7 Stages Of Trauma Bonding

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Unveil the deep-rooted complexities of trauma bonding with this life-changing video, '7 Stages of Trauma Bonding.' Learn about the intricacies of trauma bonding, as we illuminate the stages of this challenging process. Whether you've experienced trauma bonding in relationships with a narcissist or are seeking healing from narcissistic abuse, this video offers valuable insights. Learn how to recognize, understand, and ultimately break free from the grip of trauma bonds, gaining the tools you need for a healthier future.

🔥 *One-on-One Coaching With Christina*

✅ *Ready to MOVE ON from the Narcissist for good?*

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*In this video, I share the tips, techniques and insights that have worked for me in my own journey of healing after narcissistic abuse along with expert tips and tools I've learned through years of coaching narcissistic abuse survivors. I am not a therapist and this video is not meant to provide therapy of any form. #narcissist #covertnarcissist
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It gets to the point where it is not about saving the relationship any more….it is about saving yourself.


It was never a bond. It was an illusion. Thankfully I’ve woken up and seen it for what it was. Nothing but abuse.


The healing takes as long as it takes, can't afford to be impatient about the healing ♥️


They want 100% loyalty but then you realize they were lying about you behind your back and triangulating you all along so no one is on your side when you break up. Awful people.


The thing that made me realize she was a narcissist is just how she would smirk when we fought like she was enjoying my distress.


So I was with a narcissist woman for 12 years 😢..i remember the day I left the relationship...i got myself into a small apartment near the beach, no electricity, no water no food and the silence...ohhh, the next was was the brightest in years!!it took me a year to recover or so.. trust me to all will get better ❤


I am sitting here listening to this and crying my eyes out because I go through all of this just about every single day. I have been married to a narcissist for almost 40 years. Prayers and conversations would really be appreciated 😢😢


1. Lovebombing - intense connection - made by design
2. Trust and dependency - isolating
3. Devaluation
4. Manipulating & Gaslighting
5. Resignation
6. Loss of self
7. Addiction

Thanks, Christina 🙏💛🙏


I had the presence of mind to keep a daily journal and this saved me! So, when she gaslighted me, all I had to do was referred to the journal. This was my saving grace. I knew something was wrong. The minute I met her, but the love bombing was so intense that I overlook many things. When we moved in together, the gaslighting began. Again, all I can say is the journal save my life. It was just a few paragraphs every day and what was written in. It was exactly what happened. She found it one day and literally did not know how to act. Of course she tried to tell me I was crazy, she tried to tell me that that was my take on the conversation. But it wasn’t it was factual and she had no defense and you’re correct she did not care about my welfare. All she cared about was what she could extract from me, and that was listed as well. Needless to say when the lease came up for renewal, I said I couldn’t do it and that’s when she went into narcissistic rage. So I had to live with her for two months, and I always got the silent treatment and the passive aggressive behavior, but it was turned up to the highest degree. I recommend anybody who is in a relationship like this, or even suspect it, keep a journal, and you cannot be gaslit.


Whenever I start to have doubts about my ex being a narcissist, I find videos like this that take that doubt away. It really feels like the last five years of my life have been recorded and being portrayed in these videos.


Trauma bonds can happen outside romantic relationships, like with a friend, family member, or even a boss.


I trauma bonded with every serious relationship I've had until I did ALOT of reflection on my past and definitely had alot of healing to do.


I was used, totally used for a full 7 years. I truly believe she enjoyed seeing me suffering.

All her lies, non stop gaslighting, cheating, circular conversations drove me to shear insanity.

I finally ended it. Out of nowhere she accuses me of abusing her. I have never been so shocked in my entire life.

Its been 2 years since the end and the ptsd is still strong. She quickly moved onto someone else very very fast.


When we talk about narcisistic relationships we should think of them as addictions which is why it is so hard to break the trauma bonds. We get a dopamine hit in the lovebombing and then sudden drop in devaluation stage so we crave the next hit of the feel good hormone and the consequences of staying in a narcisistic relationships are equally lethal. Thank you Christina❤


"He always seemed to keep me separate."

Took the words right out of my mouth.


Never really felt like a part of the narcs life. Spot On.


"I only lied that one time you could prove it and only because you drove me to it" That's something I'll never forget. It was so ridiculous that I lost all respect for him in that moment, while feeling like an idiot myself for ever falling for him. So many people go through this.Thank you for making people aware of this, Christina.


I've been out of the relationship for 2 years, and I'm definitely still healing and learning to stand up for myself. But there were a few things said in this video that really hit home. We used to hang out with my family (joke around have fun- typically at my expense- at least on his end) but then we would go home and he would joke that my family loved him so much that if I ever left him, they would disown me and keep him. Spoiler alert- they didn't and I'm currently living with them, lol. Also I would never fight him on anything anymore because "what's the point" somehow whenever I'd try to fight back it would turn into everything I've done wrong, and I'd be accused of not having examples to back myself up, and I'd be under so much pressure my brain would stop working and I really wouldn't have examples. But when I was actually planning to leave, my friend got mad at me. She said "if you can't stand up to someone that you're not even going to stay with, what makes you think you're not going to turn around and immediately get into another relationship just like this! And I was mad... at first. But the more I thought about it the more it sunk in, so I started standing up for myself... and he actually did the hard part of breaking the relationship off because he could feel the change in me. Another thing that stood out for me was the fact that for these 2 years I've been trying to gain myself back. I used to be a super creative person, even during a large chunk of our relationship I was all about crafting... I haven't touched a craft in years. But I am trying to find her again.


“You either have to start accepting unacceptable behaviour or you have to leave”
…that is the heavy truth.


I stuck up for him, so many times, defended his behavior, his words, he was my husband, to learn about all his dishonesty and disloyalty towards me.

I can’t even describe, how that makes me feel.
