Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: What Is It? What Are The Causes? What Is The Evaluation?

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Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses recurrent pregnancy loss including what it is, the causes, the evaluation, and what to do moving forward. She has been in your shoes and remembers what it was like wondering when that day would come.

Questions answered:
How common is miscarriage?Does age play a role?
What is the top cause of miscarriage?
What can you do if you have recurrent pregnancy loss?
What can cause recurrent pregnancy loss?
What is a uterine septum?
What causes tubal disease?
What is a clotting disorder?How can endocrine issues play a role?How can ovulation disorders impact pregnancy loss?
What is a luteal phase defect?
What is a balanced translocation?
How can sperm abnormalities impact pregnancy loss?
When should you get an evaluation?

Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.


715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705

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Sharing fertility facts to educate women about trying to conceive, getting pregnant, ovulation, fertility treatments, IUI, IVF, becoming a doctor, life as a woman in medicine, and more.
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I have 2 miracle 🌈 babies conceived after 12 years of infertility with the first and was baby #9(my age 38) on record 3 years later I had baby #14(my age 41) on record. So many losses and so little support even from the specialist, now I try to be that support for the people that come into my scope and try to help them with their loss and journey. I found your channel just as we were seeking help with conceiving baby #2 and the video on egg quality and understanding your cycle helped me so much, thank you for making this video and for all you do to help so many. I have loved all of your videos and continue to share your channel and information with so many women.


I’m so glad I found Dr. Crawford’s channel. Our fertility journey has been a STRUGGLE. I was never referred to a specialist such as a Reproductive Endocrinologist. We are currently going through our fourth unexplained loss (our first MMC) and will be seeing an RE in May. Feeling more hopeful for this as IVF might be the route we need to take. Thank you for all the info!


Thanks for sharing this! Recurrent loss is heart-wrenching - I have had 4 losses, myself. Having a support system really helped me. I shared all my pregnancies with my parents and sister and felt they tried to understand me and my grief even if they hadn't experienced it.
My losses were unexplained for 4 years until we tried IVF with genetic testing. I'm now 14 weeks pregnant with an euploid embryo with my second transfer (first FET didn't work). I haven't announced to the world as I still have fears but I'm so so so happy to have made it this far.


I just watched your video Dr. Natalie on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss causes and management and wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation.
Your presentation was informative, clear, and easy to understand, and I found your explanation of the causes and management of recurrent pregnancy loss to be both thorough and compassionate.
Your video is sure to be a source of comfort and guidance for many, and I look forward to sharing it with others who may benefit from your insights. Keep up the excellent work! 💜


I’ve had one ectopic and 3 miscarriages. I am finally trying again after many many tests and procedures. My fertility doctor is having me try out progesterone baby aspirin and letrizol. My old family doctor didn’t do ANYTHING when I had two miscarriages in one year after already having an ectopic. I was told that I have alot of fibroids by a ultrasound tech who said she would put notes so my family doctor could talk to me about it however when I met with my family doctor she brushed me off and said no it’s not that while also never ordering any kind of tests.
I went to the hospital for my third loss and they told me that they didn’t do D&C’s anymore and that I would need to let it pass naturally which is a lie. In fact they could and should have done a d&c and saved some tissue to be tested to find out the cause of my recurrent miscarriages. My new family doctor and team of OBGYN and fertility doctors have all stated it’s likely my fibroids which my old doctor said could not be the reason. So frustrating as I am now almost 32 and started trying when I was 24. I may very well have been pregnant by now if my original doctor took me seriously. All I have to say is advocate for yourself ALWAYS! Don’t ever let a doctor or nurse or whoever tell you that you are wrong in how you are feeling! ❤


Natalie ! Can you talk about cramps, spotting in early pregnancy ! Why the uterus cramps at 4-5-6 weeks etc ?


I just had my 13th miscarriage. I’m done. I have one miracle child and I have to accept the fact they are the only child I will ever have.


Dr Crawford, any thoughts on LDN( low dose naltrexone) for improving egg quality/ decreasing inflammation?


