The Best Ab Exercises for a Powerful & Athletic Core

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This post explores 18 of the best ab exercises for core strength, stability, and injury prevention. A powerful core is necessary for explosive and athletic movements throughout the body. It also helps to provide spinal stiffness, which is absolutely necessary to prevent injury.
Simply: training with sit-ups and plank is not enough (and depending on who you ask, may even be counterproductive). We need to address strength endurance in the mid-section, along with rotational strength, anti-flexion, and much more. These are the best ab exercises if you want to develop real power in the core for throwing punches, lifting weights, and moving gracefully. And, as an added bonus, they'll give you a ripped-looking six-pack too!

What are your best ab exercises? Let me know down below! And thanks again for watching team :-D

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0:15 *Mom why is there a shirtless man doing sprints on our street?*
*Don't look at him Timmy, he might grab you to add resistance to his training*


Man.. the Bioneer is so underrated .. I don’t remember how I found this channel but I’m so glad I did.


Loaded carry is the ultimate dad exercise.
"no love we will not make 2 trips to the car I will carry it all now"


•Medicine ball throw
(Ballistic power against resistance w/rotation, explosiveness, endurance)
•Cable punch outs
(Rotation with resistance coming from behind you)
•1armed cable row with rotation
( core stability and grounding self)
•Hollow body holds
(Contract and compression your abs)
•dragon flag
•ab rollout
(Prevent sagging, hip flexor involvement, great ab contraction)
•lallane pushup
•lizard crawl
(Ridgity, rotation improved hip mobility and endurance)
(Greater awareness, anti extension)
•one armed shoulder press
•loaded carries
(Strength endurance)
•quasi isometric pushup
(Solid core, strength endurance
•front/goblet squat
(Strength endurance, stability, injury prevention from flexion)
•medicine ball slam
(Fuller range of motion +hypertrophy)
•leg raises&frog kicks
(Resistance for the abs)
•l-sit/v-sit flutters
(Strength endurance, proper breathing, thick powerful core)
•pike pulses
(Compressive Strength and mobility)


Little correction guys - that should be manna and not Maltese at the end there! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Also the lower back hasn’t been forgotten - I’m making a video shortly on back strength and mobility so I’ll be talking about that there. That’s why this is a list of “ab” exercises - but yo do have the goblet squat in there which is a useful isometric move for strengthening the lower back.


you're my favorite fitness youtuber. i love how you're going for more of a "functional" style of training instead of "just for the looks".


me how do i train abs
the bioneer : yes


My abs developed abs just watching this


just saying you have the most well rounded level of strength that i've ever seen, personally i only stick to calisthenics for a multitude of reasons, but you have a very broad knowledge of fitness and overall strength. i'm very impressed mate, keep it up, great videos too btw


You know what I love about your videos? That you're not afraid of showing yourself shaking as hell when executing the exercises, it makes a great thing for the mind of the viewer because "hey if this guy shakes as hell, I can shake too!"


Core strength is so crucial to injury prevention and any kind of athleticism. I really enjoy how you focus on it and make it about more than just gimmicky "six pack" workouts. Great work, as always, Adam!


You ever thought of training BJJ? It would be cool to see how u would apply your techniques and develop things to show us.


I think handstands are definitely an underrated core exercise. I find they work my lower back like nothing else.


Your content is great, I am 15 and attempting to break Bruce Lee's records and I am using your information mostly cause it focuses on strength and power aside hypertrophy


In this video (around 8 minutes) you mention training the ability to breathe through a braced core. Just wanted to express that I'd love more content on that. I'm into swimming and find that with certain swimming activities (such as dolphin kicks) and core exercises (such as planks) that I struggle to breathe correctly at the same time as doing exercise that is challenging for my abdominal muscles, which makes it complicated to build up stamina.

I struggle to get good advice on this because people who might be able to give me advice can't understand what I'm talking about and think I'm using the wrong muscles (physiotherapists, swimming teachers, fitness instructors). It's hard to be sure if I'm just using the wrong muscles, I have an underlying medical condition that makes this happen with lots of movements, but I think they just don't know what I'm trying to ask them about and I don't know how to express it. I'd love more general information about breathing while doing intense exercise.


Love it. No monkeying around. Just tons of information. Without 25-30 minutes of my day. Which of course could be better spent, you know, training.


No frills, no gimmicks, just practical, usable training knowledge, with some very cool variations of exercises I certainly didn't know about - keep it up and don't change what you're doing! 💪


Woah I watched this video and said "hell yeah!". This is a solid workout!


You are SERIOUSLY one of my favorite youtubers of all time. And definitely in the top 2 of fitness youtubers


Just a tip for when your on the bag
Raise your hands a bit higher and after you throw a puch dont drop your fist and bring it back instead make a straight line back A to B and B to A

It is more tiring but it works you more and is much more efficient and limits the possibility to counter after you throw a punch

P.s love your progress !
