How to heal the void within: The experience of inner emptiness

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The experience of inner emptiness is at the heart of many of the issues that I discuss with my clients. Those who experience it try to fill it in many ways: with drugs and alcohol, with sex and relationships, with work and busyness, with pleasure and distraction. And they don't work, which is to say: they work for a time at great cost. In this episode, I'll discuss the only three things I've ever found that actually heal the void within.

Orion is a licensed psychologist in the state of California.
Podcast available on Spotify, Instagram, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and others.

#healing #emptiness #recovery
Рекомендации по теме

"feeling existentially justified"... wow... beautiful selection of words 👍😊


Its so true. when I was really religious I felt so full. Then I had doubts and the emptiness filled my heart and soul. I wish I could have my faith back as it was. Pray for me please xo


This explains why religions were so successful in so many seperate cultures. Since it addressed the two major wounds humans get in childhood.


This is one of your most insightful videos! I used to be very focused on my goals till I meet a total manipulator which trow me into depression now I don't easily trust people anymore I am in therapy and I had a few traumatic experiences because life can be tragic I am no longer the trusting idiot I used to be. Moreover, you are right when I pray and I make a plan my days are more productive and I am more hopeful, thank you!


Connecting with a higher spiritual power (for me God) is the best solution. The inner peace it comes with is bliss. Great video 👍


This morning, i had an episode where I wanted to speak to someone urgently but I didn't have anything to say, just to interact with someone ( it was more than wanting so, it clicked something in me). Automatically, I took my phone, as usual, and was going to call a friend and then I stopped. I recognised the need and just shift my attention on myself and after hours, I noticed that the feeling of urgency was gone. The thing is when you truly observe and recognize what you are feeling and knowing it is your trauma in my case, my codependency that want to manifest itsself and not my truly me really helps to see thing on an external level. This emptiness is simply not me, it is my trauma. I am working on my self esteem and acceptance of myself and i really started to see many differences in my life and my mental health.


I love feeling of being in love than loving someone. It just so addictive. I can't commit to anyone. I only will hurt people in the end. If I can't fall in love then I be depressed

Автор's divine grace that i found your channel


Great video, connecting with God and focusing on my dreams and goals definitely made me more fulfilled


I wonder why I turned super mega existential starting teenage years, but I was such a content at-peace child.


This is so relevant to me, having felt this void for as long as I can remember, as a your man I used drugs and alcohol, and as an atheist god wasn’t an option. I have finally found my purpose in practising and teaching Yoga


Been searching YT for a video like this. Thank you.


Orion thanks for this episode - I also experience this void and I don't feel fulfilled. I had been an atheist throughout my life but lately I started going to church and learning to have a relationship with God. It's incredible how I feel differently about myself.


Halleluia. Someone actually admitted it.


I loved this video so much. I relate to the relationship to a higher power, though I observe in me a tendency to not 'go all the way'. I'm almost attached to the emptiness and the pain and discomfort that comes with it. Thanks for another brilliant video doc 🙏


Very well said Ryan; couldn’t have put it in any better words myself. As I have experienced great sacrifices in life and great struggles as which almost made me lose my mind. But what I became as a result is lifelong fruitfulness. And as I am going through a very personal issue with my own recent mistakes reconnecting with God/Allah whatever you believe in has given me content to be atleast alive as my mistakes were another person whom I could not reach. I appreciate your channel as a psych NP in the making. Thanks


You're a cut above the rest Sir. Thank you.


Now this one hit different. Gotta respect this one


I’m grateful for your videos, this one was especially beautiful! From my heart to yours, I appreciate you sharing this wisdom and truth 🙏🏻💙🤗


This is so simple. To fill that void inside of you is to humble yourself to Jesus Christ. You find contentment, tranquility, peace, and happiness. I kid you not! Its very hard for alot of people to humble theirsleves to anything, especially men. But once you do, it all changes. I dont go to church and dont talk about it because my relationship with Jesus Christ is a personal one for me. I just talk to Him at different times throughout the day, I thank Him for all the things He has blessed me with. I also tell Him I love Him and ask Him for forgiveness for all the things I've done in my life I'm not proud of. This keeps me sane in an insane world! It changes your outlook. It gives you inner peace and it DOES fill that void.
