Effective Listening Skills

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FREE 7 Instant Tips for Confident & Composed Public Speaking

The overall lesson is this. Good listeners give feedback. That's a major active listening tip.

1. Give nonverbal feedback
2. Give verbal feedback
3. Listen to the big picture
4. Stay focused on them--them and their topic
5. Take concise talking turns
6. Take action and follow up

See Alex's Classes at the Communication Coach Academy:

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1. Use nonverbal cues to show others you are listening.
2. Use verbal cues
3. Llsten for ideas, not details.
4. Stay on the person and the topic you are listening to.
5. Be concise in your speech when opportunity is given.
6. Take action and follow up the contents you have listened.


I liked the ending with a few "Bloopers". It helps to see that even the professional has to practice or do things over. One of my main barriers in listening was probably being too focused on details.


I’m in a relationship with this woman I truly feel like is the one for me, our bond truly is special. After 6 months of being together, one thing that’s really been causing issues with our relationship is she hates repeating herself understandably. She feels like I’m not listening to the details in what she tells me and it shows when I ask a clarification question hours, days or weeks after the conversation. Sometimes it can be difficult when she tells me something and she and we’re at a beautiful sunset or I’m driving or out in a crowded place or with our friends as I’ll get distracted and sometimes quite. I am definitely a quite reserved person who finds comfort in complete clarity so I’ve struggled with not asking dumb questions and putting the pieces together as she would say when the story/information gives the pieces to put it all together but I try to communicate well with her by asking questions that end up frustrating her. Thank you for your videos, I subscribed to this amazing content!


I had an argument with a guy I just met about active listening. He thought that interrupting my story and telling something he related to in that story was part of “good conversation”. I tried to explain to him that he completely took over my story to tell his own. He believes that you shouldn’t have to wait till someone’s done speaking to say what you want to say as long as it goes back to that conversation, however when I tried to tell my story again I never finished it because he continued to interject based on his relation to it. He tried to tell me that I never got my story out because I never interrupted him, but that’s not how I have conversations. I like to listen without interrupting. Although him and I are not close I may show him this video to give him some insight.


What I'm really taking away from this video is that concept of letting the other person know "I am listening". I have struggled much with not being anxious about catch-up calls with people I want to continue building my friendship with and Coach Alex's channel is really helping me work on concrete steps to learn how to converse well.


I've always said to keep Communication open. Throw out the rule, treat others as you want to be treated.

If you really want someone to listen to you, treat them as they want to be treated.

I was in the Marine Corps for 6 years. The way I can talk to people and be talked to and my threshold for tolerance in that is a lot higher than the overwhelming majority of people.

If I went around treating everybody as I wanted to be treated, I wouldn't be doing it offensively but most people would understandably be offended.

I prefer blunt openness and directness over any kind of tactfulness that is not necessary.

But I recognize that I'm not most people, so if I want them to actively listen to what I'm saying I need to present it in a way that is not not offensive, intrusive, or that makes people uncomfortable.


Being able to stay with negative emotions and feelings has been such a huge lesson for me, instead of going straight to trying to make them feel better out of fear of people feeling bad. I talk about this in my latest video, but it's seriously something so important that I've learned through counselling training.


Great tips on how to be a good listener, I agree that showing people you care and not butting in and also following up on the last conversation is always a wonderful way to show someone you actually cared about what they had to say


Actually active listening makes your client more comfortable and feels accepted


Thank you, are helping me become a better communicator. 🌷
You are a gift given. 🎁


This interesting I think lots of people should learn this communication skills because it can be helpful. Talking is good but also listening is good too, without having misunderstandings that would be great.

Do you know it can be so helpful with friendship or relationship family school co-work, neighbor whoever you talk too in day or night.

It might take practice to work on it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

If a man and women have this skills it would be helpful. 🤗🙂


Thank you for That follow up tip. It's a nice gesture towards the speaker.


I noticed I can be pretty good about sending positive feedback while someone is talking but I tend to slip up when it comes to my talking point, I’ll go on and on sometimes and I can totally feel it when it’s happening but it’s like sometimes I just can’t help myself! I want to be less focused inward and really tune into what is on other people’s mind. I already know what’s in my head there’s no reason for me to go on about it to others lol


Not many people have listening skills. I admire good listeners. I need some training to really improve my listening skills. Thanks so much. This was great.


I have to do better keeping the conversation on them.... I tend to make it about me


Your videos help me to become a better communicator and listener at the same time! Thank you for creating them!


Great strategies to elevate the end result of the conversation.


1:11 1. Give nonverbal feedback
1:53 2. Give verbal feedback
2:23 3. Listen for the big picture
3:09 4. Keep the conversation on them
3:38 5. Take concise talking turns
4:13 6. Take action and follow up


Thanks. Very effective, I must say your instructing is. My listening would be off towards the middle of the speaking but im working on it..


Yes!!! This is amazing. Been putting this into practice. Feels amazing!
