A Calvinist when he hears an Arminian explain “What Calvinists Believe”
When a Calvinist hears someone say “most people are basically good”
Why Jeff Durbin Became A Calvinist #jeffdurbin @Soteriology101 @ApologiaStudios #calvinism
MacArthur’s INCREDIBLE Take on Arminianism Vs Calvinism
HERETICAL because He's Calvinist 🥴 #religion #catholic #jesus
Why I Think Calvinism Is Unbiblical
The BEST Argument Against Calvinism w/ Dr. Braxton Hunter
Cessationists vs Jesus! #theology #calvinist #reformed
Calvinism, Lawson, and the Comment Section
Calvinist Kid!
Several People 'Walk Out' as John MacArthur Preaches a Sermon on Ephesians 5 on Nov. 13, 2...
Calvinism (Introduction to John Calvin's Reformed Theology)
Answering Objections To Calvinism
Responding to Calvinist Arguments for Limited Atonement
Was Jesus a Calvinist?
What Is Calvinism?
Non-Calvinist Interpretation of Romans 9
What is a 3-point, 4-point and 5-point Calvinist and Which One Am I?
Answering Objections to Calvinism
Is Voddie Baucham a Calvinist?
R.C. Sproul Reads ‘The Calvinist’
The Difference Between Calvinists and Arminians
A Sinner Walks into a Calvinist Reformed Baptist Church
Live Episode 16: How I Became a Calvinist (Hear Me Out!) (Special Guest: Chris New)
When Goldbloom said which part I snorted 😂
The same is true of Arminians, Molinists and Provisionists, when Calvinists try to explain their positions.
I get that this is running joke between Calvinists and Arminians but, I think it's time that we Calvinists understood that we do not have a monopoly on being misunderstood and misrepresented by everyone else. We do quite a bit of misunderstanding and misrepresenting others views ourselves.
We should acknowledge that.
Most Baptists explaining why Presbyterians hold to infant baptism 😂
Arminian here, how’s this:
The Calvinist view of predestination is that God chose some to be saved and others to not be saved. Those who God chose to save are referred to as “the elect.” God does not hate the non-elect and he did not create them just to damn them. Rather, God, in his infinite mercy, chose to cause some to have faith, saving them from the punishment that they deserve due to their own sin, and chose to pass over others, leaving them in their unbelief. The reason why God has to cause you to come to faith is that we are so dead in our own sin that it is impossible for us to choose to put our faith in him of our own free will. This is called “total depravity.” If God chose for you to be one of his elect, it is not because of anything you did. Rather, it’s only because of what Jesus did for you. This is called “unconditional election.” Jesus’ death on the cross only atoned for the sins of the elect, rather than the sins of all. This is called “limited atonement.” If God chose for you to be one of his elect, you will believe and put your faith in Him no matter what. This is called “irresistible grace.” If someone is one of God’s elect, at the moment they first truly put their faith in Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit, they will never fall away from the faith and will continue to believe until the very end of their life. This is called “perseverance of the Saints.”
How did I do?
Edit: typo
Apparently the Calvinist view is so convoluted that it can only be understood by someone who is affirming it positively. Whenever an opponent to this unbiblical doctrine directly quotes your most prominent authors and thought leaders we get told “you’re flattening it out” or “you simply don’t understand”. It’s truly amazing the contortion the English language endures wherever the Calvinist is speaking of their views, special unwritten dictionaries are used, it must be divine gnosis that gives the Calvinist this special knowledge.
If we had free will, we could will not to sin and we would not need a Savior. We do have a Savior - Jesus.
Our wills are in bondage to sin and we cannot free ourselves.
Only Jesus saves us and sets us free.
🤣🤣 Facts. Great movie btw, never miss it when it’s on.
I love my Calvinist brothers but I have a few questions.
I have seen some disagreement among Calvinists on this. Did Adam and Eve, un-depraved by hereditary sin nature, have a libertarian(true)free will? Freely choosing to eat from the tree. Or did they still have a compatible free will?
If the latter(Compatiblism), wouldn’t they have been only bound by their nature? which was not a sin nature, obviously. It seems to me, in their case, they would not have chosen to sin. They would have chosen righteousness which is in accordance with their pre-fall nature and they would have been bound by it. As sinful humans make decisions compatible with their sin nature is.
If they had a Libertarian free will, why was that not a problem to God’s sovereignty, as post-fall humans having such a free will is?
Finally(Full Determinism), if they DID have fully determined “unfree” will, which I think is the strongest form of Calvinism, Would that not mean:
“The decrees of God are his eternal purpose, according to the counsel of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he hath foreordained whatsoever comes to pass” - WSC 7.
This includes ALL human action, pre and post fall including Adam’s choice to sin.
The problem with full Determinism, is that would make God the author of evil. Decreeing the actions of one man, which is how sin entered the world.
Now let's talk about pots and kettles being black and glass houses
too many types of calvanist to keep track of
Here's a plot twist for you: Calvinists and Armenians are partially right and partially wrong and they both argue in circles like a dog chasing it's tail while the truth stands right there in the middle not being acknowledged because they both would think it to be heresy.
Same way about how the calvinist always misrepresented Armenian views.
Im not an Armenian or calvinist.
But i always see hypocritical peoples from calvinist's side.
Ha ha. It is about as bad as when a calvinist tries to explain provisionisism.
I’m looking into Pentecostalism and Pentecostalism is a Wesleyan movement, but there is misrepresentation out there.
It goes both ways though. Nobody can build a straw man like James White.😂😂😂
I just wish we’d all agree to disagree. Let’s stop with the petty arguments. We’re all members of one another in the body of Christ. Can’t we stop picking knits?
Calvinism 101.... We have no free will to choose. We're all robots and are pre-programmed.... 🙄