4 CBT tools for Reducing Intrusive Thoughts

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NOTE: ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

AllCEUs provides multimedia counselor education and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education.
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Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes teaches adults how to use cognitive behavioral therapy tools for building resilience at work, among staff and in children.

Many of the skills in the videos are the same ones that are taought in a basic counselling course and can be used as a CBT therapist aid. CBT techniques are helpful tools for self counseling for major depressive disorder, anger management, confidence, self esteem, anxiety, abandonment issues, self improvement

Dr. Snipes' videos have been used by thousands for developing clinical skills for substance abuse counseling, cbt interventions for substance abuse, and skills needed for mental health counselor
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I'm only now, at 43, learning what these thoughts I've been having my entire life are, that I can actually do something about them, and not just continue dealing with them in silence. I thought everyone had them and something was wrong with me because they affected me so much.


What helped me with some types of intrusive thoughts is to think of them as someone else's thoughts. Like someone just told us they think that, so now we just know that that thought exists somewhere and that's it


I really like the analogy of the persistent salesman, and the suggestion to replace the thought with something else.


Definitely stress related. I have these thoughts with derealization. Thoughts that are just irrational, but won't go away for long periods of time.


I have recognized my violent intrusive thoughts for over a year now. But this video has really help me to notice that the thoughts I thought were my social anxiety and general anxiety disorder might actually also be intrusive. I used to wonder why I was thinking so negatively about myself of I was having a good day and there felt like there was no real reason. And of they were intrusive thoughts it would make much sense. So thank you this really helped!!!

I also really liked the metaphor of the salesperson. Because if I thought of my intrusive thoughts coming from the same brain, the same person as my regular ones it would practically make me do all the things this video says not to do (which were things I had known not to do for a while now) such as over-analyzing, telling myself to stop, paying too much attention to them. So since learning that I tried to label the thoughts I recognized as intrusive to another name referring to them as if I was reffering to a totally different person and that has helped me much.

This video also helped me with a little more of my future possible diagnoses since lately my signs of OCD have been more prominent, and affecting my average life in a way they haven't before so if it continues I might try to be professionally diagnosed or if it's something else. Especially since I hadn't known intrusive thoughts can be a sign of OCD.

I do have a question that might seem realllly stupid...do people with ADHD have intrusive thoughts?


I've had very intrusive thoughts since my first SA at 6. That was 40 years ago. Today I was really struggling with the same violent, self-hating thoughts. This video helped me SO MUCH! Thank you Doc, you have a new sub. <3


thank you SO much for the salesman analogy. that is the perfect way to look at it because that’s exactly what these thoughts are!!


Also WOW thank you for sharing your experience with your postpartum thoughts! This goes a long way to showing the difficulties ALL PEOPLE are up against hormonally and neurochemically! The basis and origin of our thoughts is a fascinating subject.


I really appreciate this. Ever since I have entered my teens, I have been having very bad intrusive thoughts that no matter what keep returning. This, however, has really helped. Thank you


Thankyou for this video, so incredibly grateful. Dont have coverage for therapy right now so having this video jmis very very helpful. Thankyou so much you are beautiful kind person


When I have terrible thoughts, I PRAY TO JAH and he always slows them down or takes them away. Thank You.


How do you know when you should acknowledge the thought/where its coming from/have compassion for it, or when u should do more thought shifting/distracting techniques like these ones?


Another wonderful presentation! Thank you, Dr. Snipes :)


Thank you Dr. Snipes for another amazing and caring video. I am just recently becoming aware that my thoughts are very intrusive. Mindfully, living in the moment, I can unhook from my thoughts that are repetitive and damaging.


My job is not challenging and my brain is desensitized and bored with all the podcasts and music and educational entertainment available that I've found so far, so my thoughts are constantly swarming on horrific things and making me feel even more poorly about who or what I must be and it's making me feel so limited that it's keeping me from going for other jobs. Like this job is melting my brain so I can't go find another one. It's like an abusive relationship, it tears you down until you've been brainwashed into thinking that's just who you are. There's some scientific study that basically explained Stockholm syndrome that people eventually stop registering trauma as trauma because the brain eventually decides it takes less energy to accept something is good than to constantly be asking and assessing


Thank you, sometimes a shot of good advice can do such good at lifting your spirits


Intrusive thoughts are awful and the worst part is when people do mot understand it because they have never experienced it and claim it is bullshit. Well, it is not bullshit having them and not being able to escape your pwn mind cuz it iz always with you.


I see intrusive thoughts as reaction from trauma. There is trauma stuck in our body that is broadcasting these intrusive worry thought loops. Trauma means that there is ingrained toxic shame belief that appear as reality to us.
In my case - this is belief that I must be perfectionist, that I am not allowed to make mistakes, that attracts toxic people who make additional damage - through their toxic shame of my mistakes, flaws and lack of knowledge - which they criticize and nitpick. Soon my own brain will try to evade their toxic criticism by producing intrusive thoughts that will try to make me into being perfecta and without mistakes. Which of course is non functional - and pretty soon I will develop social anxiety and avoidance as an attempt not to make mistakes in my inability to be productive, servile and helpful to others.

So I would rather focus on this trauma. The belief and my definitions which are distorted, thwarted, wrong and delusional: what is normal, kind, nice, or rude. It is all modulated to fit original trauma abuse from Complex Trauma childhood - being exposed to unrecognized mentally ill people and thus being invalidated and neglected in times when my persona and personality was being forged and being built. Now I am stuck with unreasonable fantasy ideas what is normal and productive, good nice and what is rude.
With wrong definitions I am unable to manage life and communication - and intrusive thoughts are by-products of ingrained toxic shame beliefs.


I'm searching this because it's reached that point where i'm avoiding people.
