Miscarriage at 6 Weeks 💔 My Story

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Opening up about a very personal story today. I had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks 2 days. Here is my story.

About 6 weeks ago, just two days before we moved out of NYC, I found out I was pregnant. I was only 3.5 weeks when I found out, but I was so happy! This was a moment I had dreamed about for a while and after 6 months of trying, it was happening for us. We were having a baby!

We moved out of the city, settled into our place in VT and all was feeling great. I wasn’t experiencing many symptoms, but as the weeks progressed, I was getting more and more excited and optimistic.

It was at my first ultrasound — at 7 weeks and 4 days — that I found out. Our embryo was a week behind where they expected it to be and there was no heartbeat 💔

At the time, I was a little in shock, but the doctor (who is also a close family friend), said it was very likely this pregnancy would result in a miscarriage but they weren’t 100% sure yet. So they wanted me to come back in a week and confirm.

That appointment confirmed what I already knew in my heart: I was going to have a miscarriage.

I’m sharing this story because so many women go through this and I’ve personally found it helpful hearing others’ stories during this sad time. 1 in 4 pregnancies aren’t successful. And I find comfort in knowing that this is fairly common AND there was nothing that I personally did to cause this.

So if you’ve gone through this or are going through this…YOU ARE NOT ALONE 💕

I’m not sure where this journey will lead over the next few weeks and months, but I plan to be as open and transparent as I feel comfortable with. I appreciate all your love and support, and I’m happy to chat with you in the DMs if you have a story or advice you want to share.







#miscarriage #miscarriages #miscarriageawareness #pregnancy #pregnancyloss
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Thank you for sharing, I'm misscarrying whilst watching this and hearing that I'm not alone is so comforting


This is so difficult Alyssa. I know how you feel. It took me years to get pregnant and then I had two miscarriages. I was devastated. I did however get pregnant eventually and had a perfectly healthy baby. It will happen for you too!


I’m so sorry. I miscarried yesterday and was also at 6 weeks. We will get through this ❤


One of my daughters has had 2 miscarriages 8 years apart. My heart broke for her each time. In between she did have her daughter, and she is so grateful for her. Another close relative had numerous miscarriages and was very depressed for a couple years. She had a tubal pregnancy and lost a fallopian tube. Also did IVF twice, got pregnant but had further miscarriages. She could not emotionally handle the losses anymore. They eventually became foster parents and have adopted 2 children. She quit her high paying job last year and has a home daycare where she is surrounded by little ones every day. They are still fostering and looking to adopt 2 more babies in their care. She is doing fantastic now. It was a long exhausting journey to motherhood but so fulfilling for her and her husband. I am so sorry you had to go thru a miscarriage. Glad you are keeping your chin up. You are a strong young woman .


I’m so sorry. I also miscarried at around 7 weeks, realizing the embryo stopped developing earlier on. It’s so difficult to lose something you love but have never held. My heart goes out to you ❤


Going through a miscarriage now and this video has helped me so much. I saw you got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby soon after and it gives me so much hope ❤


I’m experiencing the miscarriage at the moment 😢 and I’m just so up and down. Watching your video helps me handle my emotion a lot. I still don’t have the courage to share my story with my whole family. But gratefully I have my husband with me and he’s so supportive. Hope we could get through this together, best wishes to all the mommas ❤️


Thank you for sharing Alyssa. My doctors just confirmed this morning that my first pregnancy has ended in complete miscarriage at 6 weeks. The tissue, discharge, and pain was traumatic and unbearable. I had the feeling you did, 2 days after I took the pregnancy test and it was positive. I knew something was wrong and was upset that myself or my doctor couldn’t do anything about it. I’ve been grieving the loss for the past week so It wasn’t as much of a shock, once confirmed. I’m still going through the motions, currently at work. But listening to your story and seeing how vulnerable you were able to be with the world, has given me much strength and comfort. I know there’s a strong healthy baby in my future ❤️ Thank you 🙏🏽


Alyssa I have faith that you and Matt will have a beautiful baby soon enough. This will always hurt but you 2 are going to be amazing parents when the time comes.. Thank you for sharing your story it was very brave


Alyssa, I am just viewing your video. I am so sorry that you went throught this experience. This did bring back memories I have put away. I had a miscarriage about 40 years ago. That was my one and only pregrancy. I have made my peace with God about this. Fast forward, I adopted a young woman I worked with as my daughter and she adopted as her Mom. She lost her Mom to cancer. This relationship has been a blessing. I have a daughter, son-in-law and four grandchildren. Life has different twist and turns. I am happy that many of those twists and turns are positive. I pray the very best for your and your husband. Take care.


I have great respect and sympathy for those who have suffered miscarriages and stillbirths. I know how traumatic and devestating it is on both the physical and emotional level.

My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Was 9 years ago but I remember everything as if it was yesterday. I instinctually knew something was wrong too. I had no pregnancy symptoms and my belly was very sensitive, the slightest pressure would hurt but I didn't know what to compare to, what was normal and what wasn't. Still my gut instinct told me something was wrong. I did not have any implantation bleeding or any changes I just started bleeding suddenly around the 10 week mark.
I went to the ER, they did an ultrasound and it showed the little baby floating lifelessly like a dead fish in a bowl. I knew my baby was dead before the doctors said anything. It was really hard for me to see and is a mental picture I will never forget. They determined that my baby had died or stopped growing around the 7 week mark and that my body just didn't decide to start the process until a couple weeks later. I had severe and increased cramping AFTER the ER visit which they had already warned me could happen at any time so I wasn't shocked or concerned. On the way home we stopped at a store for the pain med prescription the ER had just prescribed to me and I had to pee so I went to the restroom real quick. The cramps were similar to labor. I unexpectedly passed the baby in the toilet and scooped him/her out with my hands, wrapped up in a paper towel and took him/her home. I cried all the way home and all we could do is look at this precious baby and cry. Even though the baby wasn't much bigger than a kidney bean he/she was pretty much completely developed. I remember what amazed me the most was that the tiny eyes had pupils.

