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What’s it like training as a woman? Well….
I think it’s massively important to understand that as a woman we go through so much and certain things are not the same for a man. My reasoning to make this post it to assure you that you’re doing really really great but go easy on yourself at times.

1. PERIODS: not spoken enough in our industry and highly under considered by most trainers (including me for a long time) where you are in your cycle will determine how much energy you have/ strength you can exert and mood you are in. You’re period plays a big month to month factor! There is inevitable one month out of a week I feel exhausted during my lifts.

2. This old school myth of women who lift looking manly needs to really stop. Unless you’re enhancing your “muscle growth” your body can only grow muscle at a certain natural rate. Yes you can developer muscle areas more with the right training/ consistency but still… you can only develop so far.

3. This is a no brainer… we all know the better the gym set the better you train

4. Again, females hormones are temperamental things! Women naturally store more fat around their “lower belly” area for reproductive reasons. It’s Normal! It protects your lady bits.

5. Strength training isn’t just about how it’s making you look, it’s the foundation for EVERYTHING! Skeletal system/ muscular development/ being able to do day to day things. Nearly all professional athletes do some form of strength training!

Bottom line! As a woman our bodies do go through so much! So be gentle/ keep lifting and don’t worry about myths if it makes you feel good… keep doing it.
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Not only is weight training just good for our muscles, but also our bone density! We ladies are more at risk for osteoporosis (brittle and weak bones). Weight training before your bone density becomes too low is crucial in keeping osteoporosis from occurring sooner! If you’re under 30 it’s even more beneficial to start now! :)


“Cute activewear will make you 100% more broke than before” 🤣😝


Took me so long to understand and just realise that my period played a huge part in my gym routine. I now adapt my workouts round my cycle and have seen a huge improvement! I used to be so frustrated when I couldn’t lift or workout the same from one week to the next


Maybe I’m a bit different. I actually feel more motivated when I’m rocking an oversized shirt, black leggings, and my worn-out shoes. I feel like a legend at work - like my attire tells the story of all the hard work I’ve put in.


Lifting gave me more energy, confidence & happiness . It also lightened my period . I also like being the girl who can carry heavy things . I only wish I had started sooner .


I am category III obese and aged 31. I am slowly moving my body to eventually start exercising and lift weights. This is so inspiring to me. 😊


Period cycle and working out needs to be talked about more. I tend to get very tired and weak the week before and a few days after my cycle


They need to teach us the cycle stuff in school/home.... like why us women not know that our cycle changes so much for us... no one educated my mama, and no one educated now me n my friends gotta learn as adults what our body does, seems so wild!!!! 🙃


You're a huge inspiration. I started training seriously very recently (4 months) and it has played a huge role in my mental well-being as well


I just started going to the gym again I am slowly increasing my weights I am so excited to get stronger!!! 💪🏾


I’ve been lifting (w breaks) since I’m 19 yo (I’m 23) 🥺and it helps me live so much better life, I stress less, I feel sexy, I can do more in life
now I’m thinking of powerlifting professionally


also don't be afraid to ask guys for a spot! it opens a dialogue, helps build gym community, and helps you progress. you'll be surprised who is willing to help spot... I train with headphones in, cap or hoody up and probably look unapproachable. it's so the gym lighting doesn't hurt my eyes as I don't like bright lights and I don't look around much so I don't put people off or make them think I'm looking. I have my little world but any chance I get to help someone progress is a pleasure.


While on my monthly, I be exhausted when lifting (even cardio). Good to know it's not because I'm becoming a weakling lol. Can't wait to go hard again! 💪


Can we also talk about not being about finding pants/jeans to fit our waist and thighs?! That struggle is real!!!


used to be extremely active in HS, my periods weren’t anything to bat an eye at. Stopped being as active and periods became a nuisance (getting the diva cup took some of that off) but I just started working out more consistently and I don’t even feel my PMS creeping up like I normally do!


I applaud anyone tht can go to gym when you're on your period, i can barely get up 😭


My wife is constantly telling me this, and I believe her, as do I respect and commend her outspokenness while feeling vulnerable. Let me also be transparent and say, my insecurities/ emotions are constantly are battling against my soul... flesh vs. spirit.... and telling me she's not working hard enough for it. I'm wrong, but I'm a human striving for growth. Thanks for sharing!


All of these are accurate. Especially the period one. I remember when in high school and middle school gym I would feel awful/ not be able to do as much on certain days with my cycle and would be yelled at. Now that I lift I realize that nothing was wrong with me, and that it’s a normal thing.


I used to think the medium didn’t matter, I spend most days telling women this and they fight it but I’ve realized that sometimes they listen when it comes from another woman. If you own a gym, make sure to have some solid female coaches 💪🏾


I can't begin to express my appreciation & gratitude for your perseverance and inspiration as of late. If it weren't for all your videos and clips, I probably would not have made the progress I have these 6 months. You're amazing, and with you always here pushing me, I know that turning 38 will be an awesome experience. With so many suffering from adrenal fatigue/failure, making everything seem more challenging & even impossible at times. You've made this fitness journey so far satisfying & productive. Thank you Krissy, from the bottom of my heart ❤️‍🔥🌹✨
