Why Darth Vader CRYING In Obi-Wan Is So Important

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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This scene where Vader and Anakin's voices overlap and alternate between each other, is truly of my favorite Star Wars scenes. It was so perfectly done.


When Anakin says, "I'm am what remains", that said it all. Deep down, Anakin Skywalker knows that becoming Darth Vader was not a triumph. It was an incredibly painful loss of his former self.


Hayden did an amazing job when given amazing lines and good lighting. He should get done serious recognition for this because he sells Anakin perfectly. Now i always see Hayden under the mask when I watch.


After Obi Wan smashed his breathing plate in, I felt more pity for him than anything. Hearing him wheezing… clearly beaten. Yet still delusional enough to think he could win this fight, when he can barely stand. It was so sad…


I think Anakin/Vader screaming Obi-Wan's name as Obi-wan walked away was his crying out in frustration that his former friend hadn't struck him down and finished him off, putting Anakin out of his guilt-riddled misery.


When Vader says “I am not your failure” I don’t think it’s Vader talking, it’s the last remnant of Anakin telling Obi Wan it’s not his fault and the Anakin is the only one that’s responsible


This is why Anakin is my favorite character in all of Star Wars. We’ve all felt like we’re not loved, respected or trusted, and when you do find that one person that actually does care and does try to understand what you’re going through, you’re willing to do almost anything to help them. As the man said, Anakin desperately needed love, affection and a father figure, and I can relate so much to him because I personally went a long time without any of those things in my life.


I feel like this is the first scene in all of star wars where I truly felt the gravity and how tragic it was that Anakin turned. I’ve known just because of the story line how impactful it was but this is the first time I really felt it on screen. Great performances by both.


I've been a Star Wars fan for over 40 years, and this was easily the most powerful and emotional moment in the franchise. Anakin coming forward for just a moment to release his former master of his guilt by telling him it wasn't his fault, to have Vader re-emerge and gloat over killing Anakin was just brilliant. It's crazy that it has taken over 4 decades to get to the point of how Obi-Wan may have been the single most important character in the SW universe. And that scene alone was better than the entire sequel trilogy combined.


In psychology, when we do something we regret but we can't go back and change our actions/right our wrongs, that puts us into an extremely uncomfortable state of cognitive dissonance. To compensate/eliminate this, we convince ourselves instead that we don't regret our actions at all, that what we did was justified. The Vader half deals with the cognitive dissonance and guilt stemming from his actions by focusing on his hatred and anger, convincing himself that the Jedi deserved what they got by turning their backs on him and refusing to save Padme, that Obi-Wan deserves to be punished for injuring him on Mustafar. The Anakin half deals with the guilt, depression and self-hatred by retreating deep inside. Once in a while, we do see Anakin emerge, e.g. in this scene where we see both Anakin and Vader speaking. It wasn't Vader crying, it was Anakin.


Hearing the REAL ANAKINS voice coming from Vader was so much heavier than I thought it could be. 10 years in their time but like 17 years for fans. I can imagine it didn’t take much acting for Ewan Mcgregor hearing Hayden’s voice coming from Vader when he says “Anakin is gone” hearing his older voice gasping for air and rage fueled was the only jaw dropping thing I can remember seeing in years. Seeing his true face now and that true face is just Darth Vaders, IMMACULATE execution


I must admit, this scene was not only perfect, but also very emotional. I rarely get emotional when watching anything, but here I damn felt sad. This whole scene where Obi Wan sees what Anakin has turned into is too painful. It seems that at that moment Anakin woke up and literally said "I didn't want all this"


The way the blue light from Obi wan’s light saber radiated on Anakin’s face. Such a powerful scene🥺


That apology... I felt so satisfied when it happened. And this felt like something that stuck with Anakin up until the end. Vader's conflict throughout the series, is that push and pull between the light side and the dark side of the force. Which all compiled to the end when he chooses to save his son and casts out Palpatine. Anakin never left, he was just lost.


In that moment. When Obi wan stared into the yellow tired eyes of his former apprentice for the first time since their battle, he didn't see a see sith lord, or a murderer or a failed apprentice who wronged him. He just saw Anakin, little Ani, the boy who looked up at him during Qui gons funeral and asked what would become of him. The promise he made to him that he would be a Jedi. The endless critisims he gave him and his ultimate failure as his master to protect him. All he could say to him was

"I'm sorry..."

That single tear vader shed and even his haughty attempt at "comforting" Obi wan by saying he is not to blame for Anakins death. Really shows just how far gone he was but traces of humanity still lingered within him.

Those 2 words were all Anakin ever needed to hear. It could have saved him so much pain.

Anakins life experiences have been a tragic case of abuse and manipulation. Even as a Sith Lord. Obi Wan was truly the only friend he had who never used him to better his own cause. Part of Vader really missed that companionship.


I believe Obi Wan's apology was what kept Anakin alive...he kept fighting to come to the surface....and through the love of his son, he was able to break through for good...


I blame Mace Windu for the distrust. He was the main instigator of it. His stubbornness and arrogance directly contributed to Anakins fall to the dark side. I wish Mace was explored more. There's so much we just don't know.


Asoka sliced the right side of his helmet, and Obi Wan his left! Luke gets the last honour to take it off completely in ROTJ! Amazing story arch! Brilliantly written episode!


I love that Anakin actually took the time to hear him, felt his words, and in his own twisted way owned up to all that he'd done. It's the one meager piece of comfort he could offer.


Maybe Anakin was always destined to join the dark side because of his nature and also the need for balance in the Force and all that, but it’s still so tragic that he didn’t get more love and validation. 🥺 He was always treated poorly by the Jedi Council and so he sought acceptance from the wrong people. Acceptance is a basic human need.
