26th-32nd Century: Star Trek Lore

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With Star Trek Discovery season three setting into the far future of the Federation, let's take a look at just what the Trek universe has been up to in the intervening years, from 26th century to Discovery's arrival in 3187.

Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World.
Star Trek, Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine/Discovery/Lower Decks/Picard and The Next Generation are all owned and distributed by CBS.
Star Trek Films are owned and distributed by Paramount Pictures
This Video is for critical purposes with commentary.
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7:09 When Captain Archer and Malcolm Reed checking out the 31st century device, up the top screen you see the Defiant, Sisko's ship, from DS9 in the late 24th century, and the right side bottom screen you see the Excelsior, Sulu's ship, from Star Trek Undiscovered Country in the late 23rd century. Down the bottom screen you see the Enterprise NX-01 ship as they were on it. Fascinating!


I'd love to see Daniels pop up again. Maybe drag Archer with him lol.


"When in doubt: Time Travel"
Probably written somewhere in the Trek writers room


They’ve essentially hopscotched about 95% of Star Trek History, from the tail end of Pike’s captaincy of the Enterprise to the end of the Temporal Cold War. That means Discovery has no knowledge of any of the knowledge we as Trek fans take for granted. They have no knowledge of Kirk’s five year mission, all of TOS and their movies, the entirety of the TNG era, including TNG, their movies, DS9, and Voyager, Lower Decks, and what will likely happen in the upcoming Prodigy.

It will be interesting to see Burnham‘s reaction to what Spock accomplished after she was gone, if they see her do that: his time on the Enterprise, the Khitomer Accords, his Amabassadorship.


A cold war is when the powers at play are still in conflict, but also deliberately holding back for fear of mutually assured destruction


It’s easy for the writers to skip over a bunch of stuff they don’t know about


Anyone caught in the Nexus Ribbon can also show up in the 32nd Century.


I love how all the "future" events in Star Trek depicted in the various series are mapped out here in a linear order. Subscribed!


It could be that the _"benefactor"_ of the Suliban wasn't limited to just using technology that only allowed communication with the past … but was using it to go _under the radar._
Actual time travel could be *detected* by temporal scanners, so jaunting back whenever he wanted to give orders may have been risky.

It was a way to stay clandestine, as well as hide their identity *if* they were part of another organisation that would be against their actions - or just wanted to hide that they were breaking the Accord.

Off topic, but imagine the temporal fallout if StarFleet had got their hands on a Suliban Cell Ship and been able to reverse engineer the technology, then implement it with Earth's industrial capacity. The power increase would allow them to completely dominate (as well as having cloaking technology and never being forced to limit usage of it). And what if StarFleet also got the genetic engineering technology of the Suliban [just the vacuum survival mod would greatly improve survivability] - since it was bio mods applied to adults the ban may not apply…


The back up Doctor did eventually go on a journey back to the Alpha quadrant, so they could run it to him. They have been fans of bringing back Voyager characters recently.


There is a reference to the temporal wars in episode 1 of Discovery Season 3. Book mentions time travel was banned after the wars ended


I’m here to learn moar about this Franchise since I’m a Star Wars fan


Not that I think it's going to happen but the backup Doctor from Living Witness was said to leave for Earth after many years of living with the Kyrians, it's not impossible he could show up at some point in the next few season of Discovery.


A series based on the Eugenics Wars… I lived through it and yet must have missed it.


If that mention about Trill symbiotes living for thousands of years means we could possibly meet a new Dax I'm all for it. A Trill, whether it be this time's Dax or not, would be nice to see in Discovery and being that they tend to live long lives, it'd definitely be a way to allow the crew to learn more about the Federation's history as of that point in time. I honestly would like to learn more about the mysterious figure from Enterprise or at least find out his motives as I don't recall Archer ever encountering them and/or confronting them to find out. Maybe they are a reason this future is the way it is.


Fun fact: the Enrerprise episode with a future ship was originally supposed to feature a blue box. When BBC said “hell no”, they changed the ship’s look but kept the “bigger inside” feature


Well the one thing missed I think is the synthetic children of Data. Who, by all accounts, have no life limitation. We could potentially see characters from Picard pop up in S3 of Discover, if not Guinan and the remnants of her species. There too is the possibility of Q making an appearance as well, and even possibly Wesley Crusher or the Traveller.


Using star trek lore, its worth noting that Romulans dont use Dilithium, they use singularity cores to propel their ships which makes me wonder, what are the Romulans doing, how did they fare...


You forgot about Guinan's people who seemed to have both long lives and a kind of precognition.
And of course.. the Q.


In Star trek online, a glimpse at the battle of Procyon 5 and the various time zones in conflict there reveal the captain of the J was a Dax.
