How To Heal Metabolic Damage From Dieting

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You CAN improve your metabolism after dieting!

Not only does dieting SUCK but it actually causes harm to your metabolism. Metabolic damage from dieting, actually better named “metabolic acclimation” is a normal thing that happens after dieting. Your body will burn LESS energy to do the same work. Essentially, it gets more efficient! Becoming an intuitive eater can fix this metabolic damage from dieting. I’ll give you concrete steps to fix metabolic acclimation in this video!

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I damaged my metabolism so badly that I could barely stand up because I was always lightheaded and weak. Still recovering and ended up gaining a bunch of weight after. Never restricting like that ever again


My doctor himself told me that I've got metabolic damage. Here are my symptoms:
1. no periods... at all.. I am currently on birth control to stimulate periods again (my hormones levels are good, but my gynecologist told me there's probably something wrong with hypotalamus working with the ovaries, not sure...)

2. extreme constipation... to the point where anything i ate was bad for both my bowels and my stomach

3. developed mild gastritis due to stress

4. fatigue, irritability

5. EXTREME hunger!! Though that's calmed down now after fueling my body enough with no restriction or off limit foods

6. Plateauing.... literally unable to lose any more body fat..


Skip to minute 5 to hear the solution.


Some days I get the extreme hunger. The best way I can think to describe it is like I am bottomless pit and regardless how much I eat the gnawing phsdical hunger won't go away. However on the flip side some days I have zero physical hunger at confusing!


I think I'm finally ready to rest. This process can't be rushed, despite my attempts to do just that.


Thank you. Anorexia has really made my body “hyper-efficient” and I am very determined to fix my body, do well in my sport, and live a happy life. (Also, I have the same shirt as you!)


This was so helpful! I’ve been doing IE since June, and I’ve made great strides in my relationship with food. I am still a newbie, and I do feel as if my body is still worried about a famine, so to speak. I also am a runner and love it, but I feel recently my body has been telling me to chill out on it and to focus on sleep and rest, so this video confirmed what my body has been trying to tell me! Thank you!


I’ve been dieting and exercising for 6 months now, and I am experiencing what I believe is “extreme hunger” though I can’t really say because it has only been 6 months, and it’s the first time I lost my period last month. What kinda scares me is I think I’m not getting my period again this month. Thankfully I found channels and podcasts like yours that opened up to me this side of dieting. Now taking a week or month break before it gets worse.


Hi Colleen, I have spent the last 4-5 years focused on my weight/size. I had an eating disorder in this time and became really underweight, I then had a binge eating disorder which caused me to gain loads of weight and I was then over weight which I had never been before in my life, this then lead me all the way back to square one in a rally strict restricting few months which got me back to a health weight however I have never in this time felt 'food freedom' I'm still not happy with the size I am as I'm only just a healthy weight and close to being over weight so I'm really scared to let go and intuitively, I also don't think I can eat intuitively as I don't have proper hunger cues. I really feel stuck on what to do, I workout around 5 times a week and feel this is the only way I can eat enough through the day because I do go to the gym. I don't know if this makes sense but I just feel bit lost! thank you if anyone can help answer my questions xxx


That toothpaste analogy is incredible! 🤯


I lost my period for 6 months and gone all in for about a month and finally got it back, now I'm more aware of my body and will try my best in the future
Just love yourself guys


Watching this while on my third month of a 1, 200 calorie deficit and on the exercise bike for my first of two daily workouts, in a total plateau! 😭


Great video, one I wished I found much earlier. I would highly recommend anyone starting a weight loss journey know this before they begin as it helps great deal!

My own experience in metabolic adaptation is as you suggested. In order to get it back to steady I had to clean up my diet by removing everything that my body had a hard time processing. Drink the correct amount of water, eat at the same times, correct my sleep routine, go from sedentary to walking 30 minutes a day. I stuck to that for one year and was greeted by wonderful hunger pains for the first time since I was a teen!


Full tube of toothpaste: Great example of fuel efficiency! Excellent information.


Hi Colleen, I have PCOS and probably have about 80-100 pounds to lose. My weight is causing other health I do need to get the unhealthy weight off. I’ve spent most of my life doing the yo-yo dieting I’m sure the metabolism along with the PCOS is not so great. Im wondering if I need to focus on healing the metabolism first then I’ll be able to lose the unhealthy fat easier with less restriction? Just wondering how to follow this but still make the goal fat loss after metabolism is better… curious ur thoughts?


I still have such strong physical hunger but the actual mental hunger is non existent. The thought of food makes me feel nauseous sometimes even though I am physically hungry. I can feel full yet still be physically hungry. It’s such a horrible situation to be in. Any advice?


I'm guessing it depends on your health status, etc., and other factors?


Hi Colleen, such a helpful video. I feel like I'm seeing more and more how screwed up I've been around food. Thank you so much.


Hi Colleen - I have a question. At what point do you typically see your weight level out through this process? I’ve been practicing intuitive eating for about 3 months now and have steadily gained about 15lbs. I was quite “overweight” previously so I am feeling anxious about this whole process of healing my metabolism.


I had bulimia I lost 30 pounds but I gained everything back by just eating one to 2 meals a day now that I’m trying to loss weight I keep gaining weight my body keeps gaining weight do u know wat I can do to fix this or loss weight
