How to Heal Strained Voice: 3 Steps to a Quick Recovery

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Three steps you need to take to recover from vocal strain successfully.
If I offered to guide you through our system to release tension from the voice when speaking, get rid of pain and get you back to speaking on a daily basis with a strong voice that lasts all day long WITHOUT worrying about your voice AND WITHOUT spending valuable time on vocal exercises that don’t work, would you take me up on that offer?
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You strained vocal cords and now what? Are you looking for swollen vocal cords remedies that would bring your voice back as soon as possible? Let me show you three steps for vocal strain treatment. I will talk about a swollen vocal cord test to know if you are in trouble, strained vocal cords remedies, including internal and external hydration. I’ll share tips on how to fix strained vocal cords, including some vocal exercises for strained voice and vocal rest. Vocal cord swelling is a temporary issue that can be easily reduced by these steps and vocal cords strain exercises. Learn how to heal strained vocal cords and learn strained voice exercises.

Katarina H.

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Thank you for watching. What questions do you have about a strained voice? Let me know below.


I realised since I didn’t ever get actual training, I’ve been reinjuring my voice for years. I’m finally going to invest in voice lessons, because I love singing and I do not want to hurt myself.


My vocal cords are strained due to flu and covid and excessive coughing. I lost my voice totally on two occasions. My voice is not the same now, it is a strain to speak and I miss singing in church. I will follow your advice. Please tepl me there is hope for recovery. I'm only 58 but I sound like an old lady. X


You’re videos are literally so helpful 🙏🏼
I strained my voice pushing it too much yesterday and I have choir and musical class later today (😭) so I needed the best way to heal as much as I can before I go. I put on super hot water in the shower and am using it for moisture and I’ll be sure to talk less today ^^


Hydration! That's the best vocal advice that I've ever heard. I would put this under every vocal video as I always forget about it. So my voice gets dry (like a dry reed: not breathy, but plain, harsh, and dull). And I even managed to get stylistic benefits out of it and find some strength in such expression. But at the same time I have a need to be gentle to myself, take care, nourish my body and soul and, therefore drink some water.

I know that there is a lot to learn in terms of voice in different dimensions. It is a vocal wisdom about yourself, communication, feelings, personality, past and people around you. But the basics are simple, as elementary as wind and water.

PS (for somebody who has issues like mine): Besides just water drinking, try not to breath with your mouth. Yes, It could be hard, just stick with it at least while singing (you can do this while you talk, can't you?)


How can the excessive vibrantion of vocal chord be reduced....


I went to a sport game last night... and am hoarse this morning... lol now I have to give a lecture this morning. The cracks and roughness is real. Lol


Ive been singing wrong for years with a lot of yelling and pushing out notes Im not ready for and now after forcing myself to sing for a gig while sick ive taken it easy for months but still cant recover my previous range and get burnt out quickly. Make sure you learn how to sing correctly folks! It shouldnt hurt after


I just learned a life lesson of a vocal lesson video, only talk if neccessary.


God bless you. This is so helpful and relieving!


Hello Katarina, you are so lovely and I enjoy your videos very much! I am a professionally trained singer and I came down with a very bad case of bronchitis and pharyngitis about three weeks ago. I could not speak at all for the first ten days and slowly my voice is returning. However, it's not completely back yet and I am terrified. I cannot lose the gift I've been given. I am very sad and I hope that it's just taking time to fully heal. I am steaming three times a day and use a nebulizer once a day. Don't know if I should just stop talking for a few days and see what happens.... I'd really appreciate your advice❤ thank you and Happy 2024


Hello! Thank you so much for these useful tips. I am a singer (Indian classical, which is a strenuous form), and I have previously had voice issues due to strain and acid reflux. I have been to a laryngologist years ago (after many trips to the ENT which were not so useful) and since then, have managed my singing habits quite efficiently. My health, diets, and other habits are pretty good. Until last week, I was in good vocal shape and was able to practice well. However, 3 days ago I developed dryness and cough whenever I sing (even non-strenuous kind of singing) for 5 minutes. I am not otherwise sick. I have a performance in 4 days and am on vocal rest now. Trying steaming, lots of hydration, but very concerned about the long gig coming up (which I was so excited for because I am performing after a log gap). Do you have any tips for quick relief from this coughing reflex and dryness - something that will prevent me from going into a coughing fit while singing? Thank you!


