[TUTORIAL] Houdini Engine for Unreal and Unity - Getting Started

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Quick video showing how to get the new free license, install Houdini + Houdini Engine and use some free assets to test the plugin!
0:00 Intro
0:20 Overview
2:12 Getting the License
3:20 Downloading Houdini + Houdini Engine
4:18 Installing Houdini
5:55 Installing Houdini Engine to Unreal
6:22 Verifying Plugin Install
6:43 Installing Free License
7:55 Getting free HDA to play with
8:33 Using the HDAs
0:00 Intro
0:20 Overview
2:12 Getting the License
3:20 Downloading Houdini + Houdini Engine
4:18 Installing Houdini
5:55 Installing Houdini Engine to Unreal
6:22 Verifying Plugin Install
6:43 Installing Free License
7:55 Getting free HDA to play with
8:33 Using the HDAs
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