Why Everyone Should Be EXTREMELY Frugal

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Superpowers you get from being frugal!

Here's what I'm reading:

I believe that everyone in this world should be frugal because frugality allows you to have more control over your life. It almost gives you superpowers in your life that non frugal people do not have. In this video, I share, "5 Superpowers You Get From Being Frugal."

1. The ability to make work suck a little less

The truth is, most people in this world do not enjoy working. Most people dread going to their jobs and hate their jobs to an extreme, but have to continue doing it because they need money. Many people are living paycheck to paycheck and since they are desperate for money, they are unable to tell their boss or employer the most powerful words in the world, "No."

When you live below your means, have no debt, and take control over your finances you gain the ability to tell people "no." And when you know that you are able to say that, it makes work a bit more enjoyable because you understand that you have options.

2. The ability to have peace of mind

Most Americans are living on the edge being in a financial situation that could collapse at any moment. Although people might have nice possessions, their possessions are holding them back and so not provide them with peace of mind. When you are frugal, although you might not have a bunch of nice material possessions, you do have peace of mind. And when you have peace of mind, can any material possession beat that?

3. The ability to see past the absurdity of trends

So many people spend their money based on trends. Many people just follow the masses and spend their money on trend after trend. Many people are unable to see the consumerist tricks put on by corporations to get people to buy things that they are like the image of a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick that they will never get.

Frugality isn't about not spending money, but it is about spending money intentionally. And spending money intentionally gives you the ability to see past the absurdity of trends.

4. The ability to look at yourself in the mirror

I believe that money is a "Necessary evil" because we need it in order for society to work. People need financial incentive in order to contribute to society; however, some people will do some terrible things for money due to desperation or greed. Being frugal is about living a life of "enough" where you are not constantly seeking more and are content with what you have. When you live that way, you are always able to look yourself in the mirror.

5. The ability to not take shit from as many people

In life, we have to take shit from a lot of people: bad bosses, credit card companies, and debt collectors to name a few. And we have to listen to them because we either owe them money or we need money from them. Being frugal is about living within your means and when you live within your means with no debt, low living expenses, and take control over your finances, then you do not owe anything to anyone. And when you don't owe anything to anyone, then there are only a handful of people left that you need to take shit from.

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What's another superpower you get from being frugal?


NO debt, no Boss, no car payments, no worries, listen to Austin everyone, he is 100 percent correct. I retired at 62. If you need to buy something pay cash !


Being cheap is like a game I like to play. It's fun.


I was so frugal I lived in what many would consider squalor, a small room for a year or so and with my cat too, so small I was right next to a litter box smelling poo and working. Ate high calorie cheap meals, wore old clothes, drove a paid off 17 year old car. And because of that I was able to save enough for a down payment and got my first house recently. Sometimes it takes some sacrifices to get to where you want to be.


Austin my Granfather came through the Great Depression and he always always said it's not how much you make its how much you don't spend and the older I get the more I have found it to be true you are an extremely smart and disciplined young man keep up the great 👍 work


Number 5 is excellent. I spent years being frugal and now those bad bosses of the past can take a hike. I don't need them and they don't want me. Good riddance to the nightmare of bad management.


"When You have Peace of Mind, can any material possession beat that?" You are wise beyond your years, Austin.


People watching this video, watch it over and over until it sinks in! This is the truth here. I learned a little later in life than this young man, but I'm still young enough. The freedom that comes with being debt free, the confidence, the respect you feel for yourself, is priceless. Speaking of the word "NO", I read somewhere that you'll never be truly happy until you learn how to say it. "No, I'm sorry. I'm unable to do that today" is so empowering!


It’s very true, my last job, I was told I can’t take the day off I need and the hours I am not available, so I told them this job is not my life and I don’t need it! I only work because I was bored at home and since then they know they can’t push me around! I am in minimalist and being frugal now, but even before I didn’t have to work my husband making way more than enough for me to stay at home. We don’t have debt our cars are paid for and save almost half of our income, we eat simple foods but healthy and don’t spend a much besides our necessities! Thank you for your inspirational YouTube! More power to you!


You are so right. I've always been frugal even as a kid. I've never regretted it. I've always had money for inevitable emergencies. My expenses are very low. No debt. My well maintained car is 13 years old and runs great. I buy beans and rice in bulk. I avoid restaurants. I cringe when I see these young folks spending 60K on a car.


I'm 56 and have been working part time for the last four years. My children are adults and moved out years ago. I've only got a very small mortgage left and choose to work two days a week. I don't like work and never have. If it wasn't for money I would never work, there's so many fun things to do!


I just turned 40 and this year I got diagnosed with ADHD. I’ve always found it impossible to manage my money and have spent the past 20 years in debt and full of anxiety and resentment at having to work for as you say ‘bad bosses’ because my impulsive spending and inability to manage money has made me a slave to debt repayments. Now I realise I’ve been beating myself with a stick for 20 years instead of looking at it completely differently- the way you look at it. I now call my money Freedom Tokens. I think how many Freedom Tokens am I willing to give up for this thing (whatever it is) that I’m fixating on. I’m also finding better ways to manage the impulsivity and novelty-seeking that used to result in my spending.
I love your videos. They make me feel galvanised into action :)


The most upsetting thing is watching young people get deeper and deeper into debt and their excuse is, "I have to work anyway!" 😬 Love your new LIGHT background! 🤣


Austin kicks me in gear more than the Ramsey show. LMAO. I love the empathy and sincerity in his delivery.


Frugal = more money = more options + more happiness from the lack of worries.


Powerful, Mr. Austin Williams. I retired at age 60 because I had no debt as I was frugal for the previous ten years of my working life. I could have worked until 65 or more but I choose to have a very reduced pension in exchange for peace of mind. I just turned 64 and I have absolutely no regrets - and no debts.

I was a slave all my working life not just doing work I didn't like but working with many people I didn't like and perhaps they didn't like me either but I went to work every day with knots in my belly. I used to walk in a nearby graveyard on my lunch just to find quietness and to sit quietly on a bench. Now I eat healthy, do what I want, and am relatively pretty happy doing what I want to do when I want to do it. I want to emphasize what you said about debt. The road to freedom is to find a way to eliminate debt. I wish I knew years ago what I know now.

In my 20s and 30s, I would often show off and spend money on my friends and lifestyle. Big mistake. Those friends and that lifestyle are gone forever.

Keep up the great work, Mr. Austin Williams. Thank you.


Selling frugality to our society is like selling abstinence to college students. Sure its an ideal but it’s not nearly as much fun.

I am 52, paid off my $360K home, paid cash for recent used cars, paying for two kids in college at same time, and saving about $3, 000 per month for retirement. It can be done and done by a middle class guy like me who has never made over $125, 000 in a year. Frugality and consistency make all the difference.


I had 3 totally different jobs in my 35 years of work life, and they all sucked. Working midnights, weekends, holidays, and for sucky managers. Narcissistic managers will zap your soul.


I’ve gained an appreciation for thrift shopping and buying good quality items with history.


Being able to walk away from a job that sucks is the best. I have left a few because of back up. Savings. To walk away from a bad situation is freedom. Freedom means everything. If you have money, savings, you have power! Money equals power. Save money if you can.
