WHY Did Obi Wan Kenobi Lose to Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones? Star Wars Explained

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What If Qui Gon Jinn Trained Anakin Skywalker?

What if Padme Survived?

What if Mace Windu Killed Darth Sidious?

Why did obi wan lose to count dooku in episode 2 attack of the clones? While it’s heavily debated that Obi Wan lost to Dooku twice, however defeated Anakin who killed Dooku, circling back to our original question and not really making much sense. While I don’t have to say that Lucas wanted to create more of a character development towards Anakin leading into episode 3, there is lots of unknown information here for just the regular Star Wars movie watcher. Let’s dive a little deeper shall we.

So, Dooku was known as one of the most talented lightsaber duelists in the entire galaxy, that’s saying something. He trained Qui Gon jinn, who as we know trained Obi Wan. So right off the bat we can attest to the fact that Obi Wan won’t be as skilled as the master of his master just like a photocopy of a photocopy will never be more clear than the original...
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Why Did Obi Wan Kenobi Lose to Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones?

Because Christopher Lee doesn't take shit from anybody.


"Why did Obi wan lose to Count Dooku?"

Because Dooku was a better swordsman.


I like it when Dooku gets the attention and praise he deserves. You don't mess with him !


Obi-Wan's pure defensive style wasn't fully mastered yet (like an under construction house). As such, it had holes. Count Dooku was a very precise Anti-Lightsaber duelist. Dooku was extremely accurate, and was able to poke at the holes in Obi-Wan's unfinished defense. That's how I personally viewed it.


3:21 The smile on Dooku’s face gets me every time😆


Dooku's combat style is one of my favorites, well form II in general is just awesome in my opinion!


JUST RECEIVED THE ANIMATION! I'm now editing it all to add the audio and SFX. Can't wait to show you all, lightsaber will be given away in tomorrow's video as well. See you all tomorrow :)
May The Force Be With You!
PS Good luck in today's graphic novel giveaway, only 2k more likes to go


Because he didn't have the high ground!


Congrats to Avery for winning! Just shipped out your graphic novel over Amazon using 2 day shipping. Should be there before you know it. To the rest of you, thanks for the support. My goal is to have ONE giveaway in every single video eventually. So far I've done 3 this month and 2 lightsaber giveaways last month. Getting closer the better this channel does. See you all in the next episode!


i must disagree here. obi wan was in transition switching from ataru to soresu that's why he lost. in ep 3 he played weak to trick dooku. i say obi wan is prob the most underrated jedi. that's also what lucas says. he is in fact comparable to yoda and windu arguably just a very shade below. and anakin could just not brake him as his defense is too strong. he really is an absolute tank.


I need drugs, where can I buy Deathsticks?


I always said it's because Master and Padawans share a force bond, so when Anakin was wounded, Obi-wan was "wounded" aswell. And another point is that Obi-wan knew that Yoda and the rest of the jedi was on the way, so his plan was to try and keep Dooku occupied untill more Jedi showed up. But he was obviously not expecting Dooku to be as powerfull as he was.

And when he met him in Revenge of the sith, Sidous most likley helped cloud Obi-wans senses so that Dooku could incapacitate him quickly. Which is probably because Sidious planned for Anakin to strike down Dooku in anger, while Dooku was under the belief that they were going to try to sway Anakin to their side. That's at least my view.


I'm commander Shepard, and this is my favorite Star Wars channel on the citadel


I'm sorry I'm so late to comment on this, but I just found this awesome gem of a video! One thing that isn't conveyed in the movie, or in your video, is also the dynamic physically at play. Obi Wan, had been Dooku's prisoner for an unspecified amount of time. He then fought the battle in the arena, and then went straight into the chase for Dooku. And it was a desert planet. At no point is it mentioned that Kenobi had food or even water. Dooku, of course, was rested, and pretty untouched during this entire time up to this lightsaber battle. Fatigue surely must have also come in to play, with a slightly more fresh Anakin, and even more refreshed Yoda coming later to the battle. I'm so glad you tackled this question, and it makes perfect sense regarding fighting styles!


Qui-gon Jinn actually refused to join the High Council a few times, mainly because he thought that the council was blinded by their knowledge of the Force. In fact he was thought to be something of a maverick of a Jedi, but his connection of the Force was very deep. So deep that it was HIM who taught Yoda how to become a force spirit.


I was half hoping you'd cover how he almost beat Dooku in episode 3 and his growth as a warrior in the clone wars but it was still a really God video. Great job.


Rey and Finn vs Luke and Leia or Indiana Jones vs Han Solo. It's absolutely bizarre, I know. But plz like it!


You should do a what if yoda went to arrest palpatine instead of mace windu


I would add a very simple explanation. Obi Wan had been in captivity, fought for his life against a monster, and had to fight off thousands of battle droids. Dooku only watched. Obi Wan was simply tired, which gave Dooku the advantage


I've never seen that artwork of Dooku seeing Jinn being killed. The pain in his eyes and seeing Palpatine reveling in his anguish sends a really powerful message. Sidious truly was sadistic in every way.
