How I HEALED My Shopping Addiction!!! STOP Emotional Spending 🤎 #shoppingaddiction #howto

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Hello and Welcome Beautiful Soul!

Today we're talking about HEALING our emotional shopping addiction and spending habits.

I talk about my own personal experience with emotional spending and why it started, how I faced it, worked through it, and healed it.

I share the ways and questions I asked myself that helped me awaken to my own spending demise.

If I healed, so can you!

Its FREEING AF when you do.

Subscribe and comment below your own spending habits. I would love to know if you're working on healing your spending habits or if you are now after watching this video!!!

Sending my love,
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I relate. For me its really similar, i learned it from my Mom. Stressful times? Lets go Shopping. Since i have to look after my money and cant spend too much, i find myself browsing and browsing hours and hours, loosing myself in a black hole where i think "its absolutely important to find a special bag ive seen on an influencer but is too expensive for me for a price that i could afford". I mean frickin hours. I really have other things to do, i have a daughter and sometimes i think i use that shoppingblackhole as an "escape" to my rather stessful and work-ful live. But its not gone after i spend toomanyhours looking, browsing, searching for "a perfect" thing, i clearly do not need since i have every type of Shoe, Bag, jacket... I need. But, i am afraid top let shopping go. I dont know what i should do instead. Will there be a void


:( I’ve been spiraling out of control overspending. Anytime I feel insecure, I notice I would go buy something that would make me feel or look better to make up for it but I would almost black out at the “confirm order” after order button and never take into account my consequences until after the fact and feel so bad :(

My dad was an alcoholic & would go buy beer every weekend but even more if he was stressed and it would always make his anger worse

I need to get out of this black hole 😢


Girl I’m so thankful for you! My husband and I make a pretty good amount of money and we are literally always broke from my shipping addiction! This has got to stop now before it ruins my marriage! Going to implement your words of wisdom for sure! Thank you!


Thank you for this video. In June, I was going crazy on clothes. But now I going to sit with my urges and get better at managing my money 🙏❤️❤️


Beautiful soul! What did you think about this video? Do you relate at all? Do you have an emotional shopping addiction? I would love to know below what you’re moving through 🙏🏽✨


Dealing with this for years! I believe I am doing it because I feel lonely and shopping makes me happy. No longer able to go to the mall, but I have found thrift stores and have the same effect!
I know I cannot possibly wear all the clothes I have, so I try to minimize and stop shopping, then something happens and the cycle starts again.😢


So needed to see this today ! Thanks for sharing! My shopping starting getting out of control over lockdown - working from home, social isolation and challenge upon challenge with navigating the curveballs of life. Now it’s a point that I’ve run out of space for the duplicates of things I’ve bought impulsively or out of FOMO and it’s getting to become problematic for my family too, .. I’ve got to go cold turkey and set this right again. I’m in recovery from substance use addiction for over 15 years now (still sober and going strong in that area thank God) so I got caught off guard when the shopping addiction crept up. I know what I got to do, making my mind up and getting off the fence with over shopping . Feeling the hard feelings and actually tuning in to what I actually need in the moment rather than escaping .. thanks again for posting this. Love from Ontario Canada 🇨🇦


Omg I LOVE this thank you! I've been searching for a way to stop shopping for YEARS but most advice I come across doesn't help me AT ALL! This actually gave me such a moment of clarity, this is so wonderful! And I love the analogy of first working out and how hard it is compared to how it is months down the line, that makes so much sense and it makes it so much easier to implement. I've always dealt with a shopping addiction due to my VERY traumatic past, and what's crazy is that most things that I purchased 5+ years ago that I impulsively bought, I no longer have. I'm in a ton of debt due to my shopping addiction and I can't wait to get out of it and live a healthy life so I can start saving for my dreams. Thank you so much for this! I've put this in my favorites list so I can come back to it when I feel an urge coming on. I'm doing good right now but I KNOW It's going to come back eventually.


After many years of struggling with spending money, I went on a “No Buy” for several months. I started by doing the same thing you did. I would put stuff in my cart, or wish list, and wait to see if I really wanted it. Usually it was more of a desire than need. I started my no buy in October 24, and am still going strong. I’m pretty sure my shopping issue is gone. I can walk into any store, including Best Buy my favorite, and not buy a single thing. Feels great!


Great video. Totally relatable as I’ve started to do this. Question myself when i shop. Put things in the virtual basket and walk away. I soon forget about it. The worst thing is clicking on influencers affiliate links so I’ve stopped. I now only get something now if I truely need it, a replacement or I’ve got funds from selling on vinted. Or birthday and Xmas. I loved shopping and getting new things but instead of going to shops now I’ll go to the gym. Go for a walk etc.


Thank you for this video. I have grown up with emotional abuse, and now this makes sense. Thank you for this video very encouraging.


All my life I thought I was a nail polish junkie. I could never have my nails bare at all. Like I mean never! I always felt like I had to have my nails painted because I told myself a story about how I am prettier wit nail polish. A month ago or maybe a few weeks ago I finally and truly decided to stop wearing nail polish. I decided that I am just as pretty without nail polish and my bare nails are actually pretty without it. I still have moments were I want to cave in and just paint my nails and give up but I stop myself because I am better than that. Having bare nails has given me a feeling of being free. Never in my life would I have thought I would be happy to have bare nails. My 18 year old self is cringing now lol. It's honestly so nice that I am learning to embrace myself as I truly am.


Thank you for your video. I have big time shopping addiction. I am addicted to buying perfume. I keep wanting to find my signature scent but have not found it yet. In the mean time im burning all my cash. My shopping is very impulsive. So I like your idea of just stopping and taking some time to think. Thanks again btw your very pretty!


sounds good and realistic. I tend to buy makeup and I think i know why i do it, because I feel old (56). But the 5th Highlighter will not make me younger, just more sparkly. I buy Highlighter like crazy as if they are the youth recipe 😂


I really love this. I’m going to make my last purchase of unnecessary things 😂 but then I’m going to cut it out cold turkey.


Your thought process is really sensible. Much better than Psych websites. Thanks, might give ths a go. I did find that when I have those stressed times and urge to shop, playing my instrument helps.


Thank you for your video. I have suffered from a serious shopping addiction for years. Your video truly spoke to me and motivated me. ❤


Holy crap. You are so amazing! And so right!! You explained it so well it was crazy! I’ve never heard someone explain what was happening. I can’t wait to see more of your videos! Please make more. You deserve more subs. Ty


Creative hobbies instead of shopping was a great tip <3


I recognised I have the same problem a few months ago. I started getting better but still: a lot of unnecessary spendings. This video helped me a lot and I won’t give up🎀
