6 Signs That He's Into You | Use These Secrets to Decode His Body Language
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You're far from alone if you have trouble reading a man, but the truth is:
The body language of men is really not that complicated.
But if you're like most women, you completely overthink the signs a man is attracted to you sexually and don't even know how to read that he's even interested in you at all. Ladies, men are not trying to be cryptic with their body language! It's all a matter of knowing what to look for and how to interpret it.
I'm going to be walking through a few different signals a man might throw on a date, and explain the body language of men so you can read them.
You're welcome (in advance).
Your Coach,
Body Language of Men #1: He Tilts His Head
To understand the body language of men, start listening!
If a man tilts his head when he meets you, it is very likely that he is attracted to you. There's warmth in a head tilt.
What to Do Back: If he's tilting his head at you, make sure your own body language indicates interest. Lean in when he talks, and make lots of eye contact.
Body Language of Men #2: He Fidgets
If he fidgets, he's totally into you.
You've probably noticed that a lot of times when you were on a first date: the man kept fidgeting. And it might have been a turn-off to you because you thought it showed a lack of confidence.
But here's something I'd like you to acknowledge: having the courage to step up and talk to you or ask you out takes a lot of courage.
What to Do Back: Try this and see if his fidgeting diminishes: compliment him. It'll boost his confidence a bit and he might feel more relaxed. Then the nice thing is: once a guy feels confident around you, you're going to get to know the real him even faster, not that Nervous Nellie who is crazily tapping his foot against the table.
Body Language of Men #3: He Touches You
Where he touches you communicates different things.
If he's touching your shoulder or your lower back, he's giving you signs that he's attracted to you sexually, that he's seeing where this could potentially go.
What to Do Back: If he touches your back, lean into it to communicate that you are receptive to his touch. Reciprocate the touch sometime during the date. Put your flat palms on his upper chest or touch his neck.
Body Language of Men #4: He Holds a Hug a Long Time
The longer the hug, the more he's into you.
If he's really holding on, he's taking that time for your bodies and your energy to connect with one another.
So let that guy hug you long and hard!
What to Do Back: Hug back! But realize a hug is not a hug is not a hug. Don't hug like a limp fish. Embrace his back firmly and warmly. Maybe snuggle into that space between his shoulder and neck. Let him break away first.
Body Language of Men #5: He Touches His Face
He wants to make sure he looks good for you!
What to Do Back: Try flashing your wrists! Sounds crazy, but holding your wrists toward him indicates your own sexual interest. Why? Perhaps because way back before Daisy Dukes shorts women were covered head to toe in clothing...except their wrists (and ankles), so it was the only skin they could expose.
Body Language of Men #6: He's Constantly Smiling
He's smiling because he likes you!
The easiest body language of men to interpret is a smile.
Humans smile when they're interested, when they're happy when they're engaged.
So if he's constantly smiling when he's with you, that's a big SCORE.
What to Do Back: One of the best things that you can do to attract an amazing man is to smile at him. I call it smocking, smiling while talking. You may need to check in to make sure you're smiling at him, especially if his blue eyes are dazzling you and making you forget to smile.
There you have it: 6 ways to read people and interpret the body language of men. These subtle nonverbal communication signs give you an indication of when you should keep talking to a guy (because he's interested) or when you should move on (he's not feeling it).
What signs has a man given that you didn't know how to interpret? Leave a comment below and I'll decipher it for you!