Had my daughter when I was 29, conceived naturally in the first try. Since then 4 unexplained miscarriages in two years all between 6-10 weeks. We tested everything possible, but no cause was found. Every miscarriage broke both our hearts.
We're both turning 33 soon and don't give up trying.
Thank you for the video ❤


I went to the OB when I turned 34 years old. I was trying to get pregnant for more than a year at that time , the OB told me to keep trying and go back after turning 35, why do we have to wait to get older so the OB's can start doing something about it ?, it ended up my fallopian tubes were blocked if the OB would've checked my fallopian tubes when I was younger it would've been better.


I've been through 3 misscaridges before I got pregnant with my two year old daughter I was 39 when I got pregnant with her and I was 40 when she was born I've had 14 misscaridges in total I have had fibroids and endo It's all been removed I also have factor v lyden so I've been on aspirin when I find out I'm pregnant but it doesn't make it to blood tests so I've been eating healthy working on my weight and I'm almost 43 years old and we would like one more but it is hard on use both is there anything else you can help me with thankyou


I had three known miscarriages and a fourth likely miscarriage between my children. After three miscarriages, I was afraid to test for pregnancy when my period was late (my cycle could be timed by the clock.). I waited, and a few days later, my period started. I started seeing a doctor for secondary infertility when I became pregnant again and carried to term.


I’ve had one at 7 weeks, 20 weeks, and 10 weeks. It’s gut wrenching . I don’t have an issue getting pregnant, I just have recurrent losses.


8 weeks pregnancy loss, CMA of POC was normal. What should be done?


I've had 7 losses since 2020. The first and last were ectopic. The others we don't know because I simply didn't get proper medical attention. I was left 14 weeks with the first ectopic without a ultrasound.

The following 5 I got no medical attention. They simply refused to do any scans or screens. Those were lost between 7 to 13 weeks.

After the last loss at 9 weeks I demanded blood testing and found out about factor v lieden and had a positive test result.

Had both progesterone (as I'm 38) and injections for my last this past January. And I got no scan til 8 weeks but from the blood tests I could tell it was ectopic. It wad confirmed at a scan when I finally got 8 weeks.

Ppl think healthcare in canada is good. Its trash.


Hi Natalie, can you do a video on Letrozole and progesterone together. I have recurrent pregnancy loss. 4 miscarriages last year. My doctor ran a battery of test, and turns out I have PCOS. High testosterone and very, very low progesterone. She prescribed me Letrozole and progesterone together. I am a little worried about some of the side affect I have seen on youtube regarding Letrozole and am not sure if it is all factual. I am also worried about multiples since I do ovulate. What are my chances of having multiple on it. Please and thank you.


I had miscarriage this Month April 1-7, and it out naturally. I didn't go to doctor for check up up until now because I'm scared. But i dont feel any pain.. Is it okay?

And by the way Last day April 25, i saw some clear white and stretchy discharge most likely to an egg white.. I was wondering, am i ovulating? Or any reason.
I'm so obsessed to have a baby again, im so lost when i just found out I'm pregnant and now its gone. 😩💔
I'm still praying and hoping for a healthy Rainbow baby. 🙏


I've a doubt...I got my periods on 2nd February and still I didn't get my between these days I was in intercourse on 9th March... Is there any chance to get pregnant....


I had my 3rd misscrriage in a row, i have been through a lot of pregnancy losses. Twin and single pregos in 27 and 28 weeks due to uteral septum issue, removed that with surgery had my miracle son after one year of septal removal, with lots of complications just to name preeclampsia, IUGR for baby born early at 34 with c-section which ibwas embracing going forward each week. and he is smartest cutest boy through the family. With blond hair and grey eye colors which we dont have naturally . Then the 3 misscarriages, the last one is just a month ago which was 13 weeks . I am just wondering what could be the real problem never had a useful advice for my condition, i asked for progestrone which i used 800 mg per day. I had to deal with bleeding issue and that is so painful to go through. May Allah help every women who is going through that.


Could you please make a video in the future about blighted ovum and your thoughts about it ? I took birth control pills for about 10 years because I had irregular periods and hormonal acne when I was young . A few months later I got pregnant for the first time . And weeks later when I went for an ultrasound doc said it was a blighted ovum, there’s was a yolk sac but no fetus . I went for a second opinion I couldn’t believe it and at the hospital it was confirmed . My gynecologist gave me the pills to have the miscarriage at home, when I went for ultrasound there was still some tissues inside so I had to get a d&c . A year later we are still tying but no luck I’m 25 years old and my husband is 29, I don’t understand why is still not happening to us 😢
