Very dramatic, yet satisfying EVGA 3060Ti repair part 1

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15:12 voltage drops on core is 11, 2 should be 12v input voltage. thats why it crashes, nothing wrong with card?!? psu? i had corair what did the same and it was broken


Absolutely LOVE the music piece you played during GPU re-ball session! One of the MANY reasons I watch your work. Keep up the good work bro!


Dude, you're amazing. . . Good does not suffice.


Thumbs up for all the efforts you did 👍


Such a cliffhanger, Tony pls give us a follow-up video if you manage to figure out how to fix this. 😁


life as we know it jim beam me up scotty


I would have bought a new card, not worth fixing


I'm glad after 30+ years of repairing electronics to component level I can finally look forward to retiring after next year. Things are so much smaller these days and my eyes are worn out along with many other things.


you deserve every penny you take from repairs, great job as always!


As an asic repair tech (who emailed you about a gpu repair recently) I feel your pain! It sucks when you spend countless hours working on a repair only to have it be a no fix. Such is our life! Despite this repair not being a success, just know you are a highly skilled technician! Kudos for what you do!


Sometimes we avoid the possibility that the BIOS could be a problem so much that we end up forgetting about it being a factor. The customer knew a respectable lot about what he wanted done to the card. Did you consider that, perhaps, he might have flashed an alternative BIOS trying to squeeze some power out of the card? It happened to me more times than fingers I have in a hand.


Before the crash, the GPU jumps to 1890 MHz.
Try to lock the speed to 1800 Mhz, and maybe lower the mem clock as it goes down to 5000 MHz before crashing.
Maybe one of the capacitors is failing?


Thanks for taking us through a technical walkthrough instead of sharing a video with an easy repair and telling us about how great your tweezers are for 20 minutes.


This card looks like it has a problem getting enough supplied voltage.
The likely problem is it is missing a good connection on one of the 12v+ wires in the main connector which overloads the other connectors increasing their resistance as higher amp flow goes through the connector wires and connector resulting in a voltage drop and a heavy reliance on the 12V+ board back-plane to supply 12V across the card.
I've had this happen on lots of cards and the next symptoms you'll see, under heavy loads if it's not addressed, are burnt pins or connections at the PSU connector followed by overworked, overheated, and burned power phase chips that get hot and melt the solder, stop functioning or weld to the board.


As I've commented before run mods and loop tests 94 and 95 gradually increase the memory clock until it crashes shouldn't need to exceed stock clocks. Also you can exceed stock clocks to find any degraded modules.. In my experience this works every time and will lead you to the problem which is most likely a module not being able to run at stock clocks at higher temperatures.. Anyways gl keep up the good work and God Bless..


If I was the customer, I would ask you to return the memory back to hynix and still pay you anyway. Your dedication is enough for me to pay. It is my show of respect for your works.


Sorry if it's out of this video's topic.

But I got some interesting find on my XFX 319 SWFT 6800, I could push it just fine & stable up to 2500 MHz core @935mV, and 2100 MHz on the memory clock (default timing).

But it's unstable af as soon as I turned on the Fast Timing on the memory no matter what I do. Even when all the other values are at stock, it will still be crashing and reboots my pc along with a broken BSOD view, like a broken monitor (even though my LG GL850 monitor is working just fine).

Is this a sign of a faulty VRAM? Or am I just unlucky? Or is there something else?


Have you seen if the phases are not shutting down during load? Or perhaps the vcore ripple is too high because of a failed tantalum right on the bottom of the GPU due too all the heat. Try to increase the capacitance by soldering more capacitors in parallel, just for testing. Use your scope to see the ripple during load


As the card has undergone a hefty impact there may be a cracked joint, track or via hiding somewhere. The card heats up and goes open circuit. If you can't monitor signals accurately it could be near impossible to find.


Hi, According to your sheet the Hynix configuration is 00101 and micron is 00001(throw-out-issue) and 00100(line on screen issue), but is it possible 00101 (after the line being fixed) also works for micron too and solve the throw-out-of-game issue?
