Which TYPE of Therapy is Right?

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I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
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I have agoraphobia, depression and anxiety since I was a kid. When I got 18, I lock myself in my house and for 2 years I have not been able to go out or having friends home. Just the idea of going out gave me nausea/panic attack (My panic attack is related to my Emetophobia). I started to see a social worker ( Free in Québec, Canada – but you will have to be on a waiting list for 6month to 2 years ). I do a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) since 5 months. I had a diner at the restaurant with my family, saw friends and even go to the cinema with my mom today! It’s better week after week. It really helped me with my anxiety/agoraphobia. Things get better.


I dont know if you'll see this but I want to say for the record therapist who start off most sessions, especially early, with the question "why do you think you're here" or "what do you want out of therapy" can put a whole lot of pressure on those with certain mental health issues. Stop asking these questions. We don't know how to answer them!!


If anyone here suffers from OCD I seriously urge you to try CBT. It quite literally turned my life around when I was younger


EMDR all the way. I disconnected too much from CBT/DBT/even talk therapy at times. EMDR is what is putting me back into my body.


When my therapist was doing cbt all she did was say “this is because you’re bipolar. This is because you’re bipolar.” Like she wouldn’t help me all she did was say I am manic, or depressed. Okay. So she said she was doing cbt with me? But there was no participation on my part... so I switched..


I like how informative and detailed you are. :)


"Healthy thoughts equal healthy actions". Thanks Kati for the Talk Therapy!


Could you talk about psychodynamic therapy?



1. anxiety
2. ocd
3. substance use
attacks negative thoughts and turn them into happy thoughts


1. bpd
2. eating disorders
3. substance use
4. schizophrenia
CBT + emotion regulation

talk therapy:

1. mood disorders
2. for mild issues
3. life transitions
borrows from other therapies, unbiased


23M. diagnosed with ADHD and Depression when I was 11. Have done years of talk therapy and for the last five years have done CBT. It's helped me some but I recently got to a breaking point where I was no longer consistently showing up to work. Currently trying compassionate inquiry. Hopefully that will be the catalyst for change


Ugh I need trauma therapy but I'm kinda stuck with talk therapy for now, and it's really just making me feel invalidated.


I was abused by a church for years, and I have lots of issues from that. I have been in therapy with a therapist who practices CBT as well as Brainspotting. Been seeing her for nearly two years.


Ive had CBT before but currently waiting for more intensive CBT (26sessions). I found it effective in the short term last time but talking therapy which ive had 52 sessions of has really broke through so many emotional layers. I learned a lot about myself and believe this new awareness has now brought about a foundation for further healing :-) DBT isnt around in the UK as far as I know...x I hope this helps someone considering therapy


CBT and DBT has helped tremendously for me. I think it's a great starting point to get some techniques to have before you try and deal with other things going on. I recommend it to really everyone to help them learn how to rethink their thought patterns.


Wow Kati I thought I was permanently messed up from S.A, I'm losing my mind thinking my health is deteriorating some times, I avoid doing things only because I hate talking to people feels so awkward and many other things, your very smart and I think your amazing. I'm seeking therapy because of you I wish you were my therapist.


Kati, , I've had many many psychology courses in University. I have a DSM5. I am trying to figure out an approach to an issue with someone else, and how to deal with their mental health issues. I am elderly. I've lived a very full and very busy life. I raised my family, and have the active grandkids. I've been very social, especially in my University days. But now I want to live a quiet life where I can work on all the things I put off my entire life. Painting, Knitting, Sewing/quilting, Reading, Genealogy, etc. I am exceptionally busy during all my days. 10-12 hours a day worth of busy, and still not enough time to accomplish all that is still desired. I literally have no time for total nonsense.
SO, I stick to myself except for very important friends, and of course my huge family. I'm simply too busy with my personal things in life to be fussed with outsiders. SO because I will not socially interact with my neighbors, especially a very despicable busybody, he makes up lies about me. Verbally assaults my exceptional character, and it has gotten to the point I am ready to get an " Injection Against Harassment" against him for it. He is a never ending gossip who loves spreading everyone else's business around to anyone willing to give him the time of day. I know he has many mental health issues, but what specifically can you see in someone who has to be so vicious about others. Especially those who avoid him [like me]. There are over a dozen neighbors who dislike this guy, but he literally has singled me out because I refuse to interact with him. I don't have the time in my life to be around people of that caliber! I do all I can to avoid him, not speak to him, he is just despicable towards me [I am his enemy], because of my refusal to interact with this wretched man. What makes a person act like that? What personality disorder can describe a person with such venom against others. Especially those they do not even know. I refuse to allow personal details out to any of neighbors, but for my chosen few. I go in for quality, not quantity, when picking friends. SO this guy MAKES UP his own lies against me. Pathological lying type issues. What do I need to research to teach me to deal with such a horrific neighbor? Even with COVID-19 going wild, he still finds an ear to rampage about me, to. What can I read to further my knowledge on dealing with this kind of a person. I've recommended him seeing a mental health professional, but he thinks he is in total denial that he has issues. I've even slipped a referral to NAMI [National Alliance on Mental Illness]
800-950-NAMI, into his mailbox... hoping he will take the hint.


I don't want to go to therapy because the only therapist available in my town is the same one who told me when I was getting help for anxiety that my problems aren't real and if I think of it like that enough then I won't still think I have anxiety


Loved this video! Personally I have found that CBT wasn't that helpful, I have benefited more from talk therapy and and a mix of Interpersonal and Experiential therapy. The relationship between me and my therapist really has so much impact on my process. Also I love to thinking about 'the meaning of life' and discuss things in detail, so talking about my own experiences in relation to my core values has really helped me :) 


CBT claim about efficacy is bogus according to APA task force investigating the efficacy of EBTs. There are also meta analysis by Wampold, Norcross, Shedler and others that argue that there is no real difference between models. Original study on DBT was done on a sample size of 17 and follow-up of 9. I'm sure that you know that to generate a normal curve the sample size has to be at least 29. Furthermore findings are measured in standard deviation which requires a normal curve. Plus there is a study "The Empirical Basis of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Summary, Critique, and Implications
Karen R. Scheel, University of Oklahoma, looks at the fallacies in Linehan's findings. How's that for evidence?


I've been in therapy for almost 19 years. I've tried talk, CBT and EMDR. I've looked in DBT, life coaching and spent years on medication. I'm connecting with people finally who might be able to recommend something that can really help.
