Why Did Obi-Wan Kenobi NOT Join The Rebellion? Star Wars Explained #Shorts

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Since the release of A New Hope people have asked why Obi-Wan Kenobi never joined the Rebel Alliance and the fight against the Empire.

In issue #3 of the Obi-Wan comic series, we see Obi-Wan remembering an early battle in the Clone Wars and questioning a Jedi’s purpose in war.

Watching the 212th Battalion suffer heavy losses, Obi-Wan believes the Jedi should not have accepted the role as military leaders for the Republic.

The Jedi way was to protect and preserve life. Swearing an oath of peace, they had become warriors and engaged in a war that would destroy the galaxy.

The Clone Wars left Obi-Wan with a wounded psyche and an unwavering belief the Jedi’s participation in the destructive acts of war would never be good for the galaxy.

From his point of view, waiting until the time was right to train Luke and not joining the Rebellion was the proper role of a Jedi.

It was this peaceful approach that allowed Luke, as a Jedi, to refuse to fight and throw away his lightsaber in the face of the Emperor that brought about the downfall of the Sith.

#shorts #obiwankenobi #starwars
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One of the biggest reasons he didn’t just run off and join the rebels has got to be the fact that he had to stay there on Tattooine to watch over and protect Luke!


Well if you watched rebels there were Jedi that fought for the rebellion and every single one of them died. Ahsoka only survived because she didn't engage in actual rebel battles like Ezra and Kenan did


Obi wan literally took a page out of the Sith book lol

“Just wait/hide until the force tells you its the right time to strike” xD


If not for Obi Wan specifically training Luke, the empire may not have been defeated. He established a personal connection with Vader and the Emporer and taught Luke the virtue of mercy and patience, someone that balanced Luke's vigor for victory against the Sith and his unwillingness to fall into the clutches of aggression and hard headed passion to seek retribution for all that the Sith had taken and destroyed. Obi Wan was the only one left as close to Vader as needed to properly train Luke how to mentally and physically approach him, and even Yoda, while largly helping Luke with his combat training, didn't mentally sculpt him as well or in the specific and necessary way Obi Wan did. From his stories to his sacrifice, Obi Wan helped Luke become the well rounded and calm tempered Jedi that he needed to be in order to overcome the immense power and temptation of the Sith. Three cheers for Obi Wan!


Even if it wasn't the Jedi way he participated at first because deep down he knew he couldn't let the rest of the Jedi just die in war. He knew his importance but also knew war is the path to destruction. He made the right choices in the end. He knew Darth maul was looking for him the whole time. He knew in old age he would have to change the way Jedi were trained hence Luke. He also knew he wasn't a one man army only a new unwaivered Jedi could defeat the empire. Just never understood why leia wast trained cause the books


This is the most underrated channel in the entire YouTube


As Obi Wan once said: " A Jedi's goal is to defend life not take it"


Also, he had to watch over Luke, and make sure he wasn’t in danger…


Makes you wonder what tf is going throught the writers minds of the kenobi show


Obi-Wan was literally on his way to join the Rebellion when he ran into the Death Star and died to Vader.


No, the reason why is because empire would’ve known if he joined the rebellion and if he went on any missions, because it would’ve been reported back, and his presence would’ve been easier sensed by Vader and the Emperor, and would be all about hunting him down, therefore the rebellion then couldn’t stay out of danger.


He so attached to the Jedi Order, nothing like Qui-Goon who followed and believed in the force more than the Jedi


I've been corrupted by Legends. In it, the Jedi have been peacekeepers, diplomats, warriors, statesmen and generals by turns for tens of millennia, seeming to be aware of the layers of irony and contradiction and yet capable of navigating them, as any non-Force sensitive human [and presumably the other beings] would do.


Fuck yeah that's why Obi is the one who won. 🙌


Jedis involving themselves in the war and acting as generals was there ultimate downfall. The even more bigger picture was because they abandoned the Jedi way to never involve in politics and should of just stayed true to becoming peacemakers like they have thousands of year before


Kenobi was on Tatooine watching on Luke, he knows if someone could've kill Vader and the Emperor that would be Skywalker son for sure, he saw how powerful was Anakin and he knows Luke would've had the same potential and i think it was a pretty good move...


It was not Luke’s destiny to destroy the Sith, just for them to destroy themselves. Anakin became the chosen one again showing the universe, not only his retribution, but how the dark side truly works.


Thats was Right but Luke shoudent throw away His lightsaber but Still hold His lightsaber and Still say THE same thing he sayd To Emporia palptine.


Because he died before he got to Yavin 4


"We're keeper of the peace. Not soldiers".