I think i have been talking in the wrong octave for years ! But when i talk in a slightly higher octave my throat doesn't hurt ! 😮😮😮 i just found that out today be accident. I still can't believe it but its true.


My voice is strained. I’m a singer and I sing everyday ( practice and shows). My genre includes power singing so I’m comfortable singing those. I can hit high notes when I’m singing rock or something that sort but whenever I’m trying to sing high notes for soft songs I can only use falsetto or head voice because my mix voice can’t reach that. After singing i feel jaw and neck pain and irritation. How to recover this ?
P.S = practicing Indian classical on the higher notes hurts.


I lost hope cause i cant sing cleary and i when i talk it hurts, Ty for this vid.


Question!! Hi! I've been rehearsing for a show for 3+ hrs/day for the past six weeks and its a lot of singing in the belt register. The past few days my voice has really been feeling fatigued by it, and my quality of tone and range have been decreasing. I'm going to go on vocal rest for a few days, but I have to speak at my job. Will speaking softer be better than speaking loudly? I'm also getting a steamer to hydrate that way, and I drink lots of water. The show opens next weekend, and I am nervous that my voice will not be healed. Do you have any other tips? Also, I have worked very hard to learn how to sing without strain; and I don't think I've been singing in an unhealthy way per se, but the sheer amount of vocal use has been exhausting. Is it possible to get vocal fatique without doing anything improper, or is vocal fatique a sure sign that some part of your voice mechanism is being strained?

Thank you so much! I'm so glad I found your videos.


Hi Katarina! Love your videos and how incredibly helpful you are. THANK YOU for all you do.

My questions is this: I am a singer and voice teacher. I also have a handicapped dog :( He fell a couple times this year, and hurt himself and I screamed/yelled because I was scared when he fell.
Since those 2 occasions, my voice has hurt every week. I think it's because I strained my voice, but I have not been able to rest because I teach singing EVERY WEEK.
My symptom is ONLY that I feel a mild sore throat. I have no other symptoms (my singing sounds the same, my range is the same, etc)
I talked to an SLP and I have been doing the same SOVT exercises in your videos-- I have not felt any relief.
I am about to take 1 week off of teaching and singing for vocal rest, I hope it helps!
Have you ever heard of someone having only this one symptom, and no others???


Hey Katarina, once again thank you for ALL YOUR VIDEOs on vocal health. They are quite helpful and you have the lifelong gratitude of several of us.

Quick question: in this video, you mentioned using a nebulizer to hydrate vocal folds. Would you recommend nebulising as having the same benefits as steaming, though? The nebulizer will be throwing up water at regular temperature (more like a mist) than the steamer, would it not? Would that be an equal substitute, or something that you recommend only for people who don't have access to steamers?

I have a phobia from childhood against using steamers, hence asking the question.


I strained my voice 4 months after giving out a 3 hour lectures to my university students. I lost my voice after then. I saw my Dr who diagnosed me of strained voice box after a laryngoscope examination.
I was placed on steroids and antibiotics for one months.
I was also said to have GERD which I was also placed on proton pump inhibitor and anti acids for one month. Still with little or no relieve of my coarse voice. My ENT specialist said I should go on voice rest which I tried for 2 weeks and still no improvements.
I started following your tips on YouTube channel on exercises to strengthen the voice but still am yet to regain my voice.
Could you please help suggest what I can do more.
Thank you.
Lecturer at university


Hiii:) question!
I am a teacher and a performer on the side. I teach elementary. My voice gets hoarse every week! If I vocal rest for a day my voice goes back to normal but then two days later and it’s hoarse again! Is this a sign of vocal damage or just over use/swollen vocal chords?
