What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Meat

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Does eating a vegan diet really improve your health? Check out today's epic new video as we break down the no-animal products diet to see how beneficial it is to your overall health, or is eating meat actually better for you?


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I started eating a vegan diet and when also eating low fat foods, my gut pain was gone completely. I've been struggling for years and with seeing doctors, and it's the only thing that helped me. I saw a dietician to make sure I was doing it right. After awhile, I saw the doctor and got blood work. She said my bloodwork was perfect and to keep doing what I was doing. When I said I went vegan, she said, "Good for you!"" and she clapped!


The hardest part of being a vegan is getting up at 5 in the morning and milking the almonds 😂


Been vegan for 29years.
I never lost muscle. I was winning local triathlons for a decade. No loser of testosterone. Had a (third) kid in my 40’s.
I have my blood tested annually for b12 and iron and other markers and I’ve had 29 years of stellar results.


I am nearly 80 years old, retired and
have had Type 2 Diabetes since 2001.
As expected, even with managing it
well over the years, medication doses
increased, and late in 2016, I started
to use Insulins, such as Levamir, and
Novalog daily, but over time, my weight
increased from 210 to 260 pounds. I
had been taking a weight medication
pill before insulin, called Qysemia, which had reduced my weight by 20
pounds, which no longer worked with
taking Insulin. The a little over 2 years
ago stopped Insulin shots, stopped eating out, and no meat, just vegetables, blueberries, some grains,
and salads. I very rapidly lost 40 pounds, and resumed Insulin, with
Lantus, for 24 hours and barely use
the Novolog for meals anymore.
I feel better, my medical stats have
improved, and mt Diabetes Dr, just
told me on my last visit not to see
him for a whole year, for as well as
I am doing now. 😊


I went on a no processed foods diet and my acne disappeared and I lost 25 lbs in a month.

I ate as much as I wanted as long as it was fruits, vegetables, and meat that wasn't processed. I never had to count calories, I just ate until I was full.


I’m a vegetarian now, 4 months in. One thing I do hate about vegans and other vegetarians, is that they act like if you’re not one of them, then you’re some sort of enemy. Just because someone doesn’t partake in the same lifestyle as you doesn’t mean they are less than you. Just because someone doesn’t do what you do doesn’t mean that you are better than them. That’s all.


People have been eating meat forever as a staple. The issue isn’t so much meat, but the lack of exercise, unhealthy processed foods, and food abundance in the modern age


I’ve tried to go vegan a number of times and it never lasts long. I have a large amount of respect for them, even for the loud ones that hate everyone who isn’t vegan though it’s best to avoid them.


Currently a carnivore but man. It gets so boring and tired some of eating meat all the time. When I wasn’t, I didn’t even meats like that anyways. When I was vegan I had different varieties of food and even if it was the same thing, it tasted good and yielded tremendous results. Only thing I hate about todays fruits and veggies is all them dam chemicals. Makes me cringe


i went vegetarian for awhile and had no problems. it was a couple of years. everybody fear mongered about how i'd need protein and such but i really felt no different. not much of a change for good or bad. well, i take that back. i did feel calmer. not low energy, just calmer. then i ate some bison chilli one xmas and slowly went back to omnivorism. it's hard to quit meat!


I’ve been vegetarian for I’m perfectly fine I get my blood drawn once a year


There apparently has been recent studies red meat and saturated fat may not be linked to modern diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes etc. Its more of us consuming modern processed foods such as sugars, seed oils, processed carbs etc that's more likely the cause.

Considering the fat plagues in the arteries may be more fat called viceral fat instead. A fat produced by your own body if you can't metabolise food and will store it on your own body. Not cholesterol.


Lentils is a very good source of protein. Pegion pea is one of them. In India, people eat yellow daal every day.


I eat a mostly plant based diet for health reasons, however, it took me LOTS of planning and time to transition. I did research, talked to nutritionists, and even logged my food intake, all to make sure I transitioned in a healthy manner.

Don't assume you can just eat salad and carrot sticks and be a healthy vegan. You have to understand all of your nutrient needs and what sources can satisfy them. It took me over a year to learn better how to feed myself sufficiently on a plant based diet. I was not vegan overnight. It was a process


The calcium part is very incorrect! For one, dairy products acidify the human body's pH, and in order for the body to neutralize it's pH it draws calcium from the bones thus in the long run resulting in more osteoporosis and fractures. This is backed by large researches that all show that the countries with the lowest consumption of dairy products also have the lowest fracture incidences and of course vice versa, not to mention the correlation with dairy and various forms of cancer, breast and liver to name a couple.
I'd also like to mention that dairy products cause inflammation and this is why a lot of dermatologists advice people with acne breakouts to cut down on dairy. My partner who had serious cystic acne has heard this over and over again from doctors, and he is doing much better since he went vegan.


I had to stop eating meat due to my gallbladder pains (lives in a 3rd world country with no insurance because of "pre-existing conditions" and insurance is only for the affluent clans in my country). So far, my face hasn't changed (like the one on the thumbnail) but I saw gradual changes on my torso.
I changed my meat [and processed meat] consumption with chicken with occasional tofu intake (due to PCOS). I also switched to eating white rice on a small plate


I am now a carnivore. Lost 50 lbs and never felt better.


I think everyone can agree overly processed food is the main problem, I think meat gets a bad reputation when you should try to go lean and not preparing it in unhealthy ways but I think it's about balance and customized for you individually


As an indian (approximately 300 million people in india are vegetarian) and that causes absolutely no problems. if ur having problems due to be vegetarian then ur just not eating the right food. vegetarian food also happens to be more tastier than meat. most of our cuisine here is veg and yet its one of the best cuisines in the world


How about the effects of returning to eating meat after a long period of time? I went vegetarian like 2015 ish and have recently gone back to eating meat because health issues. I’m curious to know what’s happening in this case as well