I suffered prolonged feelings of guilt after the miscarriage even though I knew these things just happen. Many thoughts ran through my head. Could-a and should-a, and what ifs. My womb was supposed to be a place of life, not death. To know that death occured inside of me, in a place that should have been the most ideal, safe and secure just really bothered me a long time. That was the 2nd biggest mental impact after losing my baby. Took me a long time to move on even with positive support from everyone.

Fast forward 9 years later I had 3 daughters and no more miscarriages (thank goodness) but I will never forget about the 1st baby I lost. Had the baby been a boy his name would have been Troy and had the baby been a girl her name would have been Elizabeth.
I named my 3rd daughter Elizabeth in memory/honor of my miscarried baby.

I firmly believe my baby and all miscarried babies are in heaven waiting for us 💕


I just had the exact same experience with my miscarriage this week and had my D and C today, and I came on here to try and find a story like mine so I could find comfort and you did just that for me. Thank you so much for sharing ❤ you truly helped me, and I will share my story as well so nobody feels alone. Wishing you all the best on your Journey ❤


Thank you so much for this video. I’m so sorry for your loss. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 5 years, 4 years ago I had 2 miscarriages and found out I have a rare blood clotting disorder that causes miscarriages. After finding that out we did everything the doctors told us to do then got busy with life and just kind of moved on. We were certainly still trying but it just hadn’t happened. About 8 months ago, we decided we wanted to really try everything we could do so we quit all of our bad habits and lifestyles like drinking and vaping, we got gym memberships and started eating healthy. We even went to start IVF treatments. Before we actually started any treatments, we had to do some testing that my obgyn hadn’t done yet including testing my husband’s sperm. The results came back that my right tube was blocked and my husband had a large vein that caused his sperm to mutate. After finding all that out, we accepted that it would be quite some time before we would be able to conceive. He was getting ready to schedule his surgery when my ovulation app was telling me to take a test, that I was 2 days late. I had felt pms symptoms so I was hesitant but decided to just rule that out. To our surprise, it came back positive! So we went and bought more tests and after the third one coming back positive I immediately called my obgyn to schedule an appointment because we’ve been seeing the fertility specialist and she said I’d be considered high risk and to go in immediately after a positive test. Our first appointment went great, they did bloodwork and everything came back great. Next appointment a week later was an ultrasound and we were able to see the heart beating. It was super exciting! We were keeping it in the back of our mind that a miscarriage could happen but I think our excitement was clouding that. Everything was moving along great, I was feeling super pregnant and even started to show a little. We even ordered and took an early gender reveal test that came back a girl! Which is what we wanted. A few days after we got our gender results back was my next appointment and routine ultrasound to hear the heartbeat. We were even speculating it might be twins since I was showing a little early. We didn’t catch it at the time, but everything was wrong with the ultrasound. The tech just did a great job at not letting us know. They moved us into a room after where my midwife came in and went over the results and said the baby had actually stopped growing 2 weeks prior and there was no heart beat. It was confirmed I am having a missed miscarriage. I also chose to go the D&C route and I am writing this the night before my D&C. This has been devastating. I plan to share my story maybe in a few weeks when I’ve had a little more time to recover. Again, thank you for sharing your story. I have found other’s stories to be helping me get by. I hope you had another pregnancy and hopefully a healthy baby ❤


I never get notifications and now this is what I get :( 😞 I'm so sorry Alyssa. I find it difficult to watch as I'm hoping to get pregnant but I want to appreciate your strength and vulnerability to share this. This makes me realize I wouldn't know if I miscarried early as I didn't track pregnancy this time around with test. Lots of love and wish you a beautiful rainbow baby.


My first pregnancy just ended in loss at the beginning of May. At my 8 week ultrasound, I found out my pregnancy had stopped progressing at least two weeks prior. I had another ultrasound at nearly 10 weeks and it was confirmed, so the next day I took medication to induce the miscarriage. I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your story.


Thank u so much for sharing this. I just had a miscarriage as well. Same thing, no heartbeat, 2 sonograms. Ended up doing the pills at home. Women go through so much, we are so amazing. Sending lots of love your way. It’s ok to be sad. Thank u again for sharing this. It really helped me with processing my guilt and sadness


I know this video is a couple years old but I just lost my baby at 6 weeks 1 day yesterday. I am on the rollercoaster of emotions and your video made me feel not so alone. Thank you for sharing your story. I know how painful it had to have been.


I can't thank you enough for sharing this, it came at the very good moment, i had myself a miscarriage 5 days ago after a whole year of trying to conceive, i am in a middle of the mix, my emotions are in the lowest but hearing your story kinda brought some confort to me, i hope getting through this asap, thank you again ❤️


I recently just had a miscarriage myself at 18. It was really hard. On the 9th of December I found out I was pregnant but on the 11th everything turned upside down. I had heavy bleeding and really bad cramping. I wasn’t taking any prenatals nor have I seen a doctor yet, it all just happened so quickly. You’re story inspires me to not give up and to keep trying and I want to say Thankyou. Thankyou for being so comfortable with sharing your experience.❤️


It sucks so hard that you can get pregnant in a window of, like, 3 minutes per month, and then you have to wait two weeks to even know if it worked....and then you can experience a loss like this. The emotional roller coaster is very real. 💔
