Does An Apple A Day REALLY Keep The Doctor Away?

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Is there any truth to this?

Read More:
New evidence for how green tea, apples could protect health
"A new study that adds more to the growing body of evidence that certain compounds found naturally in foods have specific effects that help prevent chronic diseases."

An apple a day keeps the doctor away
"Prescribing an apple a day to all adults aged 50 and over would prevent or delay around 8,500 vascular deaths such as heart attacks and strokes every year in the UK -- similar to giving statins to everyone over 50 years who is not already taking them -- according to a study."

Will an apple a day keep the doctor away?
"It's one of the most recognizable expressions around: 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.' But besides the fact that it rhymes, which makes it fun to say and easy to recall, does it really have any value?"

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who else was eating an apple during the video, i hope i am not the only one


An Apple a day can keep anyone away, if you throw it hard enough


An apple a day keeps the doctor away because apple products are so damn expensive you can't afford a doctor!


An Apple A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away

But If The Doctor's Cute
Forget The Fruit


Doctors : *exist*
Apples: I'm about to end this whole men's career


As soon as this video ended i went to the Kitchen to get an apple ._.


Apples are my favourite fruit.
Also every since I was young I was fortunate enough to eat an apple everyday ( unless we forgot to buy them or special occasions ) actually even till this day ( 16 years old ) my mum always cuts an apple up and gives it first thing in the morning so I can have it for breakfast. It's gotten to the point where I can't go a 3 day without having an apple. And to top it off I am a huge apple fan boy ( guilty is charged )


It surprises me how many more apples are being bought and consumed across
the US since retailers recently began packaging apples in pre-sliced sections.
It is scarey to think that US consumers are apparently either too lazy to slice
apples themselves or they were not able to think of doing this for themselves.
(I'm not sure which is worse.)
I am now 70 yo but still somehow able to slice an apple all by myself !
When I am no longer able to do this, could someone just dig a hole
at the local cemetery and drop me in ?
Delaware County, PA


Smh, I would rather eat some Androids. Good try Dnews.


Great video! I find that apples help my GERD and relieve severe heartburn -and they are much healthier Nexium and antacids!!


Woke up with a terrible headache in the back of my head. Ate a small apple and now it's gone. Guess I was too acidic. Decided to check out if an apple per day really keeps the doctor away and found this. Good stuff.


apples and grapes are my favorite fruits.

could you possibly do a video on wheat please? there's a lot of back and forth on if it's good or bad now with books like Wheat Belly and Grain Brain suggesting that wheat causes brain damage and has a drug like effect on the body. i personally tried to go wheat free, only by the third day i was suffering from full body shaking, severe joint and muscle pain (the kind that feels like being stabbed), headache, nausea, and blurred vision. i looked it up after going to the ER to find that it's called wheat withdrawal.

i chose to try going wheat free because whenever i ate it (mainly oatmeal) i had chest and abdominal pain that was only relieved through peppermint tea and burping.


eating an apple right now. my favorite non exotic fruit!


My favorite fruit are bananas. For multiple.. reasons. .


Grapes, cantaloupe, mangos, and pineapples they are all so good, especially with the warm weather coming. Love fruit


**Watching this video**
Me: I will watch an apple everyday from now on!


Who else is watching this on an apple device?


Cantaloupe! Watermelon, blackberries, grapes, peaches, cherries, apricots all are my favorites. Bananas are good too. I would really like to try starfruit again. Never been big on apples, but they are okay, sometimes good. Tomatoes aren't bad either.


Who remembers the Great ALAR Scare of 1989?
Daminozide — also known as Alar, Kylar, B-NINE, DMASA, SADH, or B 995 — is a plant growth regulator, a chemical sprayed on fruit to regulate their growth, make their harvest easier, and keep apples from falling off the trees before they are ripe.


Wait. Are we just going to gloss over the fact that you said there's a *protein receptor* in the body that *catalyses* the spread of cancer?
