Instead Of Quitting The Job You Hate, Do This Instead | Mel Robbins

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Are you laying in bed right now dreading getting up and going to a job you HATE? This video is for you.

If you're frustrated with where you are right now because where you want to be feels really far away, know this:

Whatever it is that you're doing right now–no matter how much you hate it–is leading to the thing that you dream of doing (if you allow it).

In this video, let me explain to you how you can milk your current job for all of the possible knowledge, experience, and learning opportunities–and use it to launch yourself into the career of your dreams.

10 years ago, I wasn't the most-booked female speaker in the world. I was far from it. But I was honing my skills, learning, trying and failing, and gaining important experiences that have gotten me to where I am today.

What skills are you building? Let me know in the comments below.

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I love this. I hate my job, but I hate every job. It's not the work, it's working in general. I hate being a slave every day. I want to spend my life living, traveling, experiencing things. Not being stuck in a building 10 hrs a day working for someone else. It's depressing but what can you do? This helps atleast..


The huge problem is many jobs are mentally and psychologically ABUSIVE and cause the employee so much psychological trauma that it makes the rest of his/her life unbearable as well. For example, try being a direct patient care nurse - 12 hour shifts, bullying, no time to eat or go to the bathroom, etc...


I gotta call BS on this, the things you're learning where you are right now could just as easily be bad habits rather than things that are going to help you, not everything happens for a reason and if it's not benefiting you, then you need to know when to break the cycle. Not everyone is in the same situation, that job flipping burgers isn't preparing anyone for a career in law and claiming that it is will only lead to missed opportunities because you stuck it out when you should have been chasing what you want.


I'm learning to let go of always wanting to be in control. Being calm even when people annoy me. Putting up with crap... learning to just let it go....


Usually I agree with all of Mel's videos, but there are a lot of toxic, abusive jobs out there. Are you being severely underpaid compared to the normal market value of your job and/or your co-workers? Are you consistently required to work 60+ hours while getting paid poorly for 40? Is your job physically dangerous or abusive either through poor safety standards, or requiring more than 10 hours of continuous work per day with inadequate breaks? Does your job require you to devote a lifestyle to working rather than promotion a work-life balance and/or abuse emotional loyalty to their product/service/cause to wring you for extra uncompensated work? Does your job prevent you from having the time to make or grow your family? All of these are far too common and are also really good reasons to quit a job, no matter what lessons you could learn from it.


She's never worked a call center job.


What if I wake up crying every morning, dreading going to that job


For a while I was stuck in thinking that I wasn't learning anything from my current job as a janitor and maintenance worker. Then read a couple books and came across you Mel and the insights you shared had me reflect upon what I was really doing. Which was growing towards what I really want to achieve. Which is to be a confident individual. Thank you Mel.


Great point! For those of us that have to forego a formal education and work; this hits home. It took me 20 years of working for "someone else" to be successfully self-employed. Patience pays!


Im learning.... that everyday I hate coming to work, spending 1/3 of my life at a place I dont want to be. Hard to quit when I make a great income. Having no paycheck for a long time scares the hell outta me.


Thanks Mel! This really helped me today. I am that person working at the front desk. In a parking garage. I am learning to pay attention to details. I always worked on big, broad issues. But right now my job is teaching me how to be diligent, exact and accurate in the little things. In turn, I am teaching my colleagues how to deliver great customer service. A colleague told me recently, "We don't care about people, we care about cars." Since she is training me I didn't argue. Instead I've been demonstrating how to care about cars (details) while still being customer-focused and pleasant to people. I think we are teaching each other!


Trying to do just that! My worry is that I may be barking up the wrong tree..


What am I learning? That the people above me see me as expendable, as someone who will tolerate being given the CRAPIEST of shifts they have, of never complaining as I can't pay bills with no job etc. Christ, I have a degree in mathematics and have spent 10 years TRAPPED working in a grocery store. Yes, trapped. I detest every minute thing about my job, I detest my ' superiors ', the customers, most of whom I wouldn't spit on if they were on fire, and I detest myself for having tolerated this shit for so long.
I'm ASHAMED OF MYSELF for being 48 and having no choice but to say "would you like a bag?" when I used to read, study French, and fill every spare moment emersed in mathematics. Now I'm a zombie with no self confidence and no future.


I've been in a customer service world for 5 years, I was promoted several times then I quit my job cold turkey, now I realized I should have done much earlier. I know where she's coming from, but she is wrong in many places.
1. I met several people inside BPO who work their ass off for more than 12 years and yet I don't see any progress in their life. If you are planing to work in one company and apply her theory without exploring other options you'll just gonna wind up old and depressed.
2. Its not about the money, working is important to pay bills etc.. but there's always a job that you wanna kill yourself everyday...(customer service for example)

3. These types of companies are not going to create a statue of you to honor your loyalty. Its not gonna happen

In my case after I was brainwashed by the company that if I resign I will struggle with life, now I found peace and happiness. I found something I'm passionate about, there was a sacrifices during the first couple of months but fuck its worth it. I'm not saying you quit your job right away, assess your finances first if you are paying for a lot of things either minimize your lifestyle or find another jobto refresh your mental state. You can always find a shitty job, don't be afraid.


I am going through burnout, i have to push myself really hard to ever open my mailbox, i have lost my motivation to work. I just don't know what to do anymore.


Love what you said about asking ourselves what we are learning. It is important to reflect on both where we are and what we can do to improve and learn right now. This is what brings amazing improvement! Cheers!


Hahaha. My boss specifically told me I had no where to progress to. Not sticking around for that.


I keep trying to find the positivity in the job I have… like patience is a virtue, or maybe this is a test and I’m supposed to learn to how to be happy no matter what, or it’s okay, work isn’t supposed to be enjoyable, it’s meant to pay bills.

I’ve been trying so hard to make this work that I’ve spent more energy trying to convince myself to love something than actually being happy! I know this is having an increasingly negative effect on me that has also started to bleed into other areas of my life, but what do I do? How do you leave when you don’t have anything else lined up?


I work in a car part factory. I’m around dangerous/toxic chemicals all day doing something a robot could do better. Minimum 8 hours a day, and most days you get drafted to work 12 because of the seniority based system in play. This is the plight of many unskilled Laborers. It’s so hard for me to want to leave because I make more money than I ever have, but I know that ultimately it will have negative health effects and keep me locked into working for someone else. Going to try and find something in a field that interests me, even if that means a pay cut, because I know this isn’t how to live a fulfilled life.


"You gotta eat around them bones." A phrase coined by a client of mine who was in rehab. Another client was complaining to him about their mandatory group therapy and he told him, "Look man, there's some good meat there, but you gotta eat them bones." I'll never forget it. Or him. He was one of the few (sadly) who went on to graduate from that program, get a job, remain sober, and stay out of prison, to this day.
