How to Talk to Anyone About Anything

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Talk to anyone in every type of interaction and situation with these communication tips and body language tricks!

Talking to strangers and new people at networking events or business conferences can be hard to navigate. Often times we worry about: where to sit, what to do with our hands, and how to make a good introduction. Don’t be nervous - we’ve got you covered.
In this video, I am going to teach you how to talk to anyone using open body language and your people skills to increase your approachability and memorability. I’ll take you through how to send ‘friend signals’ with your body language and what to do when you first meet someone.  

In this video:
0:00 Intro
1:16 Step 1: The Warm-Up
2:23 Step 2: The Opener
3:06 Step 3: The Handshake
3:40 Step 4: The Intro
4:20 Final Tip: Use Food and Drink
Do you know what cues you are sending to others? Learn how to control and leverage the tiny signals you’re sending – from your stance and facial expressions to your word choice and vocal tone – to improve your personal and professional relationships.
This is our latest bestselling book:
Cues Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication
Read it on Amazon, Audible or wherever books are sold!
Vanessa Van Edwards is Lead Investigator at Science of People — where she unlocks the formulas and patterns behind human behavior for hundreds of thousands of students in over 200 countries. She is the national bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding With People, available in 14 languages around the world. Her work has been featured on CNN, NPR, BBC, Fast Company and dozens more.

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Want more details on how to talk to strangers?


Just tell them you like them, they'll say 'Can we just stay friends?' Boom new friend


Talking to strangers is one of the best skills to have early in life. The sooner it's mastered in early adulthood, the further ahead you will be than everyone else in life


Best pick up line: "How You DOing" - Joey Tribianni


usually i try to think " what would i want a stranger to say to me?" before i approach a stranger lol . I honestly think breaking the ice takes practice, but once you're good its not too hard.


1. Avoid sending foe signals- crossed arms, closing the chest, no gazing, flitting gazes, turtling your shoulders, lowering your neck to your phone, hidden hands behind bags, in pockets or beneath tables.
2. Send friend signals- open chest, open torso, shoulders back and down, loose arms while walking, direct eye upon approach and keeping it 60-70% of the conversation, smile.
3. Use "hey, how are you?" with your name as an opening line. This is effective because of its simplicity.
4. Shake their hand firmly.
5. Build rapport by saying who you are and how you arrived. Start a conversation.
6. Sit at the bar and use food as an opener.
Note: I've added things from other Vanessa videos, podcasts I found fit for this topic


My dear people, you can do it!! It's not so hard!! Just say hi, introduce yourself, you can say anything, it is not so important what you say, be simple.. But you need to practice and your fear will disappear! I had also social anxiety... Every one of us is unique and great! We are all humans, and it's normal we have fears.


I have been in sales for over 40 years. Usually you can tell if someone is receptive to verbal contact through non verbal communication. The list is endless . . . confidence and a friendly approach are key to opening the door ! I'm a big guy with a presence, which in certain situations, find it less intimidating to withhold the handshake . . . Just my thoughts from many past experiences.


me: hey how are you-
them: do i know you?
me: ....


I have used both strategies but now use "How is your day going" with certain people just based on instinct vs "How are you today" because it can be overused and often taken as insincere since we don't know the person. I find asking how their day is going and controlling the conversation, humor can be used to really break the ice and if done wrong can come across as being negative. For example at a Convention people are tense and nervous so after their response, they ask how is my day going so it opens up as "As good as we can be being thrown into a crowd of people we don't know right?" and then chuckle. Most people just let out a huge sigh of relief knowing they are not the only one feeling that way and it becomes an instant ice breaker and opening the person up because you establish instant rapport. Anyway, food for thought!


Thank you so much for sharing us your knowledge! Since I was a kid I found really hard to make friends or even, talk to others! I was believing that I was shy but the reality is that nobody taught me how to talk to anyone. Thank you


I'm so shy at talking to new people because usually when I do they brush me off, or when a conversation goes good, they act like they don't know me the next's really exhausting and disheartening, so I just gave up on approaching people and now I have no friends.


My Granfather taught me ‘there is no such thing as stranger, just a friend you have still to meet’.
Thank you Paddy Gallagher from Bundoran County Donegal. ☘️🇨🇮


I cannot stop listening to you, due to your energy which one comes into inside my open heart. Thanks


As someone with Asperger's, and been brought up by very unsociable Asperger's parents, I am very excited to have discovered this site, and am so impressed!


Great tips! Love talking to strangers - after practising and practising, and some more practice. eventually you reach a state when you just fin people so interesting since you know there are so many great stories to be found :)


You are such a charismatic girl.. Really like your Way of talking 😊


Thank you so much. I'm so blessed to find you on YouTube. I have horrible social skills. it's hard for me to make eye contact not because of lack of confidence or hidding something. I don't think at least. I keep my arms cross because I smell like B.O. because I get nervous around crowds. I really would like to learn to use hand gestures.


I get anxiety sometimes, and when I do I watch your videos and read your content and it helps thanks Vanessa1


Me: Hi, what a funny coincidence we meet here!
Stranger: Do I know you?
Me: No, that's why it's a coincidence. What's your name?
