How To Heal, Restore, And Rehabilitate Your Voice - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

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In this video, I'll show you some ways to help get your voice back into shape and recover from vocal abuse and over-singing.

How To Heal, Restore, And Rehabilitate Your Voice - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

Medically speaking, from a health and wellness standpoint, we are living in some very difficult times.

With the advent of COVID-19, other respiratory, mucus, acid reflux, cold and flu (and just overall health-related issues), it's become more and more important to address these issues for singing.

I am not a doctor and I make no medical claims.

I do claim to be a vocal coach to literally thousands of singers, and have worked through considerable singing challenges for singers in these challenging times.

In this video, I start the conversation by addressing many of the aspects of the problems singers are faced with in today's singing climate.

I hope this video gives you hope and inspiration on your singing journey.

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#VoiceRepair #Hoarseness #VocalRecovery #KenTamplinVocalAcademy
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Heal from Home is amazing! It helped me restore and extend my voice from damage from poor choices and autoimmune issues. Worth the money at four times the cost.


Lost my upper register and most of my head voice after I caught Covid and the thought of never being able to sing like I used to gets me way down, so hopefully doing what Ken suggests can get me on the right track to healing. 😊


1. ee 5:04-7:35
2. hold breathe so less air passing so chords can put moisture back on own. lay 9:05-10:35
3. lahh vowel, keep sound bright no breathy 11:20-13:10
4. lip trill/hum 14:30-17:10
5. louder lip trill 17:40-18:45
6. lah louder from belly 19:28-21:12

causes. blew it out, cold flu, acid reflux, post nasal drip causes hoarseness
exercises puts resilience and stretch back in cords

glutathione, collagen supplements for (vocal cords, skin, nails, hair etc)
drink room temp water,
snorting, clearing coughing exacerbates cords
humidifier or shower
turmeric black pepper reduce inflammation in chords


4:35 exercise ee all are glottal compression and small velocity, starting w smallest vowels first
7:40 aye vowel 9:05
11:43 ah vowel -13:11

14:30 lip drill -17:11
Just follow his steps, even tho lip is usually first

17:42 lip drill
Scale 2😊

19:25 now last Ah vowel scale
Can lean more into sound if able to


18:50 this is fraction of heal from home course

19:20 can actually do all vowels if want (vowels jot here like aa, oo etc)


Hi Master! I was diagnosed with a single vocal fold paralysis. Probably from an infection or Covid... your "Voice Repair" is doing magic to get back on track. Thanks!


Finally somebody has the foresight to address this issue that all vocalists encounter at some point and perhaps even more frequently than the audience was aware of.
Now I never sounded very good to begin with. So sometimes when Im struggling, cracking, and lowering my range, people think I'm improving.
But guys like Ronnie James Dio, Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson and so many others seemed to have this super natural ability to never have a cold or phlegm or stretched vocal cord etc. Even while doing 2 hour shows night after night in all kinds of weather.
I always knew there was a secret and it sure as hell wasn't a joint and a beer before the opener.
Thank you so much for this one Ken.
You rock!


I was frustrated with the hoarse voice, I gave up my teaching job. But now I am getting some hope after listening to him
Tha'k you.


I got the flu about 3 months ago and my voice hasnt been the same since. It is getting better but slowly. Its depressing


I’m a public speaker/doctor and I talk for hours daily & over time it really strips the vocal cords! Thank you


My voice is broken from overuse and I would say the loss of collagen with the arrival of menopause. I am hopeful that I might be able to heal after listening to your video.


I have to say, I follow many different vocal coaches here on YouTube. Ken Tamplin is the only one that talks about vocal rehab! That’s why he’s the world’s best vocal coach, in my opinion.


Hey Ken! I lost my voice after singing back to back days while I was sick a little over a month ago. Since then any time I talk a lot or even attempt to sing I feel my voice go out very quickly. I also Coach basketball so it is hard to really rest my voice a lot. I am wondering if I should do these exercises when my voice is fading? Should try to rest my voice for a full day? Been avoiding singing but I feel like my voice should be back by now since it’s been a month so just curious if you might have any advice? Thanks!


Thank you so much for teaching about the importance of taking care of your throat and vocal cords, I am currently trying to get my voice recovered. This helps so much!!


This is very important stuff for everyone, especially if you often give speeches, do teaching or use your voice s lot in phone - actually if you have hearing difficulty and therefore use your voice in a bad way. Very good walk through, Ken! 😁👍


I watched this about 6 weeks ago and started the collagen you recommended. I've been taking 1 scoop each day and just finished my first container. I have noticed significant improvement in my vocal flexibility. Thank you.


I’m not a singer but I’m always tuning in when Ken Tamplin post!


i love the relaxed feeling of this video especially, one of my favourites!!


2:44 poa
3:22 full spectrum collagen
4:10 gettijg back elasticity moisture flexibility w ee voeel
4:48 W glottal compression to bring back air
7:30 chose small vowel for less air
Now use aye/ aa vowel to open up sound a little more

8:30 glutathione
If buy a supplant then liposomal for better absorption and retention
For immune but also has studies for helping w vocal cords

10:30 if feel like cords drying out…
Step back, can take 2-3/ even 5m but you CAN come back
can also do water
Don’t take lozenges

11:11 ah vowel but make sure glottal compression cut back air and very bright

13:11 humidifier or steamy shower
Get moisture in air to breathe it in
Pausing this here after doing this stretching and doing this moisturizing
will now put moisturize back in chords and swelling will go down (stretch and moisturize I guess)

14:11 as going through this(I guess he means while steaming?) he likes to do lip drill and lots of it

17:11 by now prob notice getting voice and resonance back
- And how often to do it
- And also may notice can lean into sound kore

17:40 lip drill v2

18:55 more in-depth in course

19:00 some people do it as precursor / warmup to singing course (which is also a warmup to singing the song and training lol)

19:18 last is Ah vowel most open sound for air flow


I have summer holidays right now and legally can't contact my vocal coach when in holidays because im under 16 (something about the German law idk), I tried a new vocal routine yesterday and I did tons of exercises going down and up my range and also pushing myself beyond it. But it just feels bad now so I probably overppushed myself I just dont understand how your voice is physically improve itself if you dont push it yk so I gotta ask my teacher that once the holidays end!


How do I find this: How To Heal, Restore, And Rehabilitate Your Voice - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy
