, don't be a dick. Wealth doesn't even apply.


Kindness and respect cost nothing, and yet they're worth *everything.*


Remember, dont go broke trying to look rich


this is 100% true and I bet the really rich dude tipped every worker after they delivered and set up the trees


I'm not rich but act with respect and kindness and pretty much get it back each time. It doesn't cost anything to be kind.


I had a buddy who used to work at a Christmas tree farm when we were growing up. This story sounds exactly like how it was there. The people who were super nice to him he would go out of his way to help him.


Here’s the thing. I work at a hardware store in a pretty affluent town. New money are always the people that talk down to service staff, scream and yell when they don’t get their way etc Old money is patient, kind and accommodating. I had a jeweller come in one evening with his wife. Probably one of the richest people around here, so humble and kind. Rolled up in a minivan cause it’s their “town car”. Such amazing people.


From experience growing up around business owners I can say this is accurate. I seen the “rich” always showing off most of the time their kids were always stuck up and arrogant but then super rich were just chill, laid back and quiet. Same with their kids.


I feel like once you have more than enough money you know what to do with, it stops being “money” and just becomes “green thank you notes” xD


I wouldn't say rich vs very rich, more like inherited fortune vs self made fortune.


damn, this guy bargained with himself, what a business man.


This is so true. One of the nicest people I know is also one of the richest I know. He grew up in a single parent household with five other siblings. His mum worked so hard to be able to put food on the table, and always taught him the value of a dollar and hard work. He worked his way from the bottom, made some smart business decisions and it paid off. He owns several businesses and treats all of his employees like family regardless of their job/position in the company. He loves helping others and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. They say that rich is loud, but wealth is silent.


You don't realize how inspirational your videos really are sir. Used to haul for a 400 acre family farm always got a $200-400 tip worked my ass off for those guys and they were always appreciative. Hauled for a 15k acre operation and got my pay docked on a guess $6 yes $6 guess they needed it more than I did. But things like this make a person realize how much different it is between a guy in jeans who made his money and has money, and a guy with $400 sunglasses, $200 in gel in his hair, and a chip on his shoulder


I just realized the really rich gave the guy time to get them all ready instead of asking for them then and there.


The Douglas is like the Ferrari of Christmas trees. You're going to wake up the next day and all the needles are going to be on the ground


My neighbor in Florida was the private chef to Mrs Pillsbury. Think biscuits and stuff.
She lived in a real mansion on Jupiter Island but was very down to earth lady.
I asked my friend if she would deliver a message to her about her cinnamon rolls. (There were 8 in a pack but the icing was only enough for 4 or 5)
Within a few weeks the rolls came with a larger tub of icing.)
My friend said she was thankful for the feedback and gave me a coupon for free rolls.
Really rich people didn’t get where they are by being jerks.


"Yeah I guess you could say I'm a lumberjack"
*agressive head movements*


It’s not even between rich and really rich, it’s the difference between “dads money” and “I brought myself from the bottom to the top”…respect and kindness are free ❤