Star Trek Discovery - The STORY So Far!

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Excited for Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 this week, but need a quick refresher? Don't worry! Trek Central's Commander @Ketwolski is on hand to help with a quick run-through of Season One and Two of Star Trek: Discovery!

Star Trek: Discovery is the seventh series set in the Star Trek universe. Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Discovery was originally set roughly a decade before Star Trek: The Original Series, set primarily aboard the starship USS Discovery, before jumping from the 23rd century to the 32nd century.

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CBS All Access (Images and Stills)
Memory Alpha

Video Credits:
Written by: Eva Jaime & Dom Paris
Presented by: @Ketwolski

Special thanks to:
- Thanks to "Tertiary Adjunct" for creating the "Warp Drive" background.
- Thanks to "Phillip Chance" for the Discovery Intro Music (His own version)
All STAR TREK® footage and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 2019 © CBS Studios Inc./Paramount Pictures Corp.
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Either I have a terrible memory or the plot was too boring for me to remember. Thanks for the recap as I would be lost watching season 3 without your wonderful summary!


Even couched as positively as this video goes, discovery's terrible, sloppy and nonsensical writing is all too evident


Just relapsed that discovery season 1-3 all take place back to back! How much vacation time does that crew have saved up!


I've tried so much to get into this show its so hard to like


Minor gripe but it's pronounced more like "Shen joe" not "Shin zoo"

It's like saying Anterpreese instead of Enterprise


I watched the third episode of the third season of Discovery and man... i was bored. Both story line and characters are truely written by a bunch of Kindergarden children that were also short of time. The same happens when a roleplaying game master did not prepare nothing and make things up on the fly. I watch this stuff, but it is a shame that it is connected to Star Trek. In season 1, things looked better - but already here, the ideas around Klingons and many many other things were plain idiotic. The whole thing was not thought out and written by people who love and knoe Star Trek!


Lol as if Star Trek Discovery and Picard is even Star Trek


Okay, can someone explain this to me. I've just started watching this show -- just finished episode 2. What I saw was that Burnham knocked the captain out, ordered the crew to fire on the Klingon vessel, but before they could, the captain, having regained consciousness, showed up on the bridge, delayed the order, and sent Burnham to the brig. They didn't fire. They didn't do anything. The Klingons ended up attacking after the rest of the fleet showed up, . As far as I could tell, Burnham's 10-second mutiny had absolutely no effect on the situation, since none of the orders she gave when she assumed command were carried out. So why do people act like the battle/defeat/deaths were her fault?


You missed the part about the AI Control came from the future. So the AI Control that already wiped out life in the galaxy, came from the future through the time worm hole left behind from the Red Angel so it can get data from Discovery that will make itself become an AI that can wipe out life in the galaxy. Is it just me or does that make no sense at all? Or did I get the story wrong? I could not stand wasting time watching over those garbage episodes to make sure.


Burnham did very little wrong. Nothing she did at the start made anything worse, and what she tried to do would probably have worked if the Klingons hadn't been bent on starting a war no matter what. They sentenced her to life for assaulting a senior officer, and _attempting_ to lie about her orders to fire on a hostile ship. Which she didn't actually get to do. Pretty sure Tom Paris did worse several times a season and ended up promoted...


"Discovery has it all and then some."



If you would show pictures of who you were talking about each time it would be easier to remember. This summary could have been a good jumping on point for someone who was interested because of the time travel plot in season 3.


The first thing that I think of is ridiculous looking Klingons.


Very much so :) Already made plans to go to bed Thursday afternoon in preparation for it's Friday morning "as in the UK on Netflix, I think 1am debut" as off't to drive my partner into work at 5am, so I guess a few times :) xxxx


This show should have been named Star Trek Virtue Signal. What little story they wrote was horrible at best IMO and it’s pretty clear to me that the writers only cared about cramming “diversity” into the show.


The blurred background on most of your footage is very annoying! Although I appreciate the recap of the first 2 seasons, I am a visual person. Names are hard to remember, faces are not. However, most of the faces are hidden in a blur behind your logo. Is there a reason for this?


The Captain of the Discovery was an Imposter. 1 Imposter remains.


Maybe spock's half brother should make an appearance and "heal" everyone's pain of Star trek discovery LOL


Love discovery im hoping there will be a look back at the other shows like showing kirk picard and the borg n voyager n the temporal cold war all that good stuff


There is one thing that still bugging me, throughout season 1 and 2, it never mention Sybok (Spock's half-brother). It never explained why he never mention, or if Michael knew him, or if he ever exists in Star Trek Discovery canon at all.
