Am I Pregnant or is it My Period? Navigating Signs and Symptoms - Dr Lora Shahine

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This video provides information about miscarriage and first-trimester bleeding. You'll learn about why first-trimester bleeding is common, the vascular changes in your body, implantation bleeding, subchorionic hematomas, ectopic pregnancies, molar pregnancies, and more.







ABOUT : Lora Shahine, MD, FACOG is a reproductive endocrinologist, founder of the Center for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss at Pacific NW Fertility, and Associate Clinical Professor in the OBGYN Department at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Shahine contributes to the fields of infertility and miscarriage with clinical research, writing, speaking, and educating in peer-reviewed journals, her own books and textbook chapters, and many forms of media including an active social media presence.

DISCLAIMER: The content contained herein is provided for informational and/or entertainment purposes only and not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a healthcare professional. Use the provided information at your own risk. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please contact your health care provider.

#drlorashahine #miscarriage #amihavingamiscarriage

0:00 Intro
0:34 After this video
1:10 First-trimester bleeding
1:57 Vascular changes
2:44 #01 Implantation bleeding
3:27 #02 Cervical bleeding
4:46 #03 Subchorionic hematoma
6:32 #04 Ectopic pregnancy
7:16 #05 Molar pregnancy
7:36 So many causes
8:01 How can you know for sure?
9:00 Transvaginal ultrasound
10:24 Most of the time
10:34 Not broken
11:06 Outro

am i having a miscarriage, am i having a miscarriage first trimester bleeding, blood clot miscarriage early pregnancy, what does miscarriage bleeding look like, cause of bleeding during early pregnancy, am i having a miscarriage or is it my period, First period after miscarriage, First period post miscarriage, Menstrual cycle after miscarriage, first period after miscarriage, period after miscarriage, symptoms of miscarriage,signs of miscarriage,early miscarriage symptoms,what are the symptoms of a miscarriage,signs of early miscarriage,signs of pregnancy loss,symptoms of pregnancy loss, am i having a miscarriage or is it my period Dr Lora Shahine
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Doctor, thank you so much for all this valuable information you are giving to us. Your voice is also very soothing and calming. I wish you were practicing here in Florida.


Super helpful! Thanks much, Dr. Shahine!


Hello doc, I am 10 weeks 4 days pregnant per my LMP. I went for my ultrasound today because I was spotting light pink and brown when I wipe after peeing. They checked and there is no heartbeat and the baby is measuring 6weeks 6days which is almost the same as what it measured last week which was 6 weeks 4 days. Am I miscarrying? The doctor wasn’t certain of what answer to give me so they took my blood sample to check my hcg level to see if it is rising or dropping. I haven’t had any cramp yet but the spotting is still there when I wipe. I will be happy to hear your opinion


I think something might be very wrong with my daughter. She has had regular periods when she first started at the age of 12. Then when she was around 16 she wanted to be on some sort of birth control. So she heard someone tell her that the health department will help young girls get on birth control and not require the parents consent. My daughter tells me everything so I took her there and they started her on the depo shot. I told her about some of the common side effects that come along with that like how it can make your period disappear for months or create abnormal cycles. She did not like the shot so we decided to put her on the pill. That was great because it did regulate her periods and never had an issue. That is until she had to stop taking them because she couldn’t afford them. Her cycles stayed on track for the most part but now, we are very worried! She has her very first gynecologist appointment this Thursday to get some answers. This last time she went 47 days without having a period and she kept buying pregnancy tests and they all came back negative. Then, she would start to spot a light pink and think her period was starting and then she had nothing. Then it went to every time she would go to the bathroom to move her bowels, she had a lot of blood coming out and it was not coming from the backside. Then it stopped until the next time she moved her bowels. As of right now, she texted me and said someone opened the gate and she is bleeding very heavily. Has this blood been stuck up there since she was supposed to start 48 days ago? I’m scared she is losing too much too fast! Is there anything I should know about this? I want to help her but I don know what to do. Thank you


My hcg level borderline positive, I have cramps all night and spotting


I had cramps this morning and it’s been a long time bleeding


What about if I have RH-negative blood type and the dad has positive blood type. Our first baby has positive blood type and during the first pregnancy I did bleed around the 6 weeks mark. What do I need to know if I get pregnant agin and bleed during pregnancy?


Can you be pregnant and still see your beriod


Thank you for this informative video it brought my partner and me a lot of clarity in this time of confusion. Your presence is very comforting 🤍


Hi doc..have a nice day.. did i have miscarriage ? My pt positive result in 2 weeks.. and after 2 days im spotting and some of blood clot coming in vagina one time .. then my Spotting continue as four days.. did i have miscarriage or im still pregnant..😢


Hi doc how are you m 22days late my periods and today got brown spotting went to my gyn she said m not pregnant


Thank you for this video!!! Why don't they tell us these things??!!!


Hi lora
I have a question.
I have go all pregnancy symptoms also missed my periods, after 5 day missed my periods i tested but its negative 😢
Still i waited but all pregnancy symptoms disappeared, after 9 days start my periods, its to much blood clothes. Is this normal or it's miscarriages?


Can miscarriages be shown/determined in the transvaginal ultrasound if you’re spotting?


I assume I had implantation bleeding which I’ve never experienced before, I’ve seen change in breast size, areola got larger and darker too, I felt the slight pain/discomfort of supposed implantation. But then I get heavy bleeding a day after spotting. Is it period or miscarriage or could I possibly still be pregnant. I’m not sure if I want to be pregnant by my ex, I did cry a lot and I’m also stressed from other things. I’m going to wait and see what happens, hopefully it’s a period/miscarriage and not a sneaky pregnancy.


I have a question is cramping every time in the first trimester normal?


I had cramps from 7pm then at 11:46pm I had blooding like a kidney Shap blood. Small pieces up until 3am.


I didn’t know I was pregnant for my first pregnancy in the end of august I was cramping and having headaches really bad than august 28 my period was a day late than I started bleeding I saw 3 big clots in the toilet than I was cramping really bad than after that I was bleeding normally Tuesday august 27 I got a sighly positive hcg blood test.


July 1st I got my period and ends at 10 th
And 11th me and my husband make relation ..and 17 th day I see some bleeding about 2 ours and stops..
Again nest day evening it starts and found really big clots too and heavy bleeding it my period again ? Or is it implantation fail? ... Or I still have chance of pragnency?... Plx help doctor
