My Miscarriage Story at 6 Weeks

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Thank you guys for your kind messages, we're hopeful and continuing on the journey to baby #3 ❤️
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Please remember, absolutely NONE of this is your fault. That baby was a baby no matter how far along you were. That baby was alive, so loved, and everything you are feeling is so valid.


Revisiting this video a year later, because I just had a miscarriage at 6 weeks, a few days ago. And I needed to have a friend who understands ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you so much for sharing ♥️♥️♥️
I truly appreciate it!


62 year old grandpa sitting in the Jiffy Lube waiting room, crying for you guys. I am so sorry. Many of us grieve with you. Prayers for peace and healing.


The link It’s basically just a woman from TickTock explaining about how she found out that the second you become pregnant your DNA changes a tiny bit and that even though women have miscarried your DNA is forever changed by the baby inside of you and so you’re always living with that baby God bless


As someone who’s had 4 miscarriages now, please don’t let anyone ever make you feel as if you don’t have the right to grieve and don’t let anyone rush your grieving process. That is still your baby, regardless of how much time you got to spend together.
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can feel, don’t listen to anyone if they say “oh you’re young you can try again”, “at least you were only this far along”, “oh you already have 2 kids”, ect.
I’m only 23 years old, our first miscarriage I had was when I was 19 years old. For years I had heard everything in the books from people who never experienced miscarriage, to say the least they are truly ignorant to the situation. It doesn’t matter how far along you were it’s always a big deal.
Keeping you all in my prayers💕


Just because it was early doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt. You’re sadness is completely justified. I am so sorry for your loss. You are so strong and brave to share your story. Sending you big hugs ❤️


So sorry to hear this.
My second pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage at 14 weeks.
Please don't let people rush you through the grieving process.
Mine was 23 years ago and although I moved on I never forgot.
I went on to have a successful third pregnancy.
Talk to each other so you can grieve properly.
Ignore well meaning people who have absolutely no personal experience .
It doesn't matter what stage of the pregnancy you lose the baby, it always affects the mom more.
You also have the drop in hormones when the pregnancy ends which plays with your emotions.
Take care and stay strong.


I learned September of 2019 that you are not alone. So many momma's are out there willing to talk. To me it was sad to think that this is a 1 in 4 chance. But, now I think about the positive of there is such a big group of women that go through this and they become like family. After a couple months of learning how to grieve my son's death, we tried again. We are now 37 weeks today with our rainbow baby girl. I was 11 weeks when we lost our son. Be strong momma.


Ashley, I can't express to you how sorry I am. Losing a pregnancy, no matter how far along, means losing a precious life. I miscarried my first baby in June and it was the hardest thing I've ever walked through. I got pregnant with my second very quickly and the roller coaster of emotions has been difficult to process. Thank you for sharing your story. Miscarriage has been taboo for far too long, and I am so proud of you for being a voice for our unborn loves.


I know exactly how you feel and am so so sorry that this has happened. Last Christmas I told my entire family we were expecting and miscarried the next day, also at six weeks. As I sit here typing this, I’m holding my three week old daughter. Heavenly Father sees you and what you’re going through and loves you so so much. But you already knew that!! Praying for you, your family, your angel baby, and the rainbow babies that are to come. ❤️


I found out I was pregnant one morning then that I miscarried that night. A lose is a lose no matter the amount of time your pregnant. Prayers for your family during this time.


Thank you for this video. I’m at six weeks and this is my first pregnancy. I starting miscarrying last night and went to the doctors office for an ultrasound and lab work today. My husband and I are crushed 😭 and currently grieving. I’m so sorry for your loss!


I went through this same thing in July. We weren’t trying but as soon as I found out I was excited.
You can deal with this in your own way, on your own timeline, and to whatever extent you need. You can be as public or as private as feels right. You can be as sad as you are. You can be as conflicted as you are.
There is no logic or schedule to grief. You don’t “just move on” from it. You move forward with it.
And you have thousands of people who love you and will be here for you from afar.


It's hard to put into words how much these videos have reached into my life and made everything make sense a bit more. My husband and I just gotten our first positive pregnancy test and I started bleeding before I had gotten the chance to tell him we were pregnant. I had shared it with everyone in the family and at work and it was so exciting, but the next day it was all over. Thank you for sharing your story. It's helped me feel like I'm not crazy, prayers being sent your way ❤️


My heart goes out to you. I have walked in your shoes 30 years ago at 7ish weeks and my Dr gave me great comfort "loosing at this early stage is difficult because you have nothing tangible. However, you hormones will not be all over the place and you will go through a grieving process. It is very important to allow you to yourself to grieve". I found his words so comforting and so much accurate. It was my third pregnancy, the 1st one we actually planned!!!. It is OK to feel sad Ashley, go with your gut feeling and try ignore the voices in your head. I will keep you both and you little angel baby in my prayers. Also I did have my 3rd baby, was pregnant 6 months later. 😇🙏🙏🙏


Its ok to not be ok!!! Those of us that have heard both of the same voices before understand completely. Doing just what you are doing now will help so much. Praying for you and your awesome little family. Thank you for being real and keeping us updated.


I’m so sorry you are unable to grieve this privately, I can’t imagine having to tell something like this to hundreds of thousands of people you don’t know. My deepest sympathy goes out to you.


You sharing and normalizing miscarriages is so important. So many women go through it and there needs to be a better outlet to allow yourself to grieve. Prayers for you all and your baby!! You all are loved by so many!


I am so so sorry. We lost a precious baby in 2019 and are so close to delivery on our sweet rainbow baby! My deepest thoughts and prayers are with you!!


I believe that there was a precious little baby that just wanted to know what it feels like to be loved and wanted and cherished. She felt that warmth of your beautiful family and in peace left to finish her journey. God is with you and bless you for giving that life exactly what she needed.
