10 Ways a Deceased Loved One can Contact You

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There are beliefs and theories that our deceased loved ones have not necessarily left us. On the contrary, they might try to communicate with us through specific means.

If you are one of those who believe in these benevolent presences and are looking to identify them better, in this video you will find 10 signs you should pay attention to.

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#deceasedlovedones #afterlife #spirits


Intro - 0:00
You smell a familiar scent - 1:12
You have special dreams - 1:36
You see lights twinkling - 2:12
You feel a presence - 2:33
You witness the appearance of random objects - 2:50
You just have the feeling that the person is with you - 3:12
Missing objects - 3:38
You meet the right people at the right time - 4:01
Signs during burial and funeral - 4:24
Strange behavior from your pet - 4:43
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I took my son off life support Christmas Eve 2022. A week later during snow storm my truck started sliding towards guard rail in other lane. My truck was picked up like a toy and put back in my lane. Omg, I really miss my son. 😭


My momma died January 2, 1980 from pneumonia, she was also blind, I was 8 years old and her only child. Not long after she died she came in my dream to tell me she loves me and show me that she can now see. It was in color, very detailed, very real. I'm now 51 and remember that dream as clear today as I did when it happened.


When my husband passed away almost 7 yrs ago, after all had gone home and I was alone for the first time. I came upstairs and before turning off the lights, I glanced down to make sure I had locked the front door, and my husband was standing there. We had never got to say goodbye, I looked at him and we both nodded our heads to the other one. Then I turned off the light and went to bed, and probably slept better than the previous 8 weeks. I knew he was ok. Praise to God.


A loved one never leaves us they live forever in your heart ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Our daughter passed away suddenly in her sleep in August of ‘22. There are no words to express the complete breakdown we experienced. But amid all the chaos, confusion and pain we were going through that night, there was one moment when time seemed to stop for me and a feeling of calm came over me and I heard a voice say to me “ I’m okay daddy, I’m okay.” I draw comfort from this memory every day.


I felt my dog 🐕 spirit laying against my legs.
We had her for 17 years. And she followed me and my husband every wear in the house.
She might not be with us physically but her spirit is with us. It gives us comfort knowing she still watches over us. Just like Jesus is always near 🙏
God bless all of you you who believe in God. Will see your pets and loved ones again. ❤️


Love never dies. It hurts like hell sometimes, but it never dies. ❤


My Dad passed away in August. I was recently driving past his nursing home and had overwhelming feelings of sadness. Just as I drove past the song "I'll Be There Before The Next Teardrop Falls" came on the radio. He would often ask me to play it for him as it was a favourite of his. I cried, but happy tears as I knew he was still with me.


When my dad died we all gathered back at the house and we’re sitting around the table, when suddenly the stereo came on and was playing my mom and dad’s favorite song! It gave us all goosebumps.


My nephew died in a boating accident this morning. He was 33 yrs old with a 7 month old son and was going to marry his fiancé next summer. It's breaking my heart. This video just came up. I hope to see signs that Cameron is with us. Rest in Peace my handsome Cam. 🙏❤️


When my beautiful son Victor passed from Luekemia it ripped me apart never to be put together the same again…. But he let me know right away he was with me when he came directly to me in the shape of a butterfly 🦋 in the middle of a extremely busy construction site…. I felt this peaceful feeling, I knew right away it was him…. I’m so grateful for the 5 yrs I had with him… Rest in Paradise my Angel 😇…… 🙏
My deepest sympathies, condolences to all in comments…. May u be blessed enough to be with your Loved ones after death….


Three weeks after my step-father died he knew that I would be really upset and just before I woke up twice he said to me ‘I’m alright’. When I woke up my spirits were lifted and knew he wanted me to get on with my life. Thank you dad! ♥️


We are spirits in Human form. Our spirits continue on!


I recall being depressed one day and told my father how much I miss him and wishing he could show me a sign that he was with me. My cousin emailed me a picture of him she discovered cleaning up two hours later. I cried tears of joy!


I lost my husband in 1991 and a few times I had dreams of him coming to me and we were crying and hugging, kissing telling each other how much we missed each other, it was always so vivid I truly believe it was real.


My mum looked back at the graveyard as she left my grandfathers funeral, she said she seen him standing under a tree and he waved at her, she waved back and turned to tell my father and when they both looked back he had gone.


When my mum passed I felt her sitting on the bed then when my dad passed I felt him touch my face .I look for signs all the time miss them so much ❤


When my mother died, I came home from her funeral and when I walked around my car, a bird landed on the trunk of my car and stayed there for a long time. It was definitely longer than I had ever seen a bird sit still in my presence! I whispered “ Mom, is that you?”


My buddy passed away unexpectedly. It was a 3 hour drive one way to his funeral. Heavy snow fall caused me to walk into the church about 10 minutes after the service had begun. There were only about 20 people in the church. They all were sitting on the right side of the isle. I walked to the very front row on the left side. Everyone smiled at me because they all knew how close Joe and I were. I looked at his open casket and quietly told him I was sorry for being late, and so sorry he was gone. There were 2 very large flower arrangements, one on each side, they were red roses. I told Joe that I hoped he was in a better place. Just then, one rose in front of me in the huge arrangement bent down about 3 inches then went back up to where it was. Only one rose out of the entire bunch. No breeze, now way for that to happen. It was joe.


WOW. I just woke up from a dream of my sister 4 hours ago who had passed in 2018. It was so nice. I've lost 6 family members and had only 2 dreams of 2 of them. All is good. 💜
