How To Do Reverse Curls (Pronated Bicep Curl)
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The pronated curl, also known as reverse curl, follows the same movement pattern as the bicep curl to bring the weight to the shoulders, but uses a reversed grip so that the palms are facing downwards. This can be done with dumbbells, barbells, and EZ bars.
How To Do Reverse Curls
1. Stand tall with shoulders back and engage your core.
2. Grip your weights (dumbbell, barbell or EZ bar) using a pronated grip so that your palms are facing downwards.
3. Squeeze your biceps as you bend at the elbows to curl the barbell towards your shoulders, making sure to keep your elbows close to your sides.
4. Lower the weights slowly, until it returns to the starting position.
How To Do Reverse Curls
1. Stand tall with shoulders back and engage your core.
2. Grip your weights (dumbbell, barbell or EZ bar) using a pronated grip so that your palms are facing downwards.
3. Squeeze your biceps as you bend at the elbows to curl the barbell towards your shoulders, making sure to keep your elbows close to your sides.
4. Lower the weights slowly, until it returns to the starting position.