5 Signs Of A Nervous Breakdown

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Have you ever just felt overwhelmed by a stressful situation? Like a tsunami of problems about to crash over you? You might be experiencing a nervous breakdown. A nervous breakdown is a loss of the ability to function in everyday life. While a nervous breakdown isn’t classified as an actual psychological term, nor is it a mental health disorder, experiencing it can be debilitating.

Writer: Joshua Munoz
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Dogs or cats? Comment below (part 2) Lol


The worst thing is being told "just don't think negative thoughts, stay positive" like I choose the bad mood or low energy level.

Edit: I understand that everyone has suggestions to give, I'm very thankful for that. But hear me out, sometimes the things are easier said than done. Everyone have their bad days and I'm not saying it's only my experience which is bad. We can control thoughts but sometimes it gets difficult to do so, totally happens. So yes, all the things mentioned I have tried it all, still do. Despite that I have problems (I haven't been diagnosed so I won't give it a name). Thank you for the replies 💙💙

UPDATE: I got my diagnosis and am getting treated. Every one of you who related to this, I really hope you get the proper help you need 💗lots of love and light


I think psch2go has a special ability to read minds..like I literally had a nervous breakdown few hours ago!


*5 signs of a nervous breakdown*
0:47 - Extreme exhaustion
1:14 - Hallucinations
1:43 - Panic attacks
2:17 - Symptoms of anxiety
2:53 - Unbearable mood swings

For anyone reading: take care ❤️
You might not be experiencing these symptoms at all, but we live in an exhausting world and even just being ourselves is not always easy.

Love yourself and do whatever makes YOU happy ❤️🚀🌙


The feeling of a non stop tiredness is awful..
Just imagine you waking up after a 3 hour nap or something thinkng that you are fine now, that you are ready to start your day and boom suddenly you feel exhausted af..eventhow you haven't done anything yet..
That's just unfair


My parents think I’m overreacting when I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack or a mental breakdown. I wish they would take my mental health more seriously rather than saying “You’re Overreacting”.


Literally wake up in anxiety everyday thinking about the past and worried about the future not wanting to do anything like see anyone or dread going to work but smoke a blunt in my room and watch YouTube. I’m ready for a change


A typical symptom of a nervous breakdown is noise intolerance, any noise at all causes anxiety/ stress and extreme upset. Could be a child crying, people talking, power tools, TV, any outside interference, anything at all even a tap dripping can be disturbing. While there are a few major things that are triggers, the best thing one can do is, stay in a quiet/safe place, away from any negative people/ experiences, turn off all devices and rest, consume water and fresh fruit/food for a few days but always tell the most dear people where you're at, so they don't worry etc. A fave stuffed toy too doesn't go astray♡ I have had several NB and this is what my advice is, to better deal with one if it hits. ALL THE BEST!♡☆♡


Dogs or cats? Comment below if others lol


"If you want to give the devil a nervous breakdown, just get up every day and see how much good you can do" - Michael Myers


There are many variants of a “breakdown” though the symptoms overlap different areas. What I experienced was the culmination of a series of traumas throughout a 2 week period which hid my confidence from my inner soul in the immediate fabric of my social bonding, and left me with a feeling of not fully being in one’s body.
That was during the 1980’s and I knew that it would probably take half a lifetime to recover. I was lucky enough to make this assessment and I’m happy to say that I’ve moved well away from the “Mind Fracture” which some of us may experience. Back when I wasn’t enjoying life there were very few resources to help someone then and I had to make some hard decisions.


In times of the worst mental breakdowns of my life I seem to always hallucinate bugs.... like a roach creeping behind the bookshelf or a creepy flying thing flying from the corner of my vision in places bugs most definitely are not. It seems to be the exact same fictional bugs, so if I see the flying one I seek therapy immediately. It's a very strange tell😅


I love how your voice is so calm and chill


When school started, I actually, ACTUALLY felt helpless, like I couldn't do all those freaking activities, but when I did, I even did all of them in 5 hours. Mind can really be your worst enemy


I had a nervous break down years ago. I’ve never fully recovered. It began with a seizure. Non-epileptic. I developed insomnia, experienced constant terror/anxiety. I had panic attacks almost daily. I thought something was wrong with me physically but my doctor ran all tests. I was angry when he said he felt it was something psychological going on with me. Soon after this constant horrific thoughts bombarded me. Some were delusions. Others were dissociated memories. It was soon I learned of abuse I went through tad a child that I hadn’t known before. My nervous system was shot. I have never fully recovered. Each day is hard. I’ve learned to live with a mind that is rather sensitive. I have very little energy to use in my day. I have to pace myself or I end up in bed for days with exhaustion. I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder ((DID), PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder & ADHD. I take medication that helps & see a therapist. I’m 50 years old & have made a lot of progress. I’ve had a lot of integration & am more accepting of myself. I think a lot of people believe they have had a nervous breakdown but it’s maybe better defined as an emotional breakdown. I can only speak from personal experience & what professionals I seek have to say. But the nervous system truly is damaged by a nervous breakdown. It seems obvious to say but like OCD, the term can be rather cliche’. My brain doesn’t function the same since my breakdown. Seizures is one example. Also major chemical imbalances like cortisol & serotonin. I wouldn’t wish what I experienced in my worst enemy. It was pure hell. I am glad to be where I am now even if
It isn’t how I was before. Thanks for this video. I have subbed. 😊


5 Signs Of A Nervous Breakdown

1. Extreme exhaustion - 1:06
2. Hallucinations - 1:32
3. Panic attack - 2:02
4. Symptoms of anxiety - 2:37
5. Unbearable mood swings - 3:10

Have a great day guys❤️


These videos always makes our days better


This helps so much, I’ve been having unbearable amounts of anxiety lately (because I have to start school tomorrow) and this makes me feel more stable about it. Thank you 😊 ❤️


Can we just appreciate the fact that they post more than once a day to make us feel better?!


Aaaahhh Panic attacks... What a lovely feeling.. Especially when you're only 25 and have no idea what's going on, and are so afraid it appears again that you live in constant fear of having one. 44 now, while still of mild anxiety nature, i did beat this. So can you.
