Build Your Upper Chest with Bands - Top 3 Upper Chest Exercises

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If you're looking for some good upper chest exercises using resistance bands, then this is the video for you.

I will walk you through my top 3 resistance band upper chest exercises to help you build chest size and strength with bands.

To target the upper chest muscles we will be using a variety of flies and inclined pressing exercises designed to put tension on the pec muscles, and specifically the upper pec muscles.

The most important thing to think about when doing these exercises is to be sure to get full contraction of the chest muscles at the top of the rep by squeezing your pecs together and trying to touch your biceps to your pecs at the top of the rep. Also, be sure to control the eccentric (downward) portion of the rep by fighting against the resistance and letting it down slowly until you get a full stretch at the bottom of the rep.

Also, I find it very important to maintain moderate to high tension in the bands throughout the entire range of motion. Don't let the bands get slack in them at the bottom of the rep, we want tension on them during the entire rep!

Exercise 1: Low Anchor Flies
In this exercise, I find it best to use 2 anchor points setup close to the floor, that are wider than your wingspan (typically 64" or greater apart). This will ensure that the force will act to pull against the direction of your pec muscle contraction at the highest efficiency. If you do not have 2 anchor points that are wide apart, I would recommend doing a single arm fly, to get the best muscle engagement.

This exercise is one of my favorites for chest as the progressive resistance from the bands really hits hard at the very top peak contraction point of the rep and allows you to really challenge the pec muscles and get a good solid contraction.

Exercise 2: Decline Push-Ups
This is one of my favorite pressing exercises with bands. The decline angle allows us to target the upper chest muscles, and the greater the angle the more we target the upper chest. Also, by placing our hands on the floor, we can eliminate any excess shoulder muscle engagement that occurs from adding bands to this exercise.

Exercise 3: Incline Chest Press
This exercise is my favorite, and ultimately the only form of incline chest press that I like to do with bands. The key here is to use a single band behind the back, and under the arms. Try to get the band up as high as you can so that the bands aren't creating excessive shoulder rotation during the range of motion. I also like to use an incline bench here so that I can support my back, and retract my shoulder blade to minimize the resistance band effect on shoulder rotation.


Our Preferred Equipment:

Clench Band Handles:

Wall Anchors:

Anchor Straps:


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Рекомендации по теме

Flys with bands are the best!! The first exercise is my favorite. I often superset these fly exercises at low midpoints and the top to work different angles of the pecs.


I know what weight training I'm 70 years old I just started I got dumbbells and some extra system bar so anything I get to see and can use I appreciate


I love the honesty in the bench chest press!




Really well explained! the one handed flys is my favorite,


Wow! So cool! Thank you for this! KEEP ON ROCKING! The decline is something new for me! KEEP ON ROCKING!


I also like the fly version the most. Nice video.


Wrap the band around the back of the bench on incline


What resistance is it with the bands demonstrated in this video? Gonna invest in these!


please do something on rotator cuff exercises. love the content


The fly with the single band. I hook the band under the door for each arm.
