What Calvinists Actually Believe

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What Calvinists Actually Believe

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The title is not compatible to this video. I still have zero clue what Calvinists believe.


Based on quite a few dialogues/debates, my best guess is that many people so strongly oppose Calvinism because they hate the idea that they are not in control. They despise the idea that their faith was predestined. They loathe the concept that God choosing them had anything to do with them coming to Christ for salvation. Simply put, they want to think that they are fully in control of their own eternal destiny. They chose to receive Christ as Savior. And for many, they adamantly hold onto the idea that they can also choose to reject Christ as Savior after previously trusting in Him for salvation.

What Calvinism haters do not understand, or refuse to accept, is that God's absolute sovereignty does not negate the fact that we are still absolutely responsible for our actions. Yes, God elects people to salvation (Romans 8:29-30). At the same time, we must believe in Christ to be saved (John 3:16). The two are not mutually exclusive. Both are true. Everyone whom God has chosen will believe, and everyone who believes is chosen by God. Admitting that you cannot perfectly understand the mind of God is the only way to come to a biblical balance on this issue (Romans 11:33-34). Calvinists do not have a perfect understanding of how things work, but there is no denying, biblically speaking, that God is absolutely sovereign in salvation.


In his pride Man can scarcely fathom that he is not the center of creation and the purpose of reality. He is but the chief instrument. God remains to be the center of creation and the basis of reality. God is the supreme value. That he creates a world to showcase this and all his attributes is absolutely good. For even the dark spots of that world serve this purpose.


Excellent summation regarding the sinful state of the natural man. This is a brief but biblically accurate exposition, and is consistent with the teachings of reformed soteriology.


Thank you Pastor Driscol for the excellent message. I have been binging your videos. You are a blessing. May you and yours be richly blessed in Gods perfect will in Jeesus most Holy name, Amen.


To be completely honest I have no problem with Calvinism except for predestination. When I ask these questions I can’t get a solid answer.
1) in John 3:14-18 Jesus said, “whoever” or “anyone.” You’re telling me Jesus was lying?
2) Why did Jesus tell the Lost Parables about souls that were chosen before the beginning of time?
3) The Apostles were not Calvinist, they were Jews. Nor did the Apostles follow the teachings of the New Testament. Why did it take until the 1500’s for this specific doctrine to surface?


Error. They believe error. Signed: a Former Calvinist. Watch Leighton Flowrrs on Soteriology 101.


God never designed us as robots, even though he knows the choices we make, he gave us free will to choose Him or not to.


Thank you, I was looking for a way to explain the thought / feeling I had had for years that ~ God found me, I wasn't lost to him I was lost from him. He never lost his eye upon me but I had stopped looking for him like a spoiled child.


I don't like it when the title of an abbreviated message describes one thing but it's not even addressed in the message. This in itself is dishonest. The content of this message was good, but it had nothing to do with defining Calvanism, which I assume was covered in the optional full message. I've seen this before, and I would call it "click bait". Too many of these and I won't follow, sorry.


Calvin himself did not want a marked grave. Do yourselves and others a big favor and drop the name. 1 Corinthians 3:4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are YOU not carnal?


It's a very good synopsis of the 'T' of TULIP.


In calvinism Total depravity does not mean that sin has affected every part of us. It means total inability to believe or come to god without being regenerated first by divine grace.


The title is compatible with the title. He is teaching the same things Calvin taught on this passage.


1 Timothy 2:1-4 (ESV) 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Notice — “who desires all people to be saved”

2 Peter 3:9 (ESV) The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

The Bible says God wants all people to go to Heaven. If anyone isn’t there, it’s because of them, not God’s pre-plan for them.


Everything starts and ends with God, His sovereignty is sovereign. I'm a five point Calvinistic charismatic/continualist. It's rare (me & Derek Prince, LOL), and it can tick people off (welcome to my life).
I can totally see how Arminianism can be defended by Scripture, just not as overwhelmingly, in my opinion; I never finished seminary (financial ruination), so, ...I listen to savvy bible teachers like Pastor Driscoll.
I can coexist with Arminian believers, as salvation though Christ alone is the biggest hill.


Great clip! Amen—people really need to hear this! 👍🏻✝️


This whole thing you spoke is compatible with Arminianism also. I didn’t hear one thing that most arminians would disagree with.


i dunno if their behind the scenes people read comments but i’d like to request them to start putting the link to whole sermon into the description. i mean, i like the clips, but i am hoping for it to be easier than having to click over to the main channel page and go scrolling through to find the sermon. again i appreciate the clips too.


I learned this year that TULIP was actually developed after Calvin's death. Anyone trying to stay "no Calvinists" based on this is misled. We need another word for post- or neo-calvinists
