Empathetic Listening Skills

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Empathetic listening skills help you communicate that you are putting yourself in the speaker's shoes to connect with their emotions, and attempting to feel what they are feeling.

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Communication Coach, this channel, helps rising leaders like you increase your impact and lead your teams with more excellence. The channel focuses on communication skills for leaders, presentation skills, group and team skills, and conversation skills. If you're looking for self-paced communication skills training, this is the channel for you.
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50 years ago I was at my first AA conference. A man stopped at my table and looked at me and ask if he could sit down? I said yes and I unloaded on this stranger for probably 10 minutes. I have never forgotten it! I have never before or since felt so listened to. He made a difference. This Aug will be 50 years since I had a drink. The best years of my life.


I have a lot of health issues so I see a lot of doctors. I know they don’t have tons of time and I’ve gotten used to explaining why I’m there quickly and concisely, even then they may not really hear me. Then I got a new RA doctor. She came into the room, sat down, and proceeded to listen to me! I’ve never felt so heard in my life! I positively love her!


I have been on a quest to listen well for decades. It started when I was a teen and discovered how one single person opened up and sort of bloomed as I listened to him, then acknowledged some thing's that were said. As he continued to speak I made follow up q about his experience.
The response was so positive I wanted to do it again and again. The upside was, I thoroughly enjoyed.

Being genuinely interested is key.


Alex, every time I had the opportunity to talk with you, you practice what you preach. I greatly admire this from both you and your wife. I miss you guys. Keep up the great work! Mark


I teach teenagers about the Bible, critical thinking, etc., and frequently I will search for a YT video that introduces or elaborates on an idea. Finding good ones, especially those that will appeal to teens, is a challenge. One thing I look for is a speaker who has a winsome personality. Someone whose presentation is easily understood and appealing. Today, I've listened to two of your videos, and I'm happy to add you to my list of favorites. Thank you.


I had a mentor named Angel who was an amazing listener. He never interrupted and always asked me follow up questions. I felt empowered and supported because he gave me space and time to express myself


Thank you for sharing your empathetic listening skills, I appreciate your presentation style. I will incorporate these three techniques into my interactions with others. I worked for 32 years as a problem solver, need to refocus on empathic listening and not solving issues. Sometimes it’s tough.


This is very helpful! Thank you, Alex! Yes, when someone really listens to me I feel affirmed and understood (we see eye to eye), and I find myself talking more than I wanted to.


OMG. You are so amazing at teaching. I learned so much in this video and I know it will help all my relationships. Your son is so lucky to have such a caring & attentive & understanding dad like you


Decision: Iam an active listener ❤️
The first rule of my speaking is: listen!
"I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening"- Larry king


Thanks for uploading these videos as someone who is autistic and struggles in talking with people this helps me understand more about communication.


This is so helpful, thank you for sharing.
In answer to your question, I remember when I was young and I had an adult really listen to me, at first I was not sure what was happening and then when this person remembered what I had said and asked me about it, it was just the best feeling ever. To this day, that individual is my favourite human being and it had everything to do with the fact that she listened to me, she asked questions, gave me options to consider and let me talk it out. I’m here listening to you now because I would like to be able to be that person for someone else, to pass on that feeling that helped me more than I can ever explain.


Thank you for sharing this! Yes, I must say that I really appreciate when someone is active listening to me, but unfortunately I'm not always good at it myself, as I'm unfortunately a talkative person. 😌 My hope is to become a better listener, and learn to be more quiet 🤐.


my boyfriend is the person that always listens to understand. he is absolutely the best, and because of him i want to get better at my empathic listening skills :)


Man I just want to say thank you, your videos have helped me tremendously. Enough so, that my boss has noticed and made comment of it. He told me that he really appreciated me taking the time to sharpen my communication skills. Not many people do or are aware they need Improvement in that area. My conversations have gotten clear and more productive, I can't say thank you enough. But I'll say it one more time, thank you!


I definitely agree. Thanks for another great video. I'm learning a lot. It's a blessing for me to get to watch your videos. They have saved me on two very important meetings and now becoming more social.


Yep, my friend and brother in Christ, Kwazi. He's a really good listener. I can talk to him about almost anything.


Such great tips Alex! Much appreciated! You're amazing in EVERYTHING you present. Thank YOU.


It’s been recently revealed that my wife had endured a lot of childhood and adolescence abuse from her parents. I certainly need to be more empathetic given these revelations as we work through them and how they are effecting her.


I almost forgot how it feels to be listened and feel real human connection until a semi random guy at work showed real listening. I woke up and got up looking for empathy again. Nice to be human once again!
