STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Complete Timeline Explained (Seasons 1-3)

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Travel with Greg and Chastity through all 3 seasons of Star Trek Discovery in chronological order, from the Federation-Klingon War to the 32nd century!

0:00 Intro
0:29 When does Discovery take place in Star Trek canon?
0:58 Star Trek series timeline breakdown
1:48 Where does Discovery Season 3 fit in?
2:09 Important stardates & years before Discovery Season 1
2:39 Discovery Season 1 Timeline
7:05 Discovery Season 2 Timeline
17:38 Mid-30th Century & The Burn
18:48 Discovery Season 3 Timeline
21:00 Short Treks “Calypso”

Star Trek: Discovery recently wrapped up Season 3. Before we head into Season 4, we thought this would be a great time to travel back to where it all began by taking a look at the full Discovery timeline. From the Mirror Universe, to the Constitution-class USS Enterprise, all the way to the 32nd century—Let's go back in time and pinpoint the most important stardates in the history of Star Trek: Discovery.

If you’re a bit confused about when exactly Discovery takes place, we got you covered with a breakdown of what we know so far and how it all changed in the third season. For perspective, we begin with a basic outline of all the Trek Series, and where they stand in the timeline when it comes to Discovery's first two seasons. The first episode of Star Trek: Discovery takes place in 2255. That is a decade before the events of The Original Series, 110 years before the events of The Next Generation, and around 100 years after the events of Enterprise.

At the end of Discovery Season 2, everything changes, as Michael Burnham leads the Discovery through a wormhole and they travel 930 and 931 years into the future to a freshly undiscovered part of the Trek timeline. This places them in the 32nd century for Discovery: Season 3. Michael arrives in 3188 and spends a year in this new timeline without her crewmates, before they arrive in 3189. For the full details of every important moment, watch the video above!

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Thank you all for watching! This took a lot of work, but we really enjoyed it! What other timelines should we make? Or what other types of Star Trek videos would you like to see?


I managed to get through season 1 and 2, I gradually got more and more exhausted of Burnham being fawned over constantly. She tries to mutiny, and her punishment is being given clearance to an extremely top secret set of projects and command in short order, oh, and don’t forget being allowed to beat up superior officers.
Too bad, the show looks great visually.


I'm trying to like this series, I really am. But I can't, the plot is absurd. The characters are painfully two dimensional, the mechanics make no fucking sense, none of the original lore is followed, they have technology that they shouldn't have for their time, and wtf did they do to the klingons?? They don't even look like klingons anymore!
Why. Why are they like this? The writers are fucking insane. It's like they can't decide what they want the main conflict to be, it's like they just poured everything into a giant melting pot and then burnt it. By the looks of it, they spent more money on making things look pretty than making the plot make sense.
I cannot enjoy this series, I have tried and tried but it's just so absurd. This is a good example of what would happen if you let fans run/write the show.
Please bring back old star trek... Anything for something like TNG, DS9 or Voyager..

"There are four lights!"


You both are really amazing! Very much enjoyed your exposition, and great work of visuals. It'd be cool to see a cosmic cultural history of the STAR TREK universe 🤔🖖


I realize now why I have no idea what's going on in this universe. I watched this exhaustive synopsis and still barely understand the show. I too will stick with Picard!


I'm just glad they kept the tradition of having all the uniforms look like fancy chef jackets.


I watch this series just to see how many times Burnham cries in each episode. What a ball baby. You'd think writing would get better with each new series, but it's just not the case with Star Trek.


A good show — an EXTREMELY CONFUSING timeline. Thank you for helping out.


Season 3 was the first true season I have truly watch STD. I do not care what show it is on television, I never like the first seasons of any show. I know that if a show is to last, they usually get their rhythm (cast and crew) by season 3. since I have Netflix, CBS All-access (soon to be Paramount +: Why, CBS, Why), and others, I can go back to the first two seasons when the series ends.
Anyway, Thank you for catching me up to season 3, I now know what to expect for Season 4 and 5 (why again, CBS why must you make that announcement now).
To the person who said that STD is a bad show because it jumps all over the place, this show does not have the backing of shows like ST:TNG, ST:DS9, and ST:V to back up it's timeline, and not really ST:E as it's true history. I would love to know what happened between ST:E and ST:D, but knowing the ST universe, they are creating one as I type (or at least the idea behind what happened after Captain Archer read the decree that the Federation has formed). The 32nd century is uncharted territory, even for people who have written for this collection of stories for a future that none of us will ever see, but it is nice to dream. I too would like to see how Voyager J fits into this new timeline. Perhaps, there is a little Janeway running this ship for her great, great grandmother, but I also heard that Captain Janeway perished after becoming the new borg queen in a non-cannon book. OK, I am babbling, so bye.


I can't believe how bad this show is


DIsco is just not fun, ive tried, I will watch it all, ST should always be fun.


There is one thing that always bugging me, both in Season 1 and 2 never once mention Sybok (the eldest son of Sarek), nor he make a brief cameo. I started to question if Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is still canon or not.


Great job. Nailed it. I learned a lot from watching.


The end of one of the Episodes of Lower Decks was also set in the far future where they teach young Federation students made up of many races including the Borg about the Boimler Effect and their most legendary hero, Chief Miles O'Brien.


I heard this show was terrible. It’s a good b tv show.


The “time prime line” will forever be etched into my mind 6:30-6:34


Thank you for explaining the time-line. I'm currently re-watching season 3 of Discovery.


Wasn't the Discovery abandoned for a thousand years? Shouldn't that put Calypso somewhere in the 4000s? (Asking in case I missed something somewhere.)


Awesome content you two! Who else thinks the dr from voyager is in of commander voyager of the future? Has that been covered in a video yet?


Serious question: If Georgiou neutralized Control before they jumped to the future, than why did they still jump? It just doesn't make sense.